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NAM 31 Central Bug Tracker Thread

Started by MandelSoft, March 02, 2013, 07:24:51 AM

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Here are some bugs that I have found that I don't think have been addressed yet here or on Github.

GHSR cable-stay bridge with LHD paths while using RHD setting

GHSR Station with strange rendering bug at a particular zoom (forgot to note which one).

Avenue x Avenue T-intersection seems to be missing some paths, although still functional

RHW flex transitions for L2-L3 and L2-L4 have a cosmetic support stub.

Diagonal Avenue x Orthagonal OWR-3 paths are diagonal in the wrong direction.

I did find some more bugs but I think they have already been discussed so there is no reason for my to post them again.


Missing texture on EMIS-L1 short 90o curve:

L0, L2, L3, L4 worked just fine


Quote from: Gamma4815 on March 25, 2013, 03:35:29 PM
GHSR Station with strange rendering bug at a particular zoom (forgot to note which one).

It's Zoom 3.  While this happens with the station shipped with NAM 31, it does not happen with the station we are currently using internally, which will be shipped with NAM 31.1.


I have an issue about GHSR station.
I tried many combination and come up with the conclusion that:
Whether the rail is elevated or not it doesn't affect commuting with neighbour city.
The elevated HSR station work normally as long as the connection to neighbour city is available and it's not touching pieces such as on-slope.
The ground HSR station can not work at all (and the modern arched rail station have the same issue).
I used the tool to check commuting and only people working in the station go there, (or it work as a bus station......OMG)

Then I try to put away all other mods and have a clean plugin folder.
I re-install the 3.1 package few time using firstly complete preset and secondly optional install removing the arched rail station(assuming comflict between them)
The outcomes are the same that the Ground HSR station and Modern Arched Rail Station cannot work at all.

Please tell me whether this issue is a bug or I miss something.
I use mod recently so I haven't any older version installed before I use 3.1

Sorry, I haven't go through the past replies of this thread.
But I search in google with no solution about the station bug so I ask here :-[


These two stations both have bugs, which have been fixed on our end.  The fixed versions of the stations will ship with NAM 31.1.  Until then, it is recommended not to use these stations.


Hello, I've a few problems I'd like to report. The Madison Wells and the Ashland el-rail-over-road stations were included in the new NAM, right? On the first one I seem to be missing a prop or something while the second one is somehow faulty at zoom 4 (half of the station disappears, as shown below), while on zoom levels 3, 2 and 1 it disappears completely. At the closest two zooms it's fine though.
(the picture also shows the missing highway smooth curves but I guess that's been already reported and fixed)

Also, what was the file that shows props into the subway station building view? It slows down my game a lot when changing views so I'd like to remove it.

Some el-rail intersections still haven't been updated to the new el-rail style:

And lastly, I'd like to make a small request: I've always wanted to have an 90° el-rail curve over a X or T road crossing. There's still a workaround to that but this way a corner tile is taken up which ruins perfect blocks.

Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Quote from: io_bg on March 26, 2013, 12:53:28 PM
(the picture also shows the missing highway smooth curves but I guess that's been already reported and fixed)

Install the additional Maxis Highway Puzzle Pieces and these will work. I think we're just going to force installation of those extra pieces in 31.1 since Symphony needs them.

Quote from: io_bg on March 26, 2013, 12:53:28 PM

I was certain we fixed that. Regardless, it's a problem with the original station's files. There are fixes around.

Quote from: io_bg on March 26, 2013, 12:53:28 PM
Some el-rail intersections still haven't been updated to the new el-rail style

I tried to add compatibility with Moonlight's mods, but his models blow the previously believed 600 Polygon limit to smithereens (The Avenue crossing comes out at around 2,200 polygons per side from memory) and I haven't been able to replicate what Moonlight did to get the game to display them.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Quote from: jdenm8 on March 26, 2013, 09:35:56 PM
Quote from: io_bg on March 26, 2013, 12:53:28 PM

I was certain we fixed that. Regardless, it's a problem with the original station's files. There are fixes around.

