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AntigOne's Projects: Elsewhere.

Started by Badsim, January 17, 2007, 02:14:19 PM

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Cedric amazing stuff you been doing here im shocked well not shocked I just knew it you would still keep AntigOne special flare alive and well  :thumbsup:

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Fantastic images. So much great details. &apls The cows watching the gas tank refilling. :thumbsup:


I think that is my all-time favorite MD update :o

The sum of your efforts preparing for and executing Champclause is a stunning display of what creativity, talent, and dedication is capable of  &apls

Here's hoping your absence will not be an extended one!

And of course a Happy New Year to you  :party:


Congratulations, your MD is number one on Ben's Top Ten this week.

What a great update - it reminds me of one of those meticulous model villages - the details are just superb. Love the sheep, too!
Click on the banner to celebrate!


It is incredible how you bend this game to your will Cédric. You're an artist.

Happy New Year!

Where City and Country Flow Together


My early year as a hermit, made ​​me miss this epilogue 2011.

I would give all the definition of symbiosis: intimate and enduring association between two organisms.

Cédric you are my symbiote. Your pictures inspire me new creations, and inspires you these new images.

But when I see them, they are so accomplished, I do not see what to improve?

I know we do see each other probably more by the end of 2012. I wonder what the community will be able to do until your unexpected return.

Vive la VIP team

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Late but...
Last year i´ve discovered this unbelievable MD, and from the first look i was infected. I´ve stared to the pictures, i´ve read all the tutorials, mostly two, three times and tried to learn. Away from the point that there are a lot of good MDs this one gave me a shot. Here i saw a complete new way to play with this game, it opened my mind and now i´m sure Your inspiration will give the game a new spring...
I wish You a wonderful 2012, - again pure egoism, cause i need advice and beauty and Your blog here is the best place on earth for that.  :P
Thanks, Carl


Hello my friends ,  :)

On January the 17th  it was the 5th anniversary of AntigOne at SC4Devotion , after  2 years at Simphoni ( ex-Simcitycentral ) . Can't believe it ! ::) I was preparing  a retrospective to celebrate it , and to thank you all for your motivating comments during these 5 years spent together ... I'm  a bit late but finally I've been able to finish and upload that SlideShow at Youtube yesterday . Furthermore , that's a good way for newcomers to discover AntigOne  before to browse its 104 pages !  $%Grinno$% ( This is my first use ever of  MovieMaker program ... be lenient !  :P )

Now , the bad news : :thumbsdown:

I've got to move  for a new house ... I knew it since last summer and have had a good opportunity in December about a larger one with a lower rent , less than 2 Km ( so , about  1 mile )  away from my current one . It is an old small warehouse from SNCF ( National French Rail Company ) quite original with a lot of possibilities but I've got a lot of conversion/restauration works to do before (Started since 2 weeks , that kind of works aren't my cup of tea , to say the least !  :-[  %bur2$) . The move itself is planned for the middle of March , just before the beginning of the touristic season ; my real job . Unfortunately , it means that  I shouldn't be able to be active again here before the end of August/beginning of September ... maybe I'll be able to come from time to time  , but I can't promise anything  .

I may feel rather depressed lately with the obligation to stop my favorite hobby and the coincident announced retirement of Girafe , ( these 2 facts are less distinct that they could seem ... ) but with the experience from all these years , I'm rather confident about the future : if I can't speak for Girafe , for sure the fabulous and continuous creativity of this great community will attract me there again . ;)

I'll keep on being informed about what happens at SC4Devotion in any case ...

Take care . :thumbsup:


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Congrats to your 2nd / 5th anniversary  &hlp

That's a great slide show with all those highlights (if you can tell they are highlights as all pictures are highlights  ()stsfd()) of your MD!  &apls
Well I'm happy I did not just watch that video but the whole 90 + something pages as they where when I first read through this MD.

It's quite sad to hear that you have to stop with your SC4 hobby for a while. I wish you a good move and all the best for restauration ... inspiration, power and so on :) I'll be happy to see your next pictures.

So I wish you a save arrival in your new home when everything is read and a successive season.

Angels can fly because they don't take themselves too serious!


 That really was a great little video.  I can remember all those pictures, but as the video was running I found myself going back several times just so I could get a better look at some of those great pics.
This time of year when you leave us for a few months is always a little sad.....in a very greedy way.  Not having you around, your pictures, your ideas and your usual ground breaking break throughs will be missed.  But just like the last few years, I'm sure we will all be counting down the days until your return.
As for your new place.....good luck with the restoration, the move and setting everything up.

I look forward to your return,
Robin  ;)
Call me Robin, please.


That was one nice retrospective, Cédric! I almost remembered every updates shown. By far your MD is the one I can contemplate page after page without getting bored, and then i'll exit full of new excellent ides from you.

About your new home, will it be some kind of loft ? From what I know, lofts are often built in old warehouses like you said.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Well, I think it is time to step forward and show myself. I have been watching you ever since you started this MD and I was amazed in the beginning of what could have been done with the LE and Mayorplops. Today I am not amazed anymore, but mostly stunned, and have been for the last year. Although I couldn't imagine that the pictures of this MD could improve, I was totally wrong. They not only improved but gave me another "feeling of the game".

I have been around silently, as I do very often, but now that you have your 5 years here, it was time to say what I had to say since years. I wish you a lot of luck getting into your new home and hopefully you'll be back with more fantastic detailed gameworks as you have done in the past.
I really enjoy your point of observation of real life and put it into the game as detailed as possible. Keep it up and always be nice to the smaller ones. ;)

Very nice video btw, loved it!

A big but silent fan of yours,

mrb/ Fred

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


It's funny but looking at this video is like listening to a good old disk of music you've always loved!  ::)

Thank you very much for all the hard work you share with us & good luck for your relocation.

Salutation de Suisse.



Hi Cédric,

I thought relotting was one of your favourite activities? So reworking an old warehouse sounds very good! But I know, there is a great difference between putting a small tiny prop on the exact right spot of a lot and trying to get a screw into a subborn piece of wood that is hanging over your head, while you are standing on an unstable staircase! I wish you good luck with your new home and your job this summer. And I hope we will read from each other when the times are less strained. :thumbsup:

Your admirer,



Congrats to your anniversary &apls

You'll always be an idol and forerunner for me :)

I wish you all the best for your RL &apls

We'll see you hopefully very soon - back in your "hometown" - Antigone


-klick-1st Anniversary Video-klick-
Part of SFBT and RFR Team


Fabulous idea and synthesis of your unlimited work of art.  &apls &apls &apls
Each picture is a pure masterpiece.
I remember when I saw your previous rural pictures of AntigOne. What a shock, how amazing that was! Since you've always been my favourite source of inspiration. And you never cease to amaze us... Thanks for all Cedric,
I wish you the best for the future and hope to see you back soon !

Yann  :thumbsup:


Amazing retrospective  &apls &apls

Antigone, a fabulous Epopee
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


An incredible video.  $%Grinno$% Great.  :o Fantastic.  :) Wonderfully.  &ops  I wish you all the best for your future life.  :thumbsup:


sky's Sim City Venus - Project (Start: 2013)

Only on Sim City (2013)

Current Progress: Planning


&apls &apls &apls

I started to follow Antigone from 1 year and two month and has been exciting to see the progress on rural/natural scenes. With each update the game went a little farther, showing that we have still not seen the limit of SC4. I was also seeing many of the previous updates which also left me speechless!

Antigone is one of my main references. Surely the most important :)

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