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Started by Dantes, March 11, 2011, 05:32:15 AM

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I am sorry if I use:
-cpucount:1 -w
The Game don't start


-cpucount:1 -CustomResolution:enabled -w -r1024x765x32

Try this.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Thank you.
The game start, but the screen is the same extra big screen.
And ingame I can not change, too.

Do you know how I can the last windows 10 Update cancel ?



I test from other ingame scal and via steam start code but nothing  :(

Windows I hate you so much.

You see this ingame photo shot ? Ingame the wide is 1/3 extra large.



After 3 hours test yesterday and 1 hour today test codes and ingame options.
I get from an User this awesome code:
Quote-w -r1366x768x32 -CustomResolution:enabled
Now it works again! I can play Simcity with normal perspective!

@romualdillo, art128 & mattb325:  *epic-hug-of-happyness*

The National Plaza (not finish, because http://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/24333-louvre-pyramid/?_fromLogin=1  :satisfied:

MattB is so awesome we need a new adjective word for him: matt-b-tastic (fantastic perfect)  &apls &apls &apls

Urban living. MattB yeah. So cool.  &apls &apls &apls

My current project in the neighborhood:

At last intersting tower projects:
west loop chicaco

kobe shimoyamate 10091

brillia tower ikebukuro 1 The basis of this tower is unique!  :D


Wow, six likes (and no comment  :D All user like the like button! XD )

I have had this idea for many years. Now I have done the project! Welcome to the architecture exhibition!

There are some great buildings that I will never use. I have now built it to an exhibition for an update.


Sorry for so many pictures  :P

At last another interesting building:


This is really cool. I feel the same way about those buildings, they're really nice but I don't really have anywhere to use them.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Wow... you really have a lot of entry since last time I visit the forum... Everything pretty nicely done!

The 2nd latest update (with that national plaza) kinda reminds me of Nagoya with the plaza between 2 major road and that tower!

in overal good job and welcome to Japanese city urbanscaping art of SC4 :P .



So You did make this as a single/modular LOT and eager to share with the community, didn't you? :D :D :D
It's amazing!
Can you list what buildings did you use for this exhibition? I recognize one or two, but I don't know the names, just I've seen them somewhere into my back-up SC4 folder (which contains all my SC4 stuff...).

Thanks in advance!

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Mies, Niemeyer and Sejima? all together on the same lot? You could make some architects VERY happy...  :D
The last building you posted, I presume is a modern Japanese one, but it looks like many Spanish buildings from the seventies or early eighties. Maybe the ceramic tiles, or the colours, or the balconies, or the penthouse, or everything together make me think of the seventies...


While I'm not really fond of that style of architecture I must say that the LOT as a whole makes a really good impression  :thumbsup:


The more I look at that lot, the more I like it.  And I could definitely find a place for it in a city.

Could easily be used as a museum or perhaps even a spa.


Great entry ! Nice tribute to Mies Van Der Rohe (author of most of the buildings here, I think)


Wow, impressive! I love this mix with traditional houses and buildings, very beautiful pictures!


13 likes and 9 comments! Wow!  :o
The exhibition is a great success!
The buildings made by JP Schriefer & Jasoncw.
@art128:I have the same problem. It is difficult to use such buildings well. These houses are ideal for special places or for parks. Nevertheless, I like this architecture very much and wanted to use it at least once and use it in a small exhibition ground. *hug*
@Nanami:I have searched the internet in nagoya this place and unfortunately not found. I will rebuild the place again. I'm not satisfied yet. I am also not yet satisfied with the construction of urban districts. I have to try and test some more. In these dense districts with its high buildings, I will build more parks. I will now look more closely at each update in your MD to learn from you. Even with art128 and kelis, I will often look and learn. I hope in there MD is not the photobucket bomb  $%#Ninj2
@Tyberius06: It is a set of modular LOT. I have three self-built modular LOT systems for paths and places. A set was the basis. I think you can build it with LOTEditor itself too! You can find the buildings by the artists JP Schriefer & Jasoncw. :thumbsup:
@romualdillo:I remember. Previously, there were hotels that were built just as in Spain! Especially on Lanzarote, right?
@seraf: Thank youuu! It's great rebuild to Simcity by JP Schriefer & Jasoncw!
@Shark7:I am looking forward to seeing you as you use the buildings in your city! :)
@Krasner: Thank you and Bienvenue sur mon MD! *european-hug*
@Akallan: Merci vilmal!
@korver: Thanky! I hope I can surprise again and again  $%Grinno$%

Mountain Rail Line & Region Map Update

old:I saw a picture of a mountain railway in Switzerland and found this solution practical.

new:I have now again built the mountain railway. The railway now drives up the mountain side and makes very elegant a few bends.

A current traffic map from my region.

The mountain railway (red the southern route) is an important puzzle piece. There are 3700 passengers daily! In orange you can see the turnoff to the head station and to the urban center.

Another architecture:
I am sad, this idea was awesome! A plan for Tokyo 1960!



I think you're rediscovering the sixties!  :D
I'm not a rail specialist, but I think if the slope were more constant in the straight sections it would look better  &Thk/(
Quote from: Dantes on July 22, 2017, 06:27:33 PM
@romualdillo:I remember. Previously, there were hotels that were built just as in Spain! Especially on Lanzarote, right?
I think there are tons of this kind of hotels all along Spain. During the sixties and seventies we experienced a economic and touristic boom, and that's what it left... Lanzarote is a particular case, because it has its own style, but there are also this kind of buildings (all in white, of course)


Yeah,romualdillo I found many interesting projects and conzepts from 1950-1980  :D

MattB is awesome.  ()stsfd()

I test more parks and green in the urban space.


Beautiful! You and Nanami make me love more and more Asian urbanism! &apls


Thank you Akallan  :) *european-hug*  :P

I am currently researching urbanism. I test a lot and read a lot. I am pleased that I have access to great libraries and the Internet is a great technology!
I do not like the current system of map in Japan. That is why I look at other concepts for metropolises. Rio de Janero has interesting districts.

First I show how I do not like Japanese urbanism.

The Japanese urban landscape is tight, chaotic and controlled by financial capital. The original strict raster of traditional Japanese cities is obsolete. The grid of the Japanese traditional urban landscape is not a network of roads, but a network of land and borders. I have been developing an ever stricter network of city districts in my region for a few years. Machiya live by order and  discipline. I will develop the system. The urban landscape needs public space and everything must be in motion. Rio de Janero and Paris are a good example. I think I'll build a Japanese version of Paris. Spacious boulevards can be the border and bridge between urban high-rise urban centers and traditional Machiya.

Green Boulevard and canals are perfect.

The red line are my Boulevard. I think I called Boulevard Art128, Boulevard Nanami, Boulevard Kelis, Boulevard MattB...  :satisfied:

I do not build avenues. I continue to use streets. I give the streets more space for Boulevard with green spaces and for more channels. The urban landscape will be much more natural. The water cools the environment and gives the city a lasting atmosphere.
I will still experiment a lot and test a lot.  $%#Ninj2


Good concepts! SC4 is THE game for urban planning...
You named Paris and Rio de Janeiro... And I thought about Okinawa, which I recently discovered. Cities are not that great, but the "Japan meets the Tropic" concept is very interesting.