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Started by petercintn, January 18, 2007, 06:51:48 AM

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Wonderful update! I like your cities! :thumbsup:


Quote from: wouanagaine on February 07, 2007, 02:38:26 AM
Really great update, the mine is very well setup

BTW, you used a BAT I always want to find, on the second pic, the rail utility that is clipped on the right, where can I find it ?

I hope you are talking about the roundhouse, which is clipped on the right in the third pic.  Here's the linkie
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


Yes ! Many thanks ! As I don't know the english term I was not able to do a search ;)

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren ♦ emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley
M4346 ♦ moganite ♦ Papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


All those strip mines, that'll be The Former Site of Blaylock Mountain before you know it.

A great update to a great MD.

It's quite an honor to be the Avolon Head Cheese [linkie].

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Well, those mines and the power plant look great...But, let's make sure they're environmentally friendly or I'm going to have to send some of the boys from the Ministry down to take care of it! Great update, I'll be looking forward to more!


Of course they are environmentally friendly (or at least that's what I can tell everyone). Propaganda minister... excellent...just what I need... power of speech...heh heh. If the mines fill with water, we'll call them lakes and make it a tourist attraction (assuming environmental concerns are met. At any rate, great stuff so far. However, in the 5th pic, It might be good to see something on the slopes between the houses on the right side of the town. The hills look steep, and it seems that it would take more than just grass roots to hold the soil in place (perhaps a wall or some trees). The last pic looks quite nice too. I'm not usually a fan of big cities (though there are some really good ones that I have seen), but that night pic really looks good. Keep it up, and I'll keep the propaganda coming.


From the desk of the Vice Mayor

While the mayor has been away (I understand that he is having a resort built in Shiloh, but I know better, not that he isn't overseeing the construction, but I bet he's doing it drunk from a casino) he has called me and asked that I get the Oakdale update to the Board of Ministers and Administrators. 

For nearly 60 years, Oakdale has grown into a reasonably healty city of around 1/3rd million sims.  In Old Town there is rising unempolyment and a few buildings have been abandoned.  Many of the buildings in Oakdale have fallen into disrepair.  But all in all, the city is doing fine, even if I think the mayor has some design flaws.  He says the city will be restructured when he releases his moratorium on land grants.  I wonder about Mayor Collins at times.

The other problems as I see it.  The small regional airport which has served us so well is overloaded.  We need a bigger airport.  I believe that Oakdale is ready for a big time pro stadium, but so far the mayor won't shell out the franchise fee.  The bus system is doing well, but we need to consider another means of public transportation as the growing unemployment in Old Town suggest.  I think there are a few zoning problems, but I've told you what the mayor said and i'll add this, 'as long as it's making a profit' which seems to be our mayor's only concern.  But as I have stated, the city is doing well for the most part and is making a nice profit.

I submit to you some photos for the record of Oakdale

We requested this Satellite Photo from the Sim Kingdom.

Here are city regional photos from the new surveillance plane the mayor procured for Pvarcoe, our top pilot.

North Side region

Central region

Western region

Indusrial District & Northern Old Town

Some hi tech industry & part of the Western Commercial District

The terracing that Pave & Level, Inc charged us for shows well here

Downtown District

Old Town

Central Old Town

Northern Old Town or New Old Town as the residents are fond of calling this district

Sourthern Commercial District, where the bulk of the work is in Oakdale, our services are sold kingdom wide

Little southern villages

More of the Southern Commercial District

Central Comercial District

The Spear of Oakdale

The Northern Commercial District

More of the Northern Commercial District

Some glich kept the photos from Up Town from showing up.  We will have to schedule another fly-by to get the photos.

The mayor has also ordered me to have traffic and financial reports for the the four cities ready for release.  I will have these reports to the Board by the first of the week.  The mayor has aslo asked me to foward this note to the Board.

Dear Board Members,

I would like to take this chance to thank all of you for your fine work.  I'm am overseeing the construction of a lakeside retreat for the enjoyment of the board and myself, exclusively.  We may even let Jeeves come and bartend for us if he's a good boy.  Ha ha, that's a joke, of couse we'll let Jeeves come bartend for us.  The casinos are up and running and making us a handsome profit.  While you vacation at the retreat here, any casino in Shiloh will gladly serve your each and every need, on the house.  Just remember to bring plenty of cash to gamble with, it's yours to win or lose.  But we'll get you fed & drunk for free.

On the business side, I am ready to lift the ban from land grants.  I think the region now has a sturdy enough base to push out and be stable.  Plus I'd like to get the balance in our favor in the growing food/shipping in food scale.  Right now we ship in over 85% of our food from Sim Kingdom.  Plus, the Somy Corp is ready to build docks in Allons, to increase our shipping capicity, which is rather low right now.  I am being hammered by the good sims of Oakdale and else where about the waiting time and service of our regional airport.  So I have ordered Jeeves to work up a report for me as how to best go about the new airport, which I will aprove as soon as I am satisfied with what plans we have.

We are profitable, and all is good.  That is the Offical Mayor Decree.

