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Monkey Island

Started by Schulmanator, July 23, 2007, 04:52:03 PM

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Pat Riot

I've put some stuff in all four corners, and think im done modeling. tell me if theres anything that needs work.

I will finish texturing tonight or tommorow afternoon.

top corners are gold banana fountains and open grass
bottom corners are curious goerge fountains with benches and walkways
thing in the center is the man himself, curious george, in a crown of bananas. Do you think the gradient i put over curious G's pic is too opaque? (as in it would be better to see more details?)


Translation: More Monkey Island coming soon!
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


bat   Thanks! A new update is coming soon!

sc4luv2   Your magazines will be coming via the MonkaMail Service!
Jmouse   What a great idea! A hall of fame for monkeys! I will look into that!

Pat Riot   You are making great progress! I look forward to a fabulous new monument. I will build a fine capitol area to feature it!

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


That's looking very great, Pat Riot! Great work on that plaza!


More visas have been issued by the Monkey Island Department of Tourism. Distribution is being perfromed by Monkey Island's Consulate, located in the Banana Republic Embassy

Once you receive yours, feel free to visit anytime!

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0

Pat Riot


Woo hoo, my bags are packed and they're fueling the jet as we speak. Finally I'll get to set foot on Monkey Island and have one of those famous banana splits. Gotta love it! :thumbsup:

Until next time...



HEY! Congratulations to everyone who received a visa for Monkey Island! Welcome to the club, my friends!





Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie



More Monkey Business from Monkey Island!

Exclusive sponsor of today's update:

Great news! Bongo is getting some new wheels! He has been a good little monkey, so his reward is to get a car. His dad, Prince Kong, drives him down to the car lot.

It's located near the intersection of Baboon Boulevard and the Monkey Island Expressway

As they drive in, Bongo gets excited. Perhaps they have Ferraris? Maseratis? Rolls? OranguHummers? This was gonna be GREAT!

Meanwhile, Prince Kong was hoping his credit was still good. He did have that incident with identity theft a while back. Apparently, someone used his good name to pay for an expensive ticket to New York City and caused all sorts of damages – all charged to his credit card.

Time for the test drive!

First, leave the car lot and head right, down Australopithecus Avenue, past the grocery store and into the suburbs.

Oh, such freedom! Bongo loved it! He was not a very experienced driver, but he was fairly careful. Plus, his dad was right there to watch.

He passed the Target on Bonobo Road

Then, they stopped for gas. Once on one side of the road for the car. The other side of the road at the Dairy Queen for chili dogs. Someone better open a window!

Be careful, Bongo! Traffic is backed up on Ah Ah Lane. Why not stop off at the Kwik-E-Mart for a squishy while you wait for the traffic to die down?

Whew! Now that he has braved that, Bongo is ready for his greatest challenge: the intersection of the Monkey Island Expressway, Baboon Boulevard, and Macaque Motorway. This Y-Stack interchange is not difficult to navigate, but is a bit daunting to the new driver.

At last, Bongo made it back to the car lot! Prince Kong made a great deal on a great set of wheels!

Bongo was so excited! He headed out straightaway to get some new car accessories!

Hooray! Now that he has a car, there's no telling what adventures Bongo may have! Watch out, Monkey Island Drivers!
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0

Pat Riot

HAHA! that was great. you must provide a picture of bongo, perhaps standing by his sweet set of wheels? rendering this weekend btw.


Which Year, Brand, and Model vehicle does he have? Which brand of tres tires does he have?

Great Work!!!!!!!!  :thumbsup:


This is just too much! Have you no shame, Schulmanator? OK, well I'm glad you don't, but don't tell anybody I said so. :P

Until next time...


That is looking very great! Wonderful work, Schulmanator! :thumbsup:
Looking forward to more...


Great pictures with a lot of variety and detail. Really fun to view.


OMG Schulmanator That umm Shampoo or body wash... mmmmm hemp lol...  Great to hear that Bongo got his wheels as it was asked so what type of car is it??? Anywho wonderful story and great stuff as always - pat

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie