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Started by rahulshenoy07, February 25, 2011, 03:50:25 AM

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OMG..my dream city just got royally screwed..i would really be indebted to any help whatsoever..
         my city has around 300,000 people still growing..its a huge city with lots of undeveloped tracts..got a lot of the plugin files from this site and simtropolis.....oh btw there are NO industrial area..just commercial and residential......but for some reason my garbage,air/water pollution just shoot up for no apparent reason,,and the rise is not gradual..its SUDDEN.like a bug or something..and no amount of parks,water filters,pollution ionisers help..plz help me..this is serious and causing me deep sadness...


I had this problem too ()sad()

My problem was by an grownable apartment building. When this structure demolished or upgraded, massive pollution appears. To solve your problem, remove your plugins and check them one by one.
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


omg im so glad im not alone..if u help me sort this problem ill owe u BIG...ok so u want me to first remove all the plugins...and then put them back one by one...do i demolish before i remove the plugin...i have around 185 plugins...this is gonna take time..which one was responsible for u??


I think -You have some cheat lots in Your city with terrible pollutions...
You can try find some wild lots created by unknown peoples, not BSC, JRJ, Onlyplace4,Pegasus,TSC,-etc. and test its with Ilive Reader or SC4Tool.   
May be You have some objects from "Download" section of official SC4 Maxis site ?
I had some problems with it in 2005 - simple RES$ House 1x1 with 200 points of Air Pollutions.   


Did you download something from Simtropolis that drastically reduces garbage, air and water pollution?
There have been problems with several such mods before, where the pollution levels have been reduced so much,
that due to a numerical overflow the values flip over from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647.
Unfortunately, once that's happened there isn't really any way of correcting the situation.


well i did download a pollution ionizer..which "apparently"decreases air/water/ poll by upto 90 percent...then there is a garbage chute which dumps it over ur city boundary...and then the recycler...which takes in huge anounts of garbage...plz suggest a way to rectify this..i wld be greatful


Quoteok so u want me to first remove all the plugins...and then put them back one by one...do i demolish before i remove the plugin...i have around 185 plugins...this is gonna take time..

This is the best reason of why testing the new plugins is a very good idea. Create a "test drive" region and build new cities with the new stuff you download. No need to remove the buildings from your loaded cities. Plopaple buildings are very easy to test them. Build them one by one and them demolish them. You can also let them go, to see any other possible problem. Grownable buildings testing is more difficult and time consuming, but don't give up.

Quotewhich one was responsible for u??

A grownable SimMars building from Simtropolis, that i relot it to make it fit better in my Terran cities. The website is down right now, so i can't place a link yet.
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


Quote from: cocokwok on February 25, 2011, 07:07:24 PM
handbags wholesale, gucci purses wholesale, keep all 60

@ Cocokwok ...

This is a gamers forum. Take your links and advertisements somewhere else ... like a purse blog.

- Jim

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


~People get paid for doing that right?  To put info in the signature though, takes some clicking time...~

Quote from: Terring7 on February 25, 2011, 05:36:00 AMCreate a "test drive" region and build new cities with the new stuff you download.

There is no need to even open Sim City to test things like this.  PIMX will display info in a user friendly way.  All of the buildings are in a "data tree" and you just find your new plugin and check it out.  You can also change it's "filling degree" which is a one stop shot at balancing all of the stats.  Some buildings need tweaking afterward, but no building will cause pollution like this.   

Quote from: rahulshenoy07 on February 25, 2011, 04:06:26 AM...i have around 185 plugins...this is gonna take time..

One at a time yes.  For this I would not recommenced PIMX rather use of two other programs: Dat Packer and Reader.  Dat Packer is going to take all of your plugins and compress them into one file (or into many maximum file sizes).  So, datpack half your plugins, and open your file(s) with Reader.  You can follow This Tutorial and search for Pollution at Center.  You will be looking for values that are way off the norm.  Finding such a value means that you datpacked the target file, so your search has been narrowed. 

There may be learning curves with this, but I guarantee it will be less time that going through all of your plugins.  (Hmm, unless this is a new problem and you can do a "Date Created" search of you files.

Quotedo i demolish before i remove the plugin

Indeed.  Although if the problem is as RippleJet says, then it can not be fixed.  And, if your problem is that your pollution is too negative, then plopping more ionizers is going to make it worse (although I have never used them and don't know how they work).

@Ripplejet:  To fix this, could one theoretically increase pollution until it went away?


Quote from: Lowkee33 on February 25, 2011, 08:38:21 PM
@Ripplejet:  To fix this, could one theoretically increase pollution until it went away?

Theoretically, maybe... but I wouldn't count on it...


I have something very similar happening, though mine is just the air pollution. it is in a city that I have done much developing in with ploppable buildings, but have no zones yet or have yet actually even run the simulator, I have spent a couple of days building the city, and when I go to run it, within one game month the air pollution is maxed out. What is weird is that even after I delete everything, and run it (keeping in mind I have not ever run it with the buildings) it still has the same pollution problem. I have no mods to pollution of any kind, and no buildings that drastically affect the pollution levels.  I dont want to lose the city, but I dont think there is anyway around it. 


Quote from: tea420173 on May 17, 2012, 03:15:32 PM
... I have no mods to pollution of any kind, and no buildings that drastically affect the pollution levels.  I dont want to lose the city, but I dont think there is anyway around it....

Well, I'll take you at your word that you do not have mods or buildings. There is something that you downloaded that has, as you described, caused drastic pollution levels. You're probably right loosing the city. Could it be a park with radical settings? Time, I think, to go back to Maxis vanilla and see if you have heavy pollution. Then add things back to your plugins gradually.

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


The only time I've had that happen to me, was after I'd downloaded a really nice water tower from the official site, and my cities pollution levels instantly went a deep red colour, deleting the original lot didn't fix it, adding more god mode trees had no effect, even the water had gone black, I ended up having to delete the city as nothing would correct the pollution levels, which is why I try and stick to creators I trust or I try it out in a sandbox city before risking a "real" city.
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.