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NWM (Network Widening Mod) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, May 03, 2007, 08:47:23 PM

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Only now I realized the mistake that I did. I am ashamed! A bomb it is a "self-destruct" armament. I'm so dumb!   &ops

I forgot to thank you guys, you were explaining with so much patience with me, that I'm really impressed. I love everything that you've been doing, all time that you spent testing around with a game that has a an outdated engineering, notwithstanding, it's even better, with your work.

Thanks, Louis.


I am just missing two parts of the geniously good new NWM:

a part with arrows: left and straight ahead - through right:


This is a RHW-3 piece no a NWM one. :-[
And in this situation the piece are, on left, Straight and, on right, a curved arrow and already exist. :o
My creation at CityBuilders.

SimCity 5 is here with the NAM Creations!!


Ok, a RHW 3  ::)

Hmmm, I dont find it thats why I ask


Isnt the piece with the two arrows a tulip piece ?
~ NAM Team Member


I've looked all over and can't find anything confirming or denying this.  When working with the three-lane avenues, the TLA-7 specifically, is it possible to drag a 90-degree or 45-degree turn on them?  If that isn't implemented yet, is there a lessor road that I could easily transition to to do that?


My creation at CityBuilders.

SimCity 5 is here with the NAM Creations!!


I just noticed the date on the video.  Thanks for doing that for me.



Diagonal AVE 6/7 is possible; but, one cannot develop or grow anything along the diagonal AVE 6/7.  What a shame not to mention is adds some funky sidewalk that is over done. 

I try to avoid diagonal AVE 6/7 due to this reason and would use RHW 6C instead as it looks better given the capabilities and use-abilities at this moment.



Hello NAM team! It's me again...  :-[

I have a different problem this time, with the NRD-4 (I think it is called).

Here is the second closest zoom:

All's well.

But if you zoom out further it looks like this:

Only the first two zoom levels display accurately. The rest have the two textures swapped.

Does anyone else have this problem?  ()what()
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I've just fixed it in our database. For the time being, use the draggable transition, which works correctly. Simply drag two Road end stubs against each other without connecting them.


Oh wow! I just learned something new, and it works perfectly! Thanks! And thanks for the speedy response! ;D
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Were these networks planned for a future inclusion? i.e. NAM 34?


I believe no new networks will be added to the NWM in the foreseeable future. The crosslinking involved makes even one network addition almost prohibitively large, and the switch to FLEX-based networks is currently taking priority. The only way I can foresee some of those textures being used is in future TuLEP expansions, which are also being rethought and may take some time to surface as well (unfortunately).

A similar reason has been given for the indefinite postponement of the RHW-12S and 10C networks; the crosslinking would make the size of the controller unbearably large with limited additional functionality.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


That being said, the TLA9 was definitely planned, at some point. There are even textures for it in the NWM files. I do also see some usefulness in the ARD5, but if any of these networks ever gets included is still written in the stars.


AVE-8/TLA-9's assets are still in the NWM, but the code to use them isn't. It was removed in the final pre-release version of NAM30.

As of the others, ARD-5 is already possible (Use half of a RD-4 and half of an RD-6) but the texture elements (Pedestrian crossings, grease marks) don't always line up.

Some people may find TLA-4 useful, but there's no allocation for the single-lane side.

I don't see much use for an ARD-4, except on approach to TuLEPs. It'd be better handled as puzzle pieces in that instance.

None of the above networks are planned to be implemented in any capacity more than they already are.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


I actually had bigger plans for the ARD-4 at one point, as there's actually one in Portland--SE Morrison Street.  Oddly enough, the side with all the lanes actually adds a right turn lane at the intersection with Grand Avenue.  But we're still drowning in crosslinks.  The last thing we need right now is more networks, and we have enough on our plate just trying to get the networks we do have into a base feature set.  The TLA-9 and AVE-8 are dead in the water.  Because we have 13 NWM networks with which to contend, if we fully build out all the possible intersections involving diagonals, we're going to need to make somewhere around 2000 intersections.  The textures are actually the easy part (we can procedurally generate them).  It's the pathing that's the killer (at-grade intersections that involve turns = lots of individual path stanzas).



If it's just a matter of putting in co-ords into the sc4 path creator 100's of times I am happy to help - school holidays = lots and lots of time :)


I would like to see ave-6 T-intersection, it's ugly to convert it to maxis-ave to make a T-intersection for it :<