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Started by noahclem, December 07, 2010, 06:41:52 PM

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Very realistic and awesome teaser Noah  &apls


Those are really nice snow scenes Noah. I also liked the RL pics.




Thank you everyone!

I've been trying to hold out for a full update to honor the occasion but it just doesn't seem to want to happen quick enough. A ski resort update has been the operating plan. Development on my newest municipality, Tunturikyla, has been ongoing but time-consuming. So much time on trees!

Besides the amount of time spent just placing vast forests of Girafe's conifers I've been plagued by problems with transparent lots, accidentally placing non-seasonal trees, and laying the connections & infrastructure of the area. Besides the new tile, I've been sidetracked by developing the strip of neighboring Pohjanmaa municipality between Tunturikyla and the Siilijoki Estuary. I can tell you that a lot of exciting stuff has been created already but not to a complete enough stage for a full update. The seeds of several updates are coming along nicely (and even more counting work back in Igelstadt) but nothing is yet bearing mature fruit.


For now you and I will have to content yourselves with the release of another picture planned for the full ski resort update, along with personal replies.

Here you can see the parking lot to one of the side entrances/lifts to the ski resort:

Quote from: Dantes on January 10, 2012, 10:48:58 AM
Fantastic Teaser.  :thumbsup: I wish a ski adventure by james bond  ;D
Thanks buddy, I'll have to see what I can figure out for an action scene on the ski slope!

Quote from: Gringamuyloca on January 10, 2012, 02:13:17 PM
I've been hoping someone would drop the snow mod into their Plugin folder.  :thumbsup:

Lucky us - it's you!  ;D

Can't wait to see your 'take'... this past year and 20 pages have been a joy to savour!  :satisfied:

Best wishes and looking forward to another year of great MDing.
Thank you so much and welcome to Siilijoki! I'll do my best not to disappoint with the snow work and hope to provide some fun surprises  ;)  I'm really glad you've enjoyed the rest of my MD, I appreciate your wishes for my next year, and hope you continue to enjoy visiting here!

Quote from: art128 on January 10, 2012, 02:18:50 PM
Hehehe, transparent lots are always a headache for me too.... :D

Nice picture, Noah. Good use of the ski lift and the trees.
Haha, tell me about it! I'm always terrified to save the game because then I can't take pictures anymore--not to mention the region view will never look right  &mmm  Glad you like the ski lift and trees and hope you enjoy the upcoming work  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Gugu3 on January 11, 2012, 08:14:35 AM
Very nice!!!looks like real! &apls
Thanks man, glad you like it! I agree that it looks real, though it's a very simple picture and almost all the credit should go to the creators of the trees, ski lifts, and the terrain mod.

Quote from: Kergelen on January 12, 2012, 02:09:35 PM
These snowed pictures have a special atmosphere. I like them.  &apls
I'm looking forward to see the skiing resort.

That last New Year I have been in Lithuania and I tried for the first time in my life, bathing in a frozen lake surrounded by snow after the sauna. You feel really well! In my country I can't do that  :)
Thanks for the nice compliment and I hope you enjoy the ski resort whenever I finally can get a full update I'm happy with ready!

Nice to hear about your experience in Lithuania. I never thought I would swim in a frozen lake but I agree that it is an amazing feeling  :o  I look forward to doing it again!

Quote from: Framly on January 12, 2012, 02:12:29 PM

Cold outside :)

The last picture is inconspicuous - but very beautiful - you can feel the silence :thumbsup:
Hehe, yeah it's getting a bit cold around this MD  :D  I'm really glad you like the picture there. Even though it's not very complicated and almost all the beauty comes from the work of the people creating the snow, trees, and ski lifts in it I think it's one of the most beautiful pictures I've ever made.

Quote from: Battlecat on January 16, 2012, 09:27:16 AM
Nice job on the snow scenes! 
Thanks a lot Gordon! It's been fun to take a break from normal SC4 stuff and do something a bit different. Always nice to have you around here!

