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Grey ploppable paths

Started by feyss, February 26, 2014, 03:54:41 AM

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I've seen a lot of people making personnalized path (grey, braun, etc.) in their rural pictures. I think it would be on the menu with ploppable threes on the game. But I don't know where I could download it.

Thank you.  :)


I think this is what you need:


Unless of course you are talking about the SAM streets, of which NAM is what you'll need.



Sorry, I forgot this post and I didn't have a lot of time to play on SC4.

Thank you, but it is not really what i was looking for.

What I search is ploppable gravel (yes I just found the good word) to put under bridge motorways.

Thank you.   :)


Quote from: feyss on March 18, 2014, 09:29:53 AM

What I search is ploppable gravel (yes I just found the good word) to put under bridge motorways.

You will have problems plopping under "bridge motorways" (and perhaps you mean under elevated/viaduct motorways. If you can find (or make) a piece which you plop on a nearby square and extends under the motorway then that should work.


The download link I provided also has MMP paths that's why I recommended it  &mmm

So does this item:



CahosRahneVeloza and samuele64d > Thank you both  :thumbsup:. That's what I was looking for, but Glazert is right. I tasted it with bridge motorways and it don't work really good x)


Quote from: feyss on March 21, 2014, 03:28:39 PM
CahosRahneVeloza and samuele64d > Thank you both  :thumbsup:. That's what I was looking for, but Glazert is right. I tasted it with bridge motorways and it don't work really good x)

As the saying goes, "You can't have your cake and eat it too".  :P

In this case don't bother using 'em under bridges, or switch to park pathways that have underbridge pieces like this set:
