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High Speed Rail Project (HSRP)

Started by Jonathan, August 19, 2007, 02:07:34 AM

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Warrior its all good bud take your time as RL is first and I cant wait to see what you do have for us when you can get to it....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


looks good....i've been using the beta1 and anticipate this public release. 

thanks for all the hard work! :thumbsup:


Just to let you know I would be modding at the moment, but some stupid power cut is preventing me :(. And I don't know when it will be back up. &hlp

Glad to hear people still want this ;)

And this thread just went through the 200 replies, thanks Pat :)

Also please call me Jonathan, my real name.


how are you on the internet the jon? im assuming your power ottage isdue to the "hurricane" outside... lol it went through cardiff in under 2 hours flat....
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Well appart from a bit of rain and some stronger winds than normal, I haven't seen any "hurricane". I'm at a primary school on the other side of my village(where all the sites are blocked excpet for this one it seems ::)), *surprisingly* both schools in my village seem to have enough power, where I would have liked it to be the total opposite.


lol, unlucky, us northeners are doing just fine... sorry to gloat  $%Grinno$%

cant wait for some updates Jon, your work here is amazing  :thumbsup:

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Sorry to hear of your power woes, my friend! I hope everything is straightened out in a timely manner!


Jon, I was in the New Orleans area, during Hurricane Katrina, so I can understand the feelings you must be haiving. I was one of the lucky ones, and did not lose everything. My parents though, did. If I can help out in any way, let me know.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


Where I am in England this "hurricane" was nothing like Hurricane Katrina, even though I will probably never even begin understand how bad the experience was. It was just some wind and some rain(nothing like Hurricane Katrina) , we now have a temporary generator while they find the break in the power line, which was probably because of the "earthquake" we had and the rain.

I'm sorry to hear that you were in New Orleans at the time,we have been learning about it geography and the dmamge looked awful.


sory i seem to have mislead people.... when i said "hurricane" please note the inverted commas, i was refering to the large storm we are having that the news is permanently exaggerating..... as far as the weathermen over here are concerned it is a "hurricane". anyway i think enough off topic....
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


I understood why you put the "",that is why I also used them.
And as MightyGoose says that's enough Off Topic

So a littler update:
The HSR is currently on Alpha02 and would be on Alpha03 if I didn't have a little problem concerning Pathing

EDIT: Thanks to Tarkus, I have now changed a number which was incorrect and making the paths invalid.

I have now added the Diagonal HSR x Diagonal Street/Road/Rail/OWR, that means all that is left to do puzzle piece wise, is add the orthogonal/Diagonal Avenue/Highway x Diagonal HSR pieces and possibley the RHW pieces. I'll have some pictures soon,and after that it's just the Pylons and everything should be go.


glad it is not as bad as I thought. The work you are doing is awesome, and I can't wait to put it to use.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


So I guess it's time for a proper update with pictures.
Well here all the puzzle pieces complete, all correctly pathed, finally. Sorry about the awful quality.

Then the shadows and supports are differeent for each network

And I wonder what this could be???? ;D



Who turned out the lights?

This is great stuff.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


I like the progress of this. One thing I had a problem with the HSR in the past however was that no one would ride it, will this change in that it is easier for sims to ride it and work well for intercity connections?


Looking good here, Warrior! Keep up the good work!


Looks like GHSR is on its way to a working prototype for testing!



Cant wait for this, your getting good at teasing :P LOL

thanks Jon  :thumbsup:

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms