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Started by xannepan, October 05, 2007, 06:52:11 AM

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Should the weather plugin include a version with destructive effects (e.g. associated with tornados and lightning)?

41 (57.7%)
30 (42.3%)

Total Members Voted: 71

Voting closed: January 26, 2013, 06:50:01 AM


Hey Xannepan,

I want to thank you for the weather controller. It is awsome. But you know what would make it even more awsome?! If snow would be optional, like the tornado is.

Anyways, thanks for your work.


Never tried it before Alex. I assume the original models with skins that i'd modify are buried somewhere in one of the SC4 dat files? I might have a chance to look into it before too long but am pretty busy at the moment. Thanks  :thumbsup:


 :) Texture for animals in Dat-2 and  to facilitate the Elephant is 7ab50e44; 1abe787d; aa50e3f6.

If it's only for editing texture is easy but if you want to add fangs then gets a little more complicated because there are 26 frames &mmm

Alex! might suggest a table so who wanted something different would the changes and only give him work to add.

&idea   I think I have a collection of Pre-historic in low-poly somewhere lost here. If you think interesting to would  mount a Jurassic Park as the Peg but animated version.

edit: - Interesting things with the new versions of aquatic because models appearing on earth, there is no longer a limit to the height ?


I have just uploaded a first set of completely new birds: crows. Still making use of an existing 3d model, but with new instance and new FSH texture. Took me some time (too long  :()  to get the sound effect working properly, but I figured it out.

NCGAIO: New aquatic animals would be great, think of orkas, turtles, sharks. But I also have a long wish to make a few farm animals, sheep and pigs. I still need to learn how to import new animated 3d models into the reader. I want to avoid using excel... there must be something easier. Perhaps I'll create a small matlab script. I also know the reader can execute LUA scripts... I'll have a look at that.

Jurrasic Park.. good idea also. Well... If you happen to have animated 3d in a dat file I can create the effect dir.. no problem.

I'll think about the table :)


Girafe... I need some tropical jungle flora for my macaws  ;D


Quote from: xannepan on February 08, 2013, 08:07:24 AM
But I also have a long wish to make a few farm animals, sheep and pigs.

I think those would be well received... I know I get bored with cows, horses and llamas :)

Chickens would be neat, but perhaps too small.  Would Buffalo work using the cow model?


Quote from: xannepan on February 08, 2013, 10:23:31 AM
Girafe... I need some tropical jungle flora for my macaws  ;D

:D Priceless!

I'm going to second the mammoths and dinos and such - this is SC4 after all, a hint of craziness is to be expected.  Puts a new spin on "wild" flora. On that note, are there any plans to create mixed animal sets, similar to the existing Maxis animal brushes?


Yep, mixed animal sets are on the agenda. I have also added new occupant group IDs which will perhaps enable some LUA generator scripts...

If I have time this weekend I'll try to figure out the animation import issue. I already have some low poly rigged animals in max. I can import them into the reader, the reader just doesn't recognize the individual frames... In fact it puts al animated frames in frame 1, once I use the import function. This is unfortunate, because if I export an existing maxis animation, it does export all frames. Perhaps I'll have a look at the reader source code to figure out what's going on.


Ah, yes, even better!
Great developments. And I second the request for chicken, pigs, goats(?), different cows (brown, brown/white etc), sheep, turkeys, whatever farm animals we can think of.
Although for farms they will be useful not before we can have fences that actually work!


Quote from: FrankU on February 09, 2013, 04:55:28 AM

Although for farms they will be useful not before we can have fences that actually work!

The problem with animals roaming outside the fences can be solved the same way that Alex has limited the new effects simply create a new substitute for the effects that are used in the game.

Quote from: xannepan on February 08, 2013, 08:37:48 PM
In fact it puts al animated frames in frame 1, once I use the import function. This is unfortunate, because if I export an existing maxis animation, it does export all frames. Perhaps I'll have a look at the reader source code to figure out what's going on.

EDIT: not necessary


Yeah! I have succeeded in importing custom animations. Still a little rough around the edges... but I now have flamingos :)

NCGAIO is right. I can control the size of the region in which the animals spread out.. at least approximately.



:) I think that's a nice idea for the game. You could use the three textures of  horse  and then create herds more restricted for the farms. The same with the cows.

With Lua scripts to take them and throw them out of corrals you would many happy farmers

Quote from: xannepan on February 08, 2013, 08:07:24 AM

NCGAIO: New aquatic animals would be great, think of orkas, turtles, sharks. ...

Orcas are already in the game  then it will be easy so for the turtles can use the same pigeons effects  as they will be small in the game, just put a head to east.

For  sheep can use a llamas reduction in low position because I believe that was the same used by the game to make the animation atc / avp.

%confuso But I had not really asked about new marine animals so I guess do not understand my question so I'll repeat  Ok!

The whale models are appearing on earth (sand) beyond sea level from 250 up to 253 mts, you have tried taller?


Quote from: NCGAIO on February 09, 2013, 08:03:22 AM

Orcas are already in the game

Are you sure? Can you tell me the TGI? I can't find them.

I am not sure I understand your question.. is it a bug you are referring to?



Absolute certainty.

Orcas - ID:  09300000 - 09300012- 09300014


whalebodyfull - 08100012 - .........   Dogs - 08c00c00 - ......  Llamas - 0aa00000 - think  reduction used for sheep atc/avp

&mmm  I have not mentioned to " be a bug"  but when you changed the definition of the lot "only for water"  the models began to appear on land too. My doubts about and how high is this possible?

image - note: the darker ones are just replacing the markers but note how the model theoretically lower overlaps the marker.


Interesting... well not completely sure I can explain it... There is a property in the effdir section 1 (called u1 in the reader) that controls much of the behavior. u1 is actually a set of bits, one of which needs to be set to have resources appear on water, and one for the resource to appear on land. I guess I accidentally set both bits :P... but again not sure completely.

Thanks for the ID of the orcas! I completely missed them :P


Quote from: xannepan on February 09, 2013, 09:52:18 AM

Thanks for the ID of the orcas! I completely missed them :P

If It is part of a condition  not implemented maybe so not appear on the Navigator of the  Reader.

&mmm  I had already understood before with respect to u1 ... My question was about being the possible shift in height to the model?

Is possible move whale-Marks in z axis but the same can not be done as the model "submerged" so to speak, i wanted to know if somehow you adjusted the height of  effect?

With other offsets could think of fishing boats leaving the beach or docks for submarines ... eventually many other things.

But at the moment only curiosity to know eg if the effect of smoke from the tugs could follow trains.


:o :o :o  -"This is the first time an all new s3d animation was used for an animal effect, created in and exported from 3ds-max. Please let me know if you encounter issues with the animation."

That means that soon we will have several models animated in three dimensions for the game ??? :) :thumbsup:


thanks for your excellent mods, great job!


I love the mocaws man. Keep up the great work!
Project alpha phase
My twitter: http://twitter.com/halenbyname_ny
Simmania: http://simmania.darkbb.com/u167


Great work! It is getting better and better and you managed to make custom 3d models! &apls


Out of curiosity, does this mean you are able to add new effects for use on a lot?  Say for example, a smoke effect or something similar?