Yes, we did fix that, and I have verified that the version that shipped with NAM 31 does not have this problem.  I think that you have an old version of the model of the Ashland station that's overriding the NAM version.  And an old version of the Madison and Wells station would explain the checkerboard there too, which never existed on our end.

EDIT:  Wait one second here.  You're not seeing the NAM version of the Ashland station here because we didn't ship our version of the Ashland station with NAM 31.  It's part of the NAM 31.1 build, though, and that's where we got confused.  It will be available as an option in NAM 31.1, and if you already have an older version installed, as you do, it will simply replace your version with the NAM version.

So I would guess that you got the Ashland station from the STEX, as the version there has the bug you displayed.


Quote from: jdenm8 on March 26, 2013, 09:35:56 PM
Install the additional Maxis Highway Puzzle Pieces and these will work. I think we're just going to force installation of those extra pieces in 31.1 since Symphony needs them.
Thanks, I'll try that now.
Quote from: z on March 27, 2013, 12:24:11 AMEDIT:  Wait one second here.  You're not seeing the NAM version of the Ashland station here because we didn't ship our version of the Ashland station with NAM 31.  It's part of the NAM 31.1 build, though, and that's where we got confused.  It will be available as an option in NAM 31.1, and if you already have an older version installed, as you do, it will simply replace your version with the NAM version.

So I would guess that you got the Ashland station from the STEX, as the version there has the bug you displayed.
Yep, I just checked and found I've the STEX version. I'm glad to hear it'll be fixed :thumbsup:
Edit: I do have the NAM version of the Madison Wells Station though - it has a subway entrance (and the original doesn't, does it?)
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Quote from: Indiana Joe on March 24, 2013, 04:55:22 PM
Yep, they've already tackled that one.  You can see the list of all the reported issues and their status here.

I looked for the issue I reported, and I don't see it.


Quote from: memo on March 25, 2013, 12:13:39 PM
This is definetly strange. I have just tested it, but could not replicate this. It works fine for me.

Loading order is the usual suspect, but seeing that it works for the 90 curve, the file certainly loads after the NAM. I cannot explain it. Perhaps, you have another conflicting file in your plugins, so it would be best to test whether it works if you load the NAM and the retexture file only.

Thanks for your reply memo. :)

Finally I make it work. Indeed the loading order was the problem.
With only the NAM and sithlrd98 mod all is ok. But if you add the  z__NAM folder with Euro textures, then you need to put the sithlrd98 mod in the z__NAM/Road textures/Euro Cosmetic Re-texture Mod folder. And not into NAM folder as I had. And because of the Euro Cosmetic Re-Texture Mod only include 45 degree avenue and not 90 degree curves (I think) I deduce this explain my picture.

Anyway I don't understand why puting the zzz Sithlrd98 mod outside of the z__NAM folder don't work &mmm. Or I don't know the correct loading order.
If the order is:

NAM (folder)
z__NAM (folder)
zzz Sithlrd98 Avenue Curves Sandstone Sidewalk.dat

don't work. Is the sign "_" loaded after "z"?
As far as I know .dat files are loaded after folders.

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try to put zzz_Sithlrd98 Avenue Curves Sandstone Sidewalk.dat in a ZZZ_subfolder after the Z__NAM.

Subfolders are loaded AFTER anyfile.dat directly placed in your Plugins folder. ;)


Quote from: io_bg on March 26, 2013, 12:53:28 PMAlso, what was the file that shows props into the subway station building view? It slows down my game a lot when changing views so I'd like to remove it.
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Quote from: io_bg on March 27, 2013, 10:13:07 AM
Quote from: io_bg on March 26, 2013, 12:53:28 PMAlso, what was the file that shows props into the subway station building view? It slows down my game a lot when changing views so I'd like to remove it.

