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Started by petercintn, January 18, 2007, 06:51:48 AM

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Jeeves!, JEEVES!.

I'm right behind you, sir.

Wha? Oh there you are Jeeves, can you ever be ready when I call?

I was right here Mayor.

No Jeeves, you were right there.  If you had been right here I wouldn't have to yell for you.

Your cra-

Listen up Jeeves, see this

It's the grant sir.  Congrat-

You know what this means Jeeves?

Of cou-

It means we can get rolling Jeeves.  I now own 64 quads, 64 Jeeves.  Look, here's the satellite pic. 

And here's the close ups, well closer ups.

Closer ups, sir?

Just look Jeeves.

Jeeves, I saved this for last, can you guess-

The Avolon quad, sir?

Why Jeeves, you cut me off, how rude.  But yes Jeeves, the Avolon quad, see that fiery sword of Excalibur pointing to the lake?  On the shores of Lake Excalibur I shall build my castle Jeeves,  The Round Castle.

That's the round table sir...

Ah, what's that Jeeves?

And I don't believe Excalibur was a fiery sword sir.

Did you say something Jeeves?

Just mumbling sir.

Well quit mumbling Jeeves, I've got a million things to do and your just mumbling?  Come on Jeeves, let's get going.

Where are we going Mayor?

I've got to see a horse about a man.

That's a man about a horse.

Are you still mumbling Jeeves?
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


Beautiful map, and it's apparent you've put in some time prepping it for the roll-out.  This should be a great region to watch develop.

Good luck!

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren

Alek King of SC4

wow the trees on that map came out very ice, a new BSC tree controller i presume?
AWESOME start.


This is a great map. The trees are very nice distributed over the plains. The curving rivers and forks are very nice too.  &apls
Check my MD:               


Very nice map, it's going to be interesting to see how you develop it.


Yes, the map is lovely!  (*mumbles "and Jeeves and I have a lot in common!"*)   :thumbsup:
My name is Vicki
Fred and Ginger were my doggies
RIP my babies


The map looks great and I like the little backstory you've begun. Looking forward to more!


Thanks for all the nice comments.  If you read the hokie story line, you find yourself having a part in the story for your comments.  (I stole the idea)  A little about the map.  It's a downloaded map of Overton County, Tenn.  Where I lived for the last 3 years.  Of course Overton County is not square so a little was cut off here and there and some of the surrounding counties leaked in the edges.  It is 8 x 8 big city squares.  I ran it through Mircodem (duh) and lowered the elevation for, one: to make it easier to play, I am no slope genus; and two: I got quite a few flat tops in the southeast where the Cumberland Plateau rises.  I then stuck it in Landscape Designer and raised the water level so I could have some ocean.  All the water up north comes from the Dale Hollow Lake though it is greatly exaggerated.

I am using the Meadowshire Terrain with the Meadowshire River Tree Controller.  It does all the work and Cycledogg gets all the credit for it.  It does look great!  Just throw in some rocks and logs and SC4 never looked so good.

I will 'cheat' whenever I need to, mainly to regroup simoleons when I try stuff that I have to get right more than once.  I would like to grow this region as realisticly as possible so keeping in budget is something that Mayor Collins and Jeeves will have to consider.  I've got 8 pics ready to get to you in the morning's update.

Thanks again for the nice comments and watch out for yourself in the story.  If you want a particular job or whatever, let me know and I'll "Make it so."  Oh, I'm a mayor, not a star ship captain.  I'll need some kickbacks guys...
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


Looks like a pretty kool map petercintn,
     I'm really interested in this diary.    I was raised not to far from ya'll.   I grew up in Coffee Co. (Manchester, TN) and graduated from college at Tennessee Tech.     So I have travelled around that land you are working on now.       I was trying to figure out where things were on the map based on my memory of the area.    I didn't realize how long it has been since I was there.   LOL       Best of luck on this.   I'll keep checking on it to see how it's going.


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


Great Start!
Lovely region work.
I can't wait for more.



Quote from: Gaston on January 18, 2007, 05:20:35 PM
Looks like a pretty kool map petercintn,
     I'm really interested in this diary.    I was raised not to far from ya'll.   I grew up in Coffee Co. (Manchester, TN) and graduated from college at Tennessee Tech.     So I have travelled around that land you are working on now.       I was trying to figure out where things were on the map based on my memory of the area.    I didn't realize how long it has been since I was there.   LOL       Best of luck on this.   I'll keep checking on it to see how it's going.


