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Show us your... Computer Desktop

Started by Shadow Assassin, May 04, 2007, 04:11:45 AM

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<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l68/msmith1991/desktop.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

this is my current desktop


Here's mine:

Click the image for full size :)

I am a minimalist! :P
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M4346, this is an interesting desk, because I like the green of the nature...

                      Here is mine:



I've got a new one here...

This'll probably change very soon...it's just temporary for now.
(Under Construction)


I've also changed mine to this picture few minutes ago


OMG, Bengt where was this picture taken?    That is hysterical.   


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


Seeing as how everyone is posting theres at full resolution, I'll do the same :)

Felix just trotting about.........

~ NAM Team Member


And what do you think you're doing looking at my signature?


Time for another one of mine i guess ^__^, this time its Sayuri & Mai from Kanon... Hexagnonalized because of the poor quality of the picture i used to make it, i also had to manually cut out the entire background XD

Click the Picture for a larger image.



Taken by me at La Défense


Mice pics one and all &apls &apls

Wikked Duck in the harbour Bengt made me chuckle it did :thumbsup:

kitsune: Oh felix Bad cat $%Grinno$% Good pic of it though

willy88: Superb pic of the shuttle :thumbsup:

Xiziz: sounds like a lotta hard work there $%Grinno$%

Antoine: Nice skills you've shown there  &apls &apls
Excellent composition of the picture nice line to draw the eye in in my opinion.
You should show this to Colyn for critique, But i like it a lot :thumbsup:
how about showing it without the shotcuts?

Ok Changed my desktop not long ago. i find it pretty relaxing and my mind wanders down the road
whilst having a cuppa :D.


Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II



the link for the original photo ;) I give you a link because it's a big photo lol


So maybe I took the desktop idea just a little too far...                     




Nice Desktop Chris just wonder about that pocket knife.  :D


Click for a 1650x1080 size picture.

I fell in love with this picture the first time I saw it, it's moody and perfect.  ;)


Heh, don't go saying anything bad about my pocket knife, that's my favorite knife ;D.

That's an awesome picture by the way, really crisp.


The way you placed it before taking the picture made me asume you wanted it to be noticed.  ;)
Wich brings me to the calculator, it tells me that everything in that picture is placed on purpose.  ;D
The alarm clock is not plugged in and the lamp-shed [dunno if that's correct] is crooked.
There's a lot to tell about you in that pic, if only I had payed more attention in psychology class I would be able to tell.  :D

On a more serious note, the pic is Chicago [downtown] at night.
Didn't take it myself but I like the mood it captures and some of the buildings remind me of SC4.  :)


lol, well I'm not that good at psychology either, but to be honest, didn't place a single thing intentionally.  It was just kinda how it was at the moment.  Guess I'm lucky it wasn't all that cluttered at the time ::).

Guess it does say a few things about me if you look close enough, but I'll leave that up to others to decifer ;).



  I love it.    I always wanted to have a pic of my desktop like that.    People will always look at it and be amazed.


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


i like my desktop dark nut interesting :P (and viewable unlike some peoples lol) (oh and notice i changed the sim city 4
icon to something a bit more pleasing than some blue streaks that rush games :P)

though i do use this one some times it looks very nice lol :P
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