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NAM32 Documentation

Started by Golly, March 30, 2014, 03:54:35 PM

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Is there any RHW documentation available for NAM32? I downloaded NAM32(pr) and the documentation supplied for the RHW mod is for v31.2. I'm new to NAM so this is a bit confusing as the documentation states that I should have certain files in certain folders but the installation seems to install into different folders, so now I don't know where I am..... just hopelessly confused.   ()what()

Also, is there any v32 documentation available for canals? I've scoured the site for weeks trying to find some info, but it seems like any picture that could possibly explain something is mysteriously 'missing' (same for highway 'on' ramps).

Sorry to be a PITA, I know how busy you guys are, creating all them 'wicked' mods !!  :thumbsup:

Thanks in advance for any help   :)


For the canals there is nothing new added to them, so the documentation should be the same.


Quote from: vester on March 30, 2014, 04:30:37 PM
For the canals there is nothing new added to them, so the documentation should be the same.

ok, thanks. Would it be worthwhile trying to find the documentation for the NAM version where canals first appeared, as the the v31.2 docs seem to assume that everyone is already familiar with canals, and only gives a brief outline...

or :

Is there any good canal tutorials I could view ?

Thanks again  :)


Actually, there's never been any more documentation than that, primarily as they operate fairly similarly to standard puzzle pieces, and the CAN-AM is very much a niche plugin.  Additionally, a lot of our documentation didn't change between Versions 31.2 and 32.

daeley's post from 2009 basically sums up the canals succinctly:

Quote from: daeley on October 30, 2009, 02:26:21 PM
the CAN-AM pieces in thetransit menu are only for the center of your canals, and this is where the boats will be. To complete the canals you will need to plop canal edge pieces (for example, Simgoober's canals). In order to let people use it as a means of transportation, you will need some ferry docks which can also be downloaded seperately.

The canal edge pieces he refers to are the from the canal lot sets out there, e.g. the SimGoober canals and Callagrafx canals (which are the two default options).  The docks weren't added to the NAM itself when we went to the Monolithic NAM package in Version 31.0, so you'll still need to pick up a set (like this one).




Quote from: Tarkus on March 31, 2014, 12:13:30 AM
Actually, there's never been any more documentation than that, primarily as they operate fairly similarly to standard puzzle pieces, and the CAN-AM is very much a niche plugin.  Additionally, a lot of our documentation didn't change between Versions 31.2 and 32.

daeley's post from 2009 basically sums up the canals succinctly:

Quote from: daeley on October 30, 2009, 02:26:21 PM
the CAN-AM pieces in thetransit menu are only for the center of your canals, and this is where the boats will be. To complete the canals you will need to plop canal edge pieces (for example, Simgoober's canals). In order to let people use it as a means of transportation, you will need some ferry docks which can also be downloaded seperately.

The canal edge pieces he refers to are the from the canal lot sets out there, e.g. the SimGoober canals and Callagrafx canals (which are the two default options).  The docks weren't added to the NAM itself when we went to the Monolithic NAM package in Version 31.0, so you'll still need to pick up a set (like this one).



Hi, Tarkus,

thanks for your reply, your help is very much appreciated. I guess my main problem is that I've been  a SC4 user for too long, while only just started using the Deluxe version, so I'm new to Deluxe, puzzle pieces, mods, NAM, etc.....
but as SC4 has been one of my favourite pastimes, I'm willing to try and re-learn and hope I don't bug people too much with too many noobish questions !..... of which I only have two (for now).....

am I limited to just using the default canal sets (SimGoober & Calligrafx) to make the canals transit-enabled ? The reason I ask is that every picture I see of everyone elses canals, the water looks great but the water pieces in the default sets just look like blocks of flat colour, with no life or sparkle, and just looks a bit unnatural in-game. Do I have to download additional SimGoober or Calligrafx sets to make things look better ?

and..  &Thk/(

I plan on downloading the BSC set as you suggested. Will it show up in the NAM installation settings of do I just have to put it in my Plugins folder in order for it to show up in-game ?

Sorry to be such a noobish pest, but I'm MAD to learn and REALLY do appreciate help from far more experienced players than myself. (Haljackeys highways nearly gave me a heart attack...... THAT'S the sort of detail I'm aspiring to !!).

Thanks for your help. (and vester).   :)


Quote from: NCGAIO on March 31, 2014, 01:11:38 PM

I also consider it a pity that no more development for canals although this is understandable, given the greater public interest in transportation on land.

Quote from: Golly on March 31, 2014, 08:14:26 AM

am I limited to just using the default canal sets (SimGoober & Calligrafx) to make the canals transit-enabled ? The reason I ask is that every picture I see of everyone elses canals, the water looks great but the water pieces in the default sets just look like blocks of flat colour, with no life or sparkle, and just looks a bit unnatural in-game. Do I have to download additional SimGoober or Calligrafx sets to make things look better ?

:(  currently yes...

  Read treadh Canal Addon Mod (CAN-AM) can answer many of the queries and, perhaps, with a few more requests can come back to life an old project more realistic water and automata ..


thanks for the reply..... I read the thread and picked up quite a lot of useful info  :) and decided to DL and install the BSC set...... I'm extremely glad to say that after I'd installed the BSC CAN-AM program, all the pictures that were missing from the HTML read-me files decided to suddenly make an appearance, so at least I've got pictures to refer to now. (Worth a million words !!!!).   ;D

I'd still like to know how the water sparkles, like in the animation, tho.   ???

ATB    :)

@Tarkus.... please ignore 2nd question (post above), I managed to install the set without blowing up my PC !! Thanks !!  :thumbsup:




Unfortunately my last edition of the post loaded the text in Portuguese and as yet there was another post I decided to remove it to post again instead of editing it.

But it seems that you posted in first so not to let all confusing is best to leave your quote as the previous post ...

Hi, NCGAIO,thanks for the reply.....I'd still like to know how the water sparkles, like in the animation, tho. 

Does not exist yet ... it was an idea to mod.

like these too ...

Simulation flow to river

Simulation water flow in the old version