Quote from: Yan077 on January 16, 2012, 10:36:34 AM
Very realistic and awesome teaser Noah  &apls
Thank you very much!! And a special thanks for being reply number 400  :party:

Quote from: zzsteven on January 18, 2012, 01:53:52 PM
Those are really nice snow scenes Noah. I also liked the RL pics.

Thanks's a lot! Playing in the snow has been fun both in real life and SC4  ;D   I was just finishing up this Teaser & Replies and was pleasantly surprised to get to reply to another comment  :thumbsup:


*yay* A new snow Teaser  :) 400 comments ? Congrulations to you  :thumbsup:


Awesome pic and congrats on your 400 reply milestone.

Robin &apls
Call me Robin, please.


wow, what an awesome MD :D I should have seen this before.... just wow :o
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Congrats on 400+ replies! &apls &apls &apls (93 left for 500...)
Also nice work on the car park.



Beautiful teaser, I hope to see more my friend  :thumbsup:

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Love your work about snow theme Noah , :thumbsup:  there's still not that much custom content for that so that's rather hard and generally there's always a "green something" wrong . ::) Paradoxically , most of details ( props ) should be hidden under the snow so it would be not that much complicated for BATers to serve that cause ; simply a snow covered roof version of their buildings we could select ... our community is finally not enough imaginative ( nor organised ) !  $%Grinno$% Too bad ... Hope to see more pictures like these , so beautiful despite ( and also due to ) their simplicity .

&apls &apls &apls


°   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °


Here is an MD that never seizes to amaze us all and this is why it gives me great pleasure to move it to the OSITM section this month.  I'm sure we all will have a great time following Noah.

Congratulations from The SC4D Staff!!! &apls
Call me Robin, please.


I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Congratulations on your second visit to OSITM!   &apls &apls

It's well deserved and I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned. 


Congrats for the well earned OSITM!
The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here


Congratulations, Noah. OSITM (x2) is a fitting reward for a consistently-outstanding MD created by a very special person. :)


Congrats on the second OSITM, Noah &apls

Well deserved :)

-klick-1st Anniversary Video-klick-
Part of SFBT and RFR Team


It seems I missed some great pictures! Congratulations on this OSITM! Very well deserved!

- rambuckel
Angels can fly because they don't take themselves too serious!


Welcome to what I hope will be an exceptional month for Siilijoki!

I can't start without thanking you, the reader. Having recently read through my own MD I am truly honored to have such great people saying such great things--I consider myself extremely fortunate and I will endeavor to keep your interest piqued!

Siilijoki is a story about trying to play as many styles of our game as is reasonably possible to the best level that I'm reasonably capable of playing it. It's about learning and sharing and in the lingo of my old profession (waterskiing ::) ), progressing. It's been an honor to learn and share with you all and so without further ado I'll begin presenting:

For my second OSITM I'll be presenting a variety of areas and styles. A bit of time under pressure is likely to get me to work on some things I've been procrastinating on and there's a pretty good chance that if I've mentioned plans to go somewhere or do something months ago in my MD we will be going there and doing that.

This first installment features a new municipality (tile) never before published or mentioned outside of region views (at one point edited out due to their containing the formerly diabolically secret diagonal bridge technology).

Welcome to North Siilijoki!


Strong transport links connect North Siilijoki to the urban center of the region, including RHW-10 and a major rail connection. The result is a high-density, mostly bedroom community. These morning commuters are actually from even further away:


North Siilijoki contains very high hills quite close to the Siilijoki itself (Hedgehog River) so this area is dominated by them as well as the mainline transport routes. Here you can catch a view from midway up the mountain all the way to the sea:


Along the estuary there are nice beaches and boating opportunities:


And it probably wouldn't be Siilijoki if you couldn't catch a view at night ;)


Finally we'll go right up along the border with Siilijoki Proper:


Much more to come  :party:

*Including personal replies!!


I love it Noah. 20.5 in particular is a nicely constructed shot. The blend of the tall building in the foreground, with the 45 degree row behind it, with the gradually arching curved road, the effect is very geometric in a way, gradually going from veritical toward horizontal. Not sure if that was the idea for the picture, but I like how it turned out either way. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the month. Sure it's going to be a good one.