Mayor Impervious Supreme Collins

Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


Out of the many great parts of this update, I wanted to mention one thing that seemingly went unmentioned. In the Central Region: downtown district (specifically the 8th pic down): there is a school that blends so nicely into the surrounding structures, yet manages to maintain its unique boundary. Might I ask what the school's mascot is? Good luck with the development and expansion, I'm sure the city can take it.


Great sat photo- I'd be interested in seeing your traffic congestion map- it looks like you really have a great roadway layout.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Your MD is coming along GREAT!  :thumbsup: I love all the green and the variety!  ()stsfd()
It's definitely a great mix of styles!

And, as usual, interesting developments and I will be looking out for more!  &apls


- Marius
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Woahh! When did all this building take place? Avalon is developing FAST now. Good job! :thumbsup:


BlackwaterEmil's inn
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren
♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Looking good! Hopefully the mayor doesn't lose all the city's money at the blackjack tables or spend it all on booze! Great update, I'll be looking forward to more!


Fantastic pictures and great city-overview! :thumbsup:


Wow, nice arial shots of Oakdale. That minister of the sky deserves a raise.
A really good mix of growables in Oakdale.

And back one update.... Strip mines, oh the shame of it!


Quote from: threestooges on February 15, 2007, 04:25:21 PM
Out of the many great parts of this update, I wanted to mention one thing that seemingly went unmentioned. In the Central Region: downtown district (specifically the 8th pic down): there is a school that blends so nicely into the surrounding structures, yet manages to maintain its unique boundary. Might I ask what the school's mascot is? Good luck with the development and expansion, I'm sure the city can take it.

Here's a closeup of the school I believe you mentioned.  As I have not even thought about a mascot for this school, please, have the honor of giving the school a mascot.  I'll then feature it somehow.

Quote from: emilin on February 15, 2007, 11:58:47 PM
Woahh! When did all this building take place? Avalon is developing FAST now. Good job! :thumbsup:


I hope this park is the one your refering to and if so here's a linkie
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


...Mascots are real trouble these days, Mr. Mayor...

You can't have "Indians" or "Redskins" or "Warriors" because the Native Americans will get upset.

You can't have "Bears" or "Hawks" or "Wolves" because the folks from PETA will get upset.

You can't have "Canucks" or "Fighting Irish" or the like because ethnic groups will get upset.

You can't have "Wizards" or "Demons" because poorly informed muggles will get upset.

About the only mascot names that are not controversial are the "Scrambling Cockroaches" and the "Amoebic Dysentery."  Although these too may yet prove controversial...

Remember the ancient Chinese curse...

...may you live in interesting times...

...and that we do, Mr. Mayor.  That we do.
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


That's the one I'm talking about. In regards to the mascot (thanks for letting me offer my choice):
-In keeping with the name of Avolon (similar to Avalon) I would offer up the knights (in reference to King Arthur).
-Secondly, given the yellow path with tracks near the top of the pic (near the main building), there appear to be bear tracks: this suggests some sort of bear be named (Grizzly, Polar, Panda (not the most fearful thing you could choose), etc).
-Finally, in the spirit of my present school, I offer our mascot of the Lions.

I am partially leaning towards the last, but I think I shall leave the final decision to you (since you will have to do an update based on it). Our mascot (the lion) came about as a result of donations by Louis B. Mayer of MGM Studios. What first struck me was that it somewhat reminded me of our law school in downtown L.A. So there is my two cents on the matter. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

Thanks for the quick response too.



From the Desk of the Vice Mayor

As I seem stuck in the Oakdale office, while the mayor oversees the new construction of the docks in Allons,

he has me running the daily activities.  The next area to touch on is the lost data from the last update to your offices.  Here are the images from the make-up fly-by.


Where Jeeves spends his day.

Plenty of places to lunch if the weather's nice.

The mayor has also sent me these images of his new cattle ranch

There's too many cows for the land so hay must be brought out daily.

The mayor, not one to let a penny pass him by, sells 'natural gas'

The mayor also asked me to foward this image of 'Casino Row.'  He said the Black Rock Resort should be back open soon, Mayor Collins shut it down for shake down tax evasion

Here's two images of the mayor's new retreat

Now for the offical reports


Tiler Point
As you will see, Tiler Point has some traffic issues.  Though the cash is low, it is fiscally stable and growing.


Bus Routes

The mayor wanted to point out that 1 million simoleons came out of his pocket to fund parts of Shiloh.  He also said nobody cares about the traffic.

E. Jeeves Worthington, III

Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


haha cool

as for the team name, I used to live in south georgia and a team there was the Albany Syrupmakers :D so who knows,  maybe that would work?
War Kittens !?


Again, well done. I especially like the cattle farm and its "alternative energy" plant. I've tried cattle farms a number of ways, but this is the best way to do it that I have seen so far. If I may ask... what is the structure just under the cattle auction area in tithe 2nd pic of the cattle farm? It all looks good, and I particularly enjoy the overviews (traffic, budget, etc) of the towns/cities in the area. Good stuff.