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# Prefecture of Yokusawa ~ Update 12 ||

Started by kelis, April 07, 2011, 02:01:50 PM

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Well always an awesome update from you my friend.


Tomas Neto

Wow... The details are amazing!!! Your cities are very realistic and beautiful!!!   &apls &apls


Amazing job kelis! I love the detail put into your pictures and the LOTing you've done is excellent! I can't believe I haven't seen this before, I'm kicking myself now.

                Your friend,
                               Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


# Update 5 - Interest Points of Shikawa ||

• Today we visit one of the most beautiful areas of Shikawa, as I told you
earlier Shikawa is almost a sacred place in  Yokusawa and Japan, a place
where peace and quiet living with spirituality.

• One of the places that concentrates all that is their Buddhist temple, the oldest
of Shikawa , built in 805. The temple and their houses Gassho-zukuri are the main
attraction of the city.

• Around the temple is the highest density of Shikawa, as you can see
there a variety of styles, some older than others but always respecting the
Japanese traditional architecture.

• In this picture you can see also the houses and the temple among other things,
such as the small channel that serves to channel the water to the river
of Shikawa and is also used to irrigate the rice fields that populate
all the people.

• The majority of the population live directly from the cultivation of rice and flowers.


~ R E P L I E S ~ R E P L I E S ~ R E P L I E S ~R E P L I E S ~R E P L I E S ~
marsh - Thank you for comment my friend.

Yan077 - Thank you my friend, Hope to see you here more times.

Framly -  :) Berlin...my dear Berlin  :) Thank you for comment my friend.

Utvaw - Well, I hope to get to the top  ;D, Thanks !

peter007 - Thanks my friend !

Tomas Neto - I try it, Reality  :) Thanks my friend.

canyonjumper - Thank friend  :) Now you can see a new update  :)


This is all for today, thanks for the kind comments and I hope you like the new update, enjoy it.   thumbsup

# Jonathan.

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


Great job, Jonathan!
You've put a lot of great details in here.
I like it ;)



Amazing pictures. So beautiful.  &apls
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


An amazing work, as always! &apls &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Great Update.
I'm eagerly waiting for more...



Just beautiful! I love the temple :thumbsup: Looks all sooo detailed and lovingly..

-klick-1st Anniversary Video-klick-
Part of SFBT and RFR Team


kelis, your MD is such a lovely one. Beautiful shots, very sharp and colourful! I especially like how everything seem to blend so well together.  :)


Always a pleasure!!
Everything looks so perfectly done.  I love the style of buildings and the terrain.
Great work all around!
Call me Robin, please.


Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November

Tomas Neto

Wow... My friend, amazing update!!! Really a fantastic work!!!  &apls &apls &apls


Some good work there with the Flora! I love the road bridge too!


Another mind blowing pictures !  &apls


I love these very rural pictures,  &apls and the use of that building in your last picture, I have never found a use of it myself  :)


Wow, that town reminds me of this village my uncle and I stopped in while going up to Sendai from Tokyo. But this MD is fantastic all around!
Keep up the good work!


Some very well produces images, they look great. :thumbsup:


Fantastic work!  &apls  The rural areas you've shown look beautiful and I love the water, canals, bridge, etc. Great update with the area surrounding the soccer stadium as well!


Sweet Japanese countryside  ;)

the work with colors is really good as the lotting and the work with MMP
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    *