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High Speed Rail Project (HSRP)

Started by Jonathan, August 19, 2007, 02:07:34 AM

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Excellent work here, Warrior! Keep it up!


magnificant progress here Warrior!!!  &apls :thumbsup:

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I don't think I have said before that, any people willing to BAT station are more than welcome to, any infomation needed, like height of track, textures, etc. Just PM me. Also any models for bridges, new track, anything else, that can be put in the odd, just post it here and I'll see if I can get it in for another version.

Thanks very much for the comments, everyone is really supportive here, :)
There is a date which the release is for but it can change, I don't want to rush out something that is not ready.
btw, please call me Jonathan, my real name  ;)

Here are the 3 bridges HSR, GHSR and monorail.
Jeronij, did the technical stuff on HSR bridge, And I just Copied and pasted his files and lowered the bridge 15m, with some help from him.



thats amazing, well done

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


OKies Jonathan, lol wow I do agree with that Pic that Joe posted WOW!!! Im excited about that bridge that looks soo awesome!!!!!!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie



Amazing work Jonathan! Congratulations on getting this far with the project!

I noticed one minor thing though. If you look closely at the bridge shadows, there are tiny marks between each tile. It's a minor eye-candy issue, but is it fixable?


Yes, great work on the bridge!! :thumbsup:


Cool stuff, Johnathan! I can't wait to download this! %BUd%
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


And beleive me, it is much closer than you think. The current build is very complete and as far as I can tell it could be released with the next NAM update.


LOL, nice cat picture Joe,

Prince: I think that is just my game settings, it is like that on all bridges for me. You can see it on the monorail bridge.

Now it's all the boring stuff like the readme. And merging files and making sure files that are(n't) meant to be there are(n't).Still I have oneish days to get it done.


Awesome, I'm impatiently waiting on it's release, you did a heck of a job on this! Congrats on the result.  ()stsfd()
Have fun writing down the ReadMe  :P

Btw, what effort would it take to edit SimGoobers stations to work with the GHSR? Would changing the railroad texture overlays and the TransitSwitches & Paths work? If that's the case, i'll be willing to convert it (if I got the straight texture, 'course)
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caspervg, indeed you can change the stations to GHSR (monorail) taking the steps you described above. A few additional details are needed:
- Change the Query sound (the plop sound isn't that important) and the "nearby" sound, if such a sound exists (or consider adding one). The sound usually used in rail stations is of a passing train. Using the sound of an electric locomotive would rather be nicer, and would provide some differentiation too (it won't be the same as commuter rail or monorail).
- Similarly change the Query dialog. I think a qustom query would be the best, as again this "new" form of transport shouldn't be confused with rail or monorail. The query needn't be too fancy, instead it can be like the standard transportation queries (yellow), displaying the usage, funding etc, but with a different icon (a HS locomotive).
- Also change the occupant groups, to those of a monorail station; if the station is a multi-transit hub you must add the corresponding Occupant Groups too (bus, subway, rail etc) and the required transit switchings. Unfortunately you have no control on the mini-query icon (the hover query) as this is determined by the occupant groups. So the icon will always be monorail (in the case of a multi-transit hub it can be any of the transit types involved).

BATs that have the track modelled (instead of using a lot texture) need to be remodeled. Instead, you can just tolerate the short section in the model, but in this case you should better make a special transition-like texture, as having the textures changing abruptly from HSR track to common rail track would be an eyesore. You can try converting my semitransparent stations, these don't have any kind of track modeled, and that's why it was possible to be lotted/modded as both rail and GLR station (and hubs). Maybe I could BAT an additional wall (without the train entrances) so that these can be lotted/modded as terminals too, and not as through stations only.

Also take into account that network textures can't be used as lot textures, you need to  make a new texture (copy) with a special Group ID (0x0986135E), and adjust luminance and contrast.

I could release the custom query, sound and texture(s) as a set of "GHSR Stations Essentials" (to be used by GHSR Stations). Warrior, can you attach the straight GHSR texture in this thread?


Doesn't sound that hard actually, thanks for the explanation. As for the stations, I have checked and can confirm that SG has put the railtextures in as overlays, so no need to remodel  :)
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Here are the textures, the original one (with the blue side barriers)a modified one ( HSR centered with no side bits) and the original texture as a .fsh file (in the zip)

Just to make it clear these lots can't be included in the main modd.  And if these lots are converted would they have the original lots as dependancies, because the biggest thing that puts me off Custom content is the thousands of dependancies, all just for one single lot.


hmm...something I just thought of: the G/HSR will have functioning inter-city connections, right?


Yes most definately, Otherwise ther would be no point.
I'm not sure how to make it go through 3 cities, if it s possible but it will 10000% defeinately be possible to have sims traveling to the city next to theres.

Have you found anything wrong the modd that is going to make go crazy with it yet?  ;)


Nothing yet as I haven't tested it yet. Was asking that question before I tested it.

EDIT: Tested it. Everything works fairly well...

...but there are a few problems.

First, texture errors. The road texture is ofset by 1px, but it is no big deal.

The second texture problem is much more noticeable.

The left side of the RHW4 is flipped around.

Second, reversions.

The texture tends to revert in complicated areas and in very tight curves.

Also the 90 and 45 degree crossings cause reversions to monorail as well.

Third, placement issues.

Try as I might I could not get the diagonal Road+HSR puzzle piece to rotate from the orientation shown.

Also the ortho El-rail+HSR has some issues.

And the HSR will not cross the RHW6 at all.

Fourth, the 2x height monorail/el-rail pieces are all well and good, but they are useless without a way to connect them to normal height mono/el -rail.

And fifth, as you warned me in your PM, Warrior, I found something I wasn't expecting.

This is something that should be revealed by the NAM Team but it is very interesting.




The lighter textures, under the HSR and the 1 px offsets will be fixed by another modd in the NAM.

Can you try redragging the RHW-4 error, I'll try stabilising that.
You can't have HSR tracks in such a tight turn doing so with the original modd would have caused glitches as well, this can be fixed though, just not now.
And the HSR x HSR, that was originally prevented from happening, but then I allowed it to be draw for easier placement of the puzzle pieces.

QuoteFourth, the 2x height monorail/el-rail pieces are all well and good, but they are useless without a way to connect them to normal height mono/el -rail.
I can't say anything about that. ;)

I thought the roadxHSR rotation thing had been fixed. So I'll see whats missing there.
And I have not yet sent you the newest files yet, I have only just finished yesterday evening, in there the El-Rail x HSR among other things is fixed.

Thanks very much Dragonshardz,  :)


Quote from: dragonshardz on April 20, 2008, 02:09:13 PM
And the HSR will not cross the RHW6 at all.

That's because Monorail can't cross the RHW-6 either.  The overrides needed for Monorail-over-RHW-6 aren't done yet, so I put in Prevent RULs to stop that incomplete setup from being drawable.  The same is true with Elevated Light Rail.

-Alex (Tarkus)


The HSR > Monorail is the same problem as the MIS > RHW2. While it's fairly annoying when working with low speed roads, it's actually not that bad here, as high speed rail and tight curves don't mix (you have to lower "high speed" standards substantially if you're going to allow such tight turns, and include tilt-technology to make the journey comfortable).