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Province of Clontarf - Update 10 - Elsmere

Started by tooheys, June 01, 2007, 08:41:44 PM

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bat: Much appreciated bat.

rooker1: Thanks Robin, I'm looking for a sidewalk mod but not having much luck.
Any suggestions?

Jmouse: It has been a while hasn't it, I'm afraid St Leonard's had taken a back seat, having
too much fun with Blaxland. Don't forget, I'm not female, so it is difficult to multi-task ;) Appreciate
the comments and support as always  :)


Well I was having withdrawal symptons and had to get back to Blaxland. No commentary this time, just a bunch of pic's I hope you enjoy.

Well I never expected to get to 50 updates, thankyou to all for your ongoing support.
Love it or hate it, Balnavia will continue, I am determined to complete the region, how ever
long it takes.




Hi Dave,

You have been busy - I somehow missed an update.

You're story lines always add an elemen of, erm, tooheyism!  The mayor running a zoo is a good one.

And that zoo looks good - it looks likes bit from the standard Maxis zoo but in a realistic shape and layout.  Did you lot it yourself??  My only other question on it is whether that's a whale or a surf board in the pool ;)

It looks like a nice laid back corner of St Leonards, a bit more suburban than I remember the rest of St.L's.
The two rugby pitches with the bit of grass in between is really nice.  Somewhere to park the car and the kids to run around and play whilst the games are being played.  Maybe even a sopt for a pre-match picnic.

Blaxland is stunning.  That plop water looks good enough to swin in!  And the way you've mixed the wild flowers, rocks, moss, trees and water is VERY VERY nice.

I just wish someone would make a Lot that has a fence around the single tennis court.  They're out there for multiple courts but not just the one.  Can you imagine how long you'd spend running after your balls!?!

Congrats on reaching 50 updates - you've built up quite a following here, and deservedly so. &apls &apls



That area is looking so beautiful! Fantastic pictures of the lake/ river and railway(s)! Also wonderful work on the 50th update!

Looking forward to the 51st update!


The shorelines look great -- a pleasing mixture of elements. I have the green rocks, but where did you get the moss?
That's a fine bunch of photos you have there, but I especially like the house with a tennis court behind it.
And I'll add my congratulations as well. Finishing a whole region is a huge undertaking. For me, just finishing a city was a first.

Until next time...


Dave wonderful last few updates here and dannnng im slacking i cant belive i missed a few updates on ya's eeeks soorry ill try and not let that happen again.....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Congratulations on 50 updates!  &apls
I love the shoreline and the use of Jeronij's ploppable water and the winding railway reminds me of a model trainset!
BTW, where did you get the moss? It looks really good...


Congratulations on reaching 50 updates!! Blaxland looks great!


awesome...i really like the use of plop water...its so cool and realistic!


Love it or hate it, Balnavia will continue, I am determined to complete the region, how ever
long it takes.

How can anyone hate it????

Your work with the ploppable water is absolutely incredible, my friend! Those bridges, the railroads...everything is simply wonderful. Keep up the good work!



paroch: Thanks Paul. The zoo is a modular set which can be found on the STEX. You're right, some of the
texturing does provide some weird results but I like the set and it is better than the ingame :)

bat: Thanks bat

Jmouse: Hi Joan, the moss is actually grass. It is in one of jeronij's flora/tree packs which are available in
the SC4d file exchange. Thanks for the continuing support.

Pat: No worries Pat, you've got your finger in so many threads here and elsewhere, it's amazing you find
time to drop in at all  :D

cameron1991: Thanks, see my reply to Jmouse re the moss.

pipishere: Hi pip, thanks for the comments.

suplado!: Thanks for dropping by.

thundercrack83: Dustin, don't know how you find time to drop in so often but it is appreciated.


Well, the work in Blaxland has come to an end for the time being. Population figures
are as follows:

R    4,051
C    2,017
I   17,798

So here are some final pic's before we move on:

Well there is a bit of "dirt" in Blaxland and not just in the mayor's office. Blaxland is home to quite a lot of
industry, although attempts have been made to keep the area green.

The local rugby fields back onto the sewerage plant. Nose plugs are issued to players
should the wind be particularily unfreshing, although the effects of hypoxia has resulted in some
strange onfield plays. As a safety precaution, if you are seen running in the wrong direction
you are issued the blue card and sent to the oxygen tent for 10 minutes.

Here are a couple of the camping areas along the river. Nice and tranquil, whenever the trains aren't running.

Well I mentioned last update that I was determined to complete the region. Gave myself a bit of a shock when I
did a quick count and realised there were still 50+ undeveloped tiles in Balnavia  :o ( a mix of small and medium, but
there is still 1 huuuge one left). I'm feeling tired just thinking about it.

Anyway, I'm pleased you all enjoyed Blaxland.

Until next update,




That's a very beautiful area of your city! And wonderful update there! :thumbsup:


Blaxland definitely has a unique look about it, Dave. You've done some great work with the slopes and roads.
Of the photos posted, my favorite is fourth from the bottom with the curvy rail line and street. All look terrific, though.
And I'm especially impressed with the TPW. I spent a bit of time fooling around with it but was dissatisfied with the result. Guess it'll take a little more practice.

Until next time...


Super update my friend.  I really like the bridges over the plop water.  Great work.  And the windy rail lines as they go down your hilly terrain. 
As for a side walk modd, check out jeronij's street side modd or this one, jeronig's Sidewalks Mod and SMP Sidewalk mod by mjig_dudy, and SFBT Street Tree Mod by Andreas.  I use jeronij's street side mod, the first one.

Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Hi Dave,

Blaxland has been a pleasure to visit.  I've had my first foray into the TPW myself, so I can guess how difficult it must have been to produce that result.  I'll keep plugging away and will publish some pics -if nothing more to get your constructive comments on what I'm doing wrong!

I love the camping areas and of course the story of rugby players being overcome with sewerage fumes is pure Balnavia!!!

I look forward to seeing the development of the remaining 50 tiles ;)


Dave Blaxland is stunning WOW!!! Great Job!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Blaxland is fantastic.  The pictures are just great.  You have a great eye for detail.


stunning overview...i like the use of those plop water, simply awesome update!!


Hi Dave!

Sorry for not replying lately but RL's grip on me was close to the Guinness book of records ... home renovation, family visits (from my wife's side) etc. 

Nice railways. And nothing to find to nag on ... btw such a long curve can be find at Dina / Turkey where the railway line needs kilometers for the height distance whereas the street needs just some hundred meters ...

Great work wıth the ploppable water. Should try it myself, too, if I find the time

I do love that avenue bridge with the massive pillar in the middle. Smaller would be nicer but as far as I know by trying myself unfortunately not possible. The supports however are great: One of those small details that separates the better from the good ...  &apls

Take care and don't forget to make backups!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Blaxland is excellent, Dave!

I love the rolling hills that you've done, and all the detail that you put into each update. I'll be looking forward to seeing what else you have in store for us, my friend!

Take care!


Gotta say that I am really liking the overall feel of this place. A pleasant and autentic looking area  &apls
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