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True Earth

Started by korver, May 04, 2016, 08:05:18 PM

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These last two posts have left me totally speechless, lol. I know many have already said this: It's hard to believe this is still SimCity. The MMP-ing on that picture of the winding river and cattle farms is outstanding. I can't take my eyes off it. And the colors in that flamingo scene — gorgeous! Thanks again for sharing your work with us. This is pretty magical stuff.  &apls


From under your brush came a new unrivaled masterpiece!  &apls &apls &apls

manga rivotra

You managed the feat of reproducing in Sim City 4 mountains with an accuracy worthy of google map but with a rendering much more superior.  :o
Not only the photoshopping with these images of glaciers that seem to perfectly fit the curves of the mountain, but especially the work on the terrain with simple Sim City tools and placement of rock props for example is extremely impressive.
And as always the result is sublime and can be more real.  &apls &apls &apls
The photo of Salto Grande is thrilling, especially since you managed it with some more than 10 years old rocks props.
You are a magician!  :thumbsup:



- UPDATE 92: Scenes From Patagonia - Part II -

For the final chapter of our Patagonian journey, we're visiting a few more of the region's most incredible scenes. Mountains, glaciers, lakes, rivers, and ice fields dominate the landscape - any trip to this extraordinary place is unforgettable.

While the region is world-renowned for it's natural features - there's also a number of charming villages here that you'll want to visit as well. Chile's Chiloé Island is located in northern Patagonia and is home to a number of quaint, charming fishing villages like Castro - where colorful stilt houses line the waterfront.

As we venture deeper into rural Patagonia, we're sure to check out one of the many cattle markets that can be found in the mountainous countryside. Cattle farming is a massive industry in the region and many depend on it to make a living.

Wind swept plateaus dominate the barren, flat landscape of southern Argentina - giving the region a stark beauty. The locals still manage to brave the elements and make a living out here, with sheep farming being one of the most important activities in the region.

We travel further south towards the Chilean border to get a look at one of Patagonia's most majestic sights. The massive Perito Moreno Glacier can be found close by and is one of the world's largest glaciers and is actually growing in size (compared to a vast majority of the world's glaciers that are currently shrinking at an alarming rate) - and rises nearly 240 feet above the water's edge. Watch out for routine ice crashes here - as they can create quite the splash!

After a few days of hiking - and even camping on the sheer cliffsides - we finally get a good view from the summit at one of the region's most awe-inspiring sights, Mount Fitz Roy.

Our trip to Patagonia concludes with a plane ride over the incredible Southern Patagonian Ice Field. Covering some 6,500 square miles, it's the world's largest non-polar ice field and truly a sight to behold from the air.



Quote from: korver on September 30, 2018, 11:53:24 PM

oh man, that water is pretty. Even the houses have matching reflections and the light distorsions from what looks like stuff floating around... the result is gorgeous!



- UPDATE 93: Into The Amazon -

Our trip to South America finishes with a trip deep through world's largest rainforest - the Amazon rainforest. Covering nearly 3 million square miles, its massive scale is truly hard to comprehend - and the rich diversity in plants and animals here is unlike anything else on earth. To truly appreciate it though, you'll need to get up close and personal, traveling deep into the depths of the jungle - and today we'll be experiencing this region like never before.

We'll be starting our journey in the Guyanese capital of Georgetown - this Caribbean port city is located right on the edge of the forest and is known for its unique architecture. Often said to resemble a fairy tale castle, the 19th century Gothic Revival Georgetown City Hall dominates the city's skyline and is hard to miss.

After our brief stay in Georgetown, we start venturing into the Amazon, traveling on a number of rural dirt roads through densely wooded areas. We finally reach one of the Amazon River's many small tributaries and board a motorized canoe to get an even closer look at the heart of the forest. The rich diversity of the forest is on full display - countless types of trees, plants, birds, and other animals can be seen wherever you look.

The Amazon River and its many tributaries are truly extraordinary at sunset.

Although there's been great changes to the Amazon in this region due to human intervention - Yanomami tribes can still be seen dotting the deep rainforest, still practicing their long held traditions and beliefs. Many of these tribes have never even seen the outside world - which sadly makes them extremely susceptible to all sorts of diseases when mining and logging companies unlawfully invade their lands.

While the Amazon rainforest is still mostly intact and deforestation numbers have dropped in recent years - there's still large areas where massive, irreversible damage has already been done.

After a plane ride and a couple nights of trekking through the forest - we finally reach our end destination, Guyana's stunning Kaieteur Falls. The world's highest single drop waterfall doesn't disappoint, and is one of the Amazon's premier destinations. For those wanting an even closer view, a massive stone juts out in front of the falls - offering an incredible experience with these majestic falls.



I've missed a couple of updates...but that glacier! and those waterfalls!