My oldest daughter just graduated from TTU.  Livingston is just about center of the map.   But remember, this map is almost flat compaired to reality.
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


Great start Petercintn  &apls i particularly like the map for Avalon with the trees well placed and not over doing it which i sometimes tend to do. Good luck for future updates and i will be eagerly awaiting.
catch ya
Strong,Black and deadly
My brothers keeper


Hey, hi!

QuoteI've got 8 pics ready to get to you in the morning's update.

I've got my coffee mug on the counter, the coffe's ground and the pot is primed.  Ready to roll when you are.

I read elsewhere that you're headed for Grandpa-dom if not there already.  I've got seven, and due to a sad family situation have adopted two.  They say that the great thing about being a grandparent is that there's all the joys of parenthood plus the kids go home at the end of the day- those folks are all wet.  Some of mine don't go home, and that's just fine by me.

'Grats to you and your family, and thanks for sharing what looks like a fine and nicely thought through MD.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Wonderful region! Looking forward to some development!


Before the update, I'd like to make comment.  I have been a big lurker at Simtropolis and the only other place I frequent is DFI-Street.  Not to say anything bad about these places (I dearly love Simtropolis) their are a few that have ruined my posting experiance at these sites.  DFI-Street has gone down because of conflict, and I very seldom post at Simtropolis because, well just because.  I am not much of a SC4 player and one of my hopes is to become better at this great game, so why not put it out there and see what people say.

I've only been here a short while, and I'd like to thank all of you for making me feel so very welcome.
'nough said, I think you catch my drift.  Now I'm going to double post. &mmm
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!



Looks like we're ready to go Jeeves.  King Alek has given the A-OK to our plans and Dedgren has secured all the necessary supplies and your_address_here has secured the transportation.   Sebes has drawn up the plans for the mill and the temporary dock and we will bunk on the ship until our quarters are ready at the mill.  We will set up the dock and the mill up north where there is a deep water bay.  Thundercrack will be our environmental advisor and Fred-Ginger is our domestic advisor.  I anticipate everything to run smooth, I think we have planned well Jeeves.  Let's go, the trip shall be long and I hope you don't get seasick and ruin my trip.  Take some pills will you.

I'd like to give you a pill.

Still mumbling Jeeves?  You should be assertive and speak up.

I'll do that, Mayor. 

During the long trip to Avolon, Mayor Collins seldom came from his quarters and when he did, a pale, greenish face greeted all.  Jeeves seemed to smile a lot.

A year later:

Sebes has done an outstanding job engineering the mill and the dock don't you think Jeeves?

Excellent Mayor Collins.

We're ready for our first load of stuff at the dock.  Fred-Ginger and thundercrack will inspect the cargo, while your_address_here will get it where it needs to go.  I hope King Alek has sent some good cognac with his orders, make them easier to swallow.  Ha ha ha, I crack myself up, Jeeves.

Yes sir, you are cracked.

Your right Jeeves, we need to get cracking.

Sebes and Dedgren are starting to build the concrete factory, Jeeves.  We won't be stopped now.

Mayor, your_address_here has mapped out the network and is ready to build some roads, sir.

Excellent, Jeeves.

A few months later.

Sir the supervisor housing and the blue collar housing is finished.  Still kind of bare but livable.
I think I'll get pvarcoe to fly over and get some pictures of Allons.  Get me the phone Jeeves.

Well Jeeves, we have a little town.  Let's grow.

Mayor Collins sent a dispatch to King Alek requesting some extra expertise.  The mayor specifically requested the renown CPA Gaston and the genius architect Bat.  After some consideration he also ask for the best chef in all of the Kingdom, Fury.  Jeeves recounted to his freinds what Mayor Collins said. "I'm tired of eating crap from the dirt, I need someone who can fix me some real kitchen food."

***Teaser, just so you know I'm not resting on my laurels.  I tried it once and it hurt.***

Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


that is a great little village although a tip would be to try and avoid square farms.... just take your dezone tool and clip the edges int any shape you like. you will find that, when bordered by trees, they are fam or pleasing to the eye and more realistic to boot.

i will try and find some pics if you like..
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....

Alek King of SC4

i can only see a couple pics, but as to the square farms i do not understand the prejudice against them, a quick trip around windows local live will show all but very arid areas (they use pivot irrigation) are divided up in squares.  One big however on the topic, remember that even though SC4 limits your building angles, by using trees, you can fake having square like plots at different angles.

EDIT see also: http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=112.180


When ever I start a new city I imagine how it would begin to develop as if pioneers had just arrived.  So glad to see you started the same way.  As to the "square" farms, I think they are just fine, and more importantly, what we in the USA are use to. :thumbsup:
My name is Vicki
Fred and Ginger were my doggies
RIP my babies