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Monkey Island

Started by Schulmanator, July 23, 2007, 04:52:03 PM

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Tomas Neto

Hi my friend, great see your return!!!
Nice update Schulmanator!!!  :thumbsup:


Glad to see you back!  I've been slightly remiss not posting here as often as I could.  Last few updates look great, although the approach to that bridge in the most recent shot is terrifying!  Bet you could get a lot of air off that one!   ;)


Glowbal    Thanks! I appreciate your support. I am glad you enjoyed the update.
Earth quake   Merci beaucoup! I am glad to have you return to Monkey Island. Enjoy the holiday.
Tomas Neto    Obrigado! I am glad to have you visit us here in Monkey Island. It is always a pleasure to have you come here.

Battlecat   lol! That approach is not too bad – reminds me of the bridge over the Savannah River into Savannah Georgia—it may not be that steep IRL but you can't see more than 10 feet of angular cement in front of you as you drive...

This bridge sorta creeps me out when driving...

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Congratulations on a very well deserved move to the OSITM!  &apls

From the SC4D Staff!
Call me Robin, please.

Earth quake

Congratulation for your OSTIM, schulmanator. &apls


Congratulations on your OSITM! 

Good point about the bridge, I've encountered that type of optical illusion before. 


OSITM #1: Party in the M.I.

Brought to you by our sponsors:


And now, the feature presentation.

To celebrate being of Special Interest this month, Monkey Island has commissioned the OSITM Column. It was crafted by famous Beaux Arts sculptor Augustus Saint-Gibbon.

We begin the happy month with a stay at Larry LeMur's house. He's serving tea.

He got the fine and exclusive tea from his local TTC TeaHouse... a hotspot for tea aficionados.

He picked up his party décor earlier at Target. His home is decorated nicely for the occasion. And he has some great snacks!

He got bananas on sale at Food Lion. But, there is a great dessert for afterwards...

Of course! Banana cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory! Larry went all out to impress is guests.

Thanks for joining me in our party to celebrate Monkey Island's second OSITM! We will have a month full of exciting vine swinging action and adventure! Before we go...

Remember that the monkeys are working overtime to make new updates for you... so swing by again soon!

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Great to see a full update!  Those shopping centers are particularly impressive and inspiring!  Looking forward to what's next!


Excellent! Your monkeying around has me swinging through quite often schulmanator.

Take care.

Where City and Country Flow Together

Tomas Neto

Congratulations on your OSITM, my friend!!! And fantastic update too!!! Parabéns meu amigo!!!  &apls &apls


rooker1    Thank you, Robin. It has been two years since Monkey Island was so recognized. I am honored to have been considered a second time for OSITM and appreciate everyone's ongoing support with this MD.
Earth quake   Merci beaucoup! Thanks for your support ;)
Battlecat   It is a bit unnerving to drive on a bridge like that one.

Tomas Neto    Obrigado! I am glad to have you visit us here in Monkey Island. It is always a pleasure to have you come here.

Battlecat   Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed this feature presentation.

calibanX   Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed your stay... some people go bananas while here! :P

Tomas Neto    Obrigado, Jota. I appreciate your support and am glad you enjoyed the latest work.

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0

Earth quake

Other excellent update. &apls
Your commercial aera is stunning.


And, in other news: the fabulous OSITM#2 update coming up next has been officially designated the Monkey Island 50th Update! A special extravaganza from King C. George III's palace will be coming up... next!
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0

Tomas Neto

Ok my friend, I'll be waiting for the next update!!! Muitas felicidades para você!!!  :thumbsup:


OSITM #2: 50th Update Extravaganza

Celebrating 50 Updates of Monkey Island

Brought to you by our exclusive 50th Update-aversary sponsors:

The season's newest blockbuster hit


The hottest selling game in Monkey Island

And now, the feature presentation.

To celebrate the fiftieth full update of Monkey Island, we will take a trip to the palatial compound of Monkey Island's King C. George III. The king has been upgrading his palace to accommodate his ever-growing entourage of well-wishers and hangers-on. The Palace of Yellow Hat is at the center of the compound, fronted by the fabulously lush Swinging Gardens and flanked by various grand structures for royal family members. Join us, won't you, for some of the most succulent, tender and golden bananas Monkey Island has to offer.

We arrive late at night at the entrance of the palatial complex. We check in at the front gate and get a place to stay for the night. In the morning, we traverse the famous gardens and gain an audience with the king himself!

Morning comes and we set out to explore the Swinging Gardens, using the paths and the fabulous swinging trees to get around. Such meticulous groundskeeping merits further review.

Another fine outdoor sculpture by famed Beaux Arts master Augustus Saint-Gibbon highlights this courtyard.

A statue of King C. George III is the centerpiece... in case you forgot whose house you were visiting.

Oops... a wrong town down Chiquita Trail sent us over toward the grounds of stately Kong Hall, home of King and Queen Kong and their brood of princes and princesses.

Finally! On the approach to the Palace of Yellow Hat.

The Palace of Yellow Hat consists of two main structures with an elaborate set of courtyards, plazas and gardens to connect them.

From here, the country of Monkey Island is ruled with whimsical charm and a big yellow hat for a crown.

Of course, many areas exist for recreation and enjoying a fresh banana while basking in the sun.

Bananas of extraordinary quality are grown on the property and served fresh.

The estate of Sir Donkey of Kong also has its own grove of bananas.

Archduke Zimbu of Dilbertland maintains a residence nearby so he can stay abreast of the latest in Monkey Island politics.

And all visitors are welcome to free bananas behind the Chapel of St. George the Curious after services are concluded.

As we approach the main residence for our audience, let's check to make sure our banana bouquet is ready to present.

The king should be pleased with the gift.

As we approach the entrance to the reception hall, anticipation mounts.

Finally! We are ready to meet the king. Everyone your attention please. His Majesty, King C. George III of Monkey Island is now entering the chamber.

The king seems very pleased with his banana bouquet! Woo hoo – now he will officially endorse this as the 50th update of Monkey Island.

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Congratulations on your OSITM-Award :thumbsup:
Fantastic work on that park in front of the palace &apls


Earth quake

Splendid "banana park" and palace. &apls
I want can see more.


If the king is pleased, all should be well. A fantastic palace and beautiful gardens. Congratulations on your second and 50th :thumbsup:

Tomas Neto

Wow, is a great update and awesome too!!! Fantastic!!!  :thumbsup:


Earth quake    Thank you. I am delighted that you liked it so much.
Tomas Neto          Obrigado, meu amigo.
Fabian93   Thank you – and welcome back to Monkey Island.

Earth quake    Merci beaucoup! I am glad you liked the parks.

kwakelaar   Very true! Thanks for coming and welcome to Monkey Island.

Tomas Neto    Obrigado, Jota. I am always glad to hear from you here.

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0