Holy moly  &dance

Did you bat the georgetown city hall from scratch? I'm assuming you'd be quite adept with 3ds by now... :thumbsup:


I still do not understand how you get such a natural water. The waterfall and the rainbow are simply amazing!


Hi korver ,

I haven't commented for months but didn't miss any of your updates , of course ... that's difficult to add something new , your work is always incredible , at the same time that's expected from you and we can't get used with ...  $%Grinno$%  A few years ago , when the site was more active , this MD would have been moved to the  HoF , promptly . I don't know how to request officially to the Devotion staff for this to happen but it has to happen .  ::)

At least do I know how to thank you for that continuous amazement and , obviously , the hugest SC4 works since ... 2003 .

&apls &apls &apls


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mattb325: Thanks for the nice words! :) Georgetown City Hall was entirely modeled and textured from scratch (although a few of the railings and the flag ware free models I got off the internet and imported into the scene). I think it's probably my most ambitious custom BAT at this point - took seemingly forever but I think it turned out pretty nicely.

Alan_Waters: Thank you very much for the comment! The waterways were made using combination of either JRJ's muddy transparent water, dogfights's muddy water, and another custom muddy water mod I made. A slight reflection was added to the water in photoshop after I was done with the scene as well.

Badsim: Thank you so much for the praise and k-point, much appreciated :thumbsup: It would be wonderful to see the staff here put together another HOF election one day - I think it's been over 5 years at this point so it's probably about time for another one ;)


I thought so, it is a very good model  :thumbsup:


I found this  :wings: slightly modified :wings: entry on Wikipedia:

Stylistically, Korverism encompasses a variety of approaches influenced by, and reacting to, the harmonious ideals associated with artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and early Michelangelo. Where High Renaissance art emphasizes proportion, balance, and ideal beauty, Korverism exaggerates such qualities, often resulting in compositions that are asymmetrical or unnaturally elegant.[3] The style is notable for its intellectual sophistication as well as its artificial (as opposed to naturalistic) qualities.[4] It favors compositional tension and instability rather than the balance and clarity of earlier SC4-layouts.


Leave it to fantozzi to find things like this. Chapeau!
« Essayez d'apprendre quelque chose sur tout et tout sur quelque chose. »
             « Try to learn something about everything and everything about something »
                          « Trata de aprender algo sobre todo y todo sobre algo »
                                                                                                    — Thomas Henry Huxley


My creation at CityBuilders.

SimCity 5 is here with the NAM Creations!!


A little update, but it throws a lot of eyes! Everything is beautiful ... But these waterfalls ... Simply amazing! Thank you for these pictures korver! :o



- UPDATE 93: Into The Amazon - Part II -

For the last leg to our journey through the Amazon, we're visiting some of the region's most spectacular natural wonders. From incredible waterfalls, tepuis, rivers, and more - this is truly one of the world's most magical places.

We'll get started off in world's largest city that can't be reached by road, Iquitos, Peru. The city's Belen District is one of the area's most distinctive sights, with the entire district being built on wooden stilts to withstand the rising waters.

Unfortunately, deforestation has taken a toll on the surrounding region - and here's no better example than in the areas surrounding BR-163. While this Brazilian highway finally made long distance transport accessible for many in the region, it also opened the door to large scale logging projects on a scale never before seen.

We make a brief stop in the Surinamese capital of Paramaribo to stock up - for decades, this important port city has served as a gateway into the Amazon and is well known for its distinctive wooden Dutch colonial architecture.

Autana Tepui is one of area's most notable natural wonders and is spectacular up close. It's a sacred mountain with lots of history as well - the local Piaroa Indians believed that it's actually the trunk of a great tree which once loomed over the Amazon and dropped the fruits of life into the forest. However, one day another God and his nephew cut down the mighty tree, greedily trying to get all of the fruits at once - and all that we see today is the trunk, Autana.

Last but not least is the incredible Angel Falls. Falling nearly 3,200 feet off the side of the massive Auyan-tepui, the world's tallest waterfall doesn't disappoint and any trip here is sure to amaze you.

One last overview of stunning Auyan-tepui from above with its many majestic waterfalls.


mattb325: Thank you! While I've used a lot custom models from sites like 3d warehouse over the years, I've reached the point where I've already used most of the good stuff and I'm having to BAT stuff from scratch more and more. It does take a lot of time but I am improving my skills quite a bit - and the increased quality of the BATs over the online models is always nice :)

Fantozzi: You're too kind - thanks for the nice words :thumbsup:

vinlabsc3k: Thank you very much! :)

000: Thanks for the comment - glad you enjoyed the update! :)



Amazing pictures again! No one does waterfalls quite as well as you  :thumbsup:

The paramaribo houses look great...maybe you'll be tempted to release your own bats one day (hint hint  &idea)


A Korver prop pack would be a perfect christmas gift.