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Industrial fillers: dirt patchs and asphalt patchs

Started by sandokan, August 30, 2007, 06:58:56 AM

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Hello everybody. I was wondering where can I find dirt and asphalt fillers to "fill"  :P  my industrial zones when no building satisfies me. I think they are used in some port tutorial by Cjah or somebody else, to flank the rail lines.

And speaking of rails, I've seen in many MDs and CJs (specially by Aleking, who is one of the best players around) various railyards with some warehouses to keep the train wagons, and I can't find the ones I'm looking for (please not the modular railyard, I've already download that, it's very good and realistic but is very limited in its use)

Thank you very much, all info would be very appreciated (is it wrongly spelled?)

from Argentina


If you throw up some pics we will be able to help better


I've seen the railyard I'm looking for in this image:


and in this image:


The one I want is located in the middle of the port, near Jeronij's own yellow cranes. The train warehouse has gray roofs and some freight trains sitting on the rails.
It belongs to the city of Peraires, by Jeronij (btw, it is a MASTERPIECE of the port building art).

It can be seen more clearly in this pic:


in the bottom-left corner of the image. It's pretty big and notorious
This one was posted by Aleking, a true genius of SC4

The dirt patchs are from someone called Dhamp, according to the seaport tutorial by Cjah:


Do someone know how to get that?

Thanks for your attention



not sure about those, but did you search Dhamp on the STEX?


For the simple fillers you could use THESE made by Morifari.



Thank you everybody for the links and for your quick response! I am downloading those fillers immediately! They're more useful than one might imagine...

And I've searched for "Dhamp" in Google and ended in a page called "Simphoni"
They have the dirt fillers and diagonal dirt fillers made by Dhamp

The link is here, if someone is interested. I've tested them and they are extremely useful


However, you've got to register and log in to the forum in order to download those files. But if anyone wants it, it's worth the little effort.

Do someone know the name of the railyard I mentioned before, or its creator?

Again, thanks "a LOT"  ;)