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New Nam - New EuroTextures

Started by frimi, January 17, 2007, 06:59:48 AM

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My BAT Showcase: ehbk2006's traffic BAT's
My sketchup models on the 3d warehouse.
[RDY]: Veolia - Coal hopper + E189


Thank you again Andreas for distributing this way as it truly was smother than what I was originally planing!(Didn't realize just how many texture sets you had to cover!) And thank you David for such awesome grid breaking goodies!
I actually never had tried any Euro mod before now ,I really like it!  &apls &apls



With the flup entrance/exit portal, I'm still getting the double yellow lines, is this normal? Also, I would like to request that buddybud;s pieces be included in the future.
~ NAM Team Member


The FLUP textures should have been included, but I'll check that again.


The file is there, and the road over road pieces have the correct texture, just the piece that goes under doesnt. Also, none of the road networks over RHW have the euro texture eithier, even though in preview it shows the texture.
~ NAM Team Member


Ahh, I found the problem. The FLUP underpass ramp does have Euro textures for me, but they are not in the FLUP plugin, but in the DAT for Marrast's underpasses (as they use the same model). So run the installer again and select the file for Marrast's underpasses, then the FLUP underpass ramp should have Euro textures as well.

As for any RHW-related Euro textures, I was told by Shadow Assassin that he's working on those. As a temporary fix, I made a texture that puts Euro textures on the RHW/Road Overpass, which I attached to my posting. This should cover the most common situation of an RHW/Road intersection, I guess.


...this space to be filled soon...


Not sure if this question is better suited here or somewhere else, but --

I was wondering if there was any mod out there (or one in the works) that will give me the white sidewalks on the rail-under-road pieces, but also let me keep my American road textures? I've got a few places I'd like to use those puzzle pieces, but the red sidewalks and those big lightposts just stick out like a sore thumb.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Well, I didn't like the red bricks, so I changed that to the white sidewalk when I was creating the Euro textures for those pieces. GoaSkin originally used the red brick in order to make the pieces more distinctive, but I agree that they stick out a bit too much. I'll see if I can find my source textures, then I could create a patch with US textures as well.


Quote from: chibytuga on March 21, 2009, 04:44:59 PM
I was wondering if there was any mod out there (or one in the works) that will give me the white sidewalks on the rail-under-road pieces, but also let me keep my American road textures? I've got a few places I'd like to use those puzzle pieces, but the red sidewalks and those big lightposts just stick out like a sore thumb.

I have been working on such mod. A picture from my showcase(Roads in the lower side of the picture is regular draggable roads btw).

I hope I can share beta version soon.


Ah yes, I completely forgot about that one - even better than my approach. :)


Awesome. Looking forward to seeing this released (as I'm sure many others are)   :thumbsup:



Does the old ERTM mod (pre april 2010) work with this one? Doesn't it need updating now? Or did the NAM team not change a road texture at all?
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)


Hmm, I think ebina uploaded updated Euro textures for those as well - I'll have to check my files, though. Those will go into an update of the ERTM, but I'd prefer if that one would contain the rest of the new NAM stuff as well.


When is really the texture will come out for download?
I'm hoping to go out and upgrade anything...

Sorry for my bad english :B


It took a while this time, but now it's finally here: I've uploaded an update of the SFBT Euro Road Textures Mod, which should cover all recent NAM additions, as well as some bugfixes. Also included are the NWM Euro textures by mrtnrln and riiga, which have been published separately at the STEX a while ago. I changed mrtnrln's textures for the NAM TuLEP plugin, though; they now use the same appearance as the NAM Road Turning Lane plugin (see picture below). Also included is a file that contains new menu icons for the NWM, showing the white Euro textures.

Download Windows version

Download Mac version

Download Update version (contains only new/updated textures since the previous version, ZIP file both for Win and Mac, intended for experienced users)

What's new?

- Updated Euro textures for the NAM items that have been changed in the latest release
- Euro textures for the Network Widening Mod
- Euro textures for the NAM TuLEPs plugin
- some updated textures in order to fix a few bugs and graphical glitches

Many thanks to mrtnrln and riiga for the NWM Euro textures, to ebina for the NAM texture updates, and to everyone else that I might have missed. :)


Thank you very much to everyone involved in putting this all together.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Thank you for the update, Andreas. Could you add attached S3Ds into ERTM LHD plugin? It fixes this glitch.


Thanks for the update, ebina. I'll integrate the S3Ds and re-upload the files.

EDIT: Updated!


Thanks a lot Andreas for updating this baby  ;)
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

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