The file is called NetworkAddonMod_Zone_Data_View. In the installer, it's the option 'new zones data view' or similar, located in the category of traffic plugins.

Quote from: Kergelen on March 27, 2013, 06:35:46 AM
Anyway I don't understand why puting the zzz Sithlrd98 mod outside of the z__NAM folder don't work &mmm. Or I don't know the correct loading order.
If the order is:

NAM (folder)
z__NAM (folder)
zzz Sithlrd98 Avenue Curves Sandstone Sidewalk.dat

don't work. Is the sign "_" loaded after "z"?
As far as I know .dat files are loaded after folders.

You have just answered the question yourself. ;) The character '_' is indeed loaded after 'z'. This was done to ensure that the z__NAM folder is loaded last. Apparantly, the file order displayed by Windows is quite deceptive, as SC4 loads files in a different order. I think the SC4 loading order is as follows (with lower case letters replaced by upper case):


Quote from: io_bg on March 27, 2013, 04:48:10 AM
Quote from: jdenm8 on March 26, 2013, 09:35:56 PM
So I would guess that you got the Ashland station from the STEX, as the version there has the bug you displayed.
Yep, I just checked and found I've the STEX version. I'm glad to hear it'll be fixed :thumbsup:
Edit: I do have the NAM version of the Madison Wells Station though - it has a subway entrance (and the original doesn't, does it?)

That's correct.  It actually has both bus and optional subway service; you don't need to use the subway connection if you don't want to.  The same will be true of the Ashland station.

Quote from: memo on March 27, 2013, 10:46:36 AM
Quote from: io_bg on March 27, 2013, 10:13:07 AM
Quote from: io_bg on March 26, 2013, 12:53:28 PMAlso, what was the file that shows props into the subway station building view? It slows down my game a lot when changing views so I'd like to remove it.

The file is called NetworkAddonMod_Zone_Data_View. In the installer, it's the option 'new zones data view' or similar, located in the category of traffic plugins.

Actually, that file affects only the Zones view, not the Subway Building View, and removing it won't speed up anything.

To revert to the old subway building view, you have to use the Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool and uncheck the option "Use new Subway Building View".  However, if you like this view and the only problem is the time changing views, then I would recommend using the DatPacker to DatPack most of your files; this eliminates almost all of this delay.  The delay will be further reduced with the release of NAM 31.1, due to the significantly smaller controller file.

As for what to DatPack, generally it is recommended to DatPack everything except the NAM and RTMT.



Quote from: roadgeek on March 27, 2013, 05:14:11 AM
Quote from: Indiana Joe on March 24, 2013, 04:55:22 PM
Yep, they've already tackled that one.  You can see the list of all the reported issues and their status here.

I looked for the issue I reported, and I don't see it.

OK, feeling ignored here!  &hlp I know it cannot be intentional, but it feels like a slap in the face to get totally blown off like this! I would really like this fix to be included in NAM 31.1.

I have some more I don't think have been reported.



There's a lot of reports that come streaming in--sometimes, particularly if it's a similar issue to what's been reported, and there's some more critical issues that pop up at the same time, it can slip through without a reply--our apologies.  (Posting your image as a link instead of embedding it in the forum also diminishes visibility.) 

I've basically been treating Issue #80 as a bellwether for all issues relating to L2 networks, which are well-established as unstable across the board.



Hi all. I've just installed NAM 31 over my sim city 4 deluxe v1.1.638. I would like to use the cloverleaf included in RHW, but i can't find any kind of highway compatible : the cars just stop before the cloverleaf and don't use it. i have also a problem with the Toll : i can't put on it on all kind of highways included in RHW. Plz help. Thank you for answer.
I try to include a screenshot but it mark  : "" . How can i include image attachment ?


A picture of how you're using the Cloverleaf ramp would be useful in diagnosing your problem.

The tollbooth is not designed to be used on RHW as the code written by Maxis to make it automatically switch networks doesn't extend to RHW.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley