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Wildcat Junction

Started by Jmouse, October 10, 2007, 02:08:24 PM

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Joan lovely update and btw St Joans hmmm intresting lol... I wonder any RL draw on that name lol.....  I thank you for that appointment and i shall do me best duty here on the job  ;)

btw i want to welcome you to pg 3!!!!!!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Well that was another update well done. You continue to impress with your educational facilities. It's really great to see custom built facilites, expecially when they are comprised of multiple pack of lots. In regard to my curiosity regarding the "whole system" I was wondering if it would be possible to get the city engineer to compile a map of the public transportation system apart from basic roads etc: bus routes, any subway/glr, etc and perhaps any planned routes (I know the planning is as needs warrant it but if you have any propsed routes in mind). The usage area is shown pretty well on the previously shown traffic map, but it doesn't show stops (or routes), but that may be a bit much work. If you do happen to get into all of that, it would be interesting to see, and would really add an extra element of depth to the MD. No problem about the tutorial, I'm happy to help.


nice update!

just curiosity: what's the actual population of pitchfork pass?
first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



Hi Joan,

Great update there. &apls &apls &apls
Don't worry I won't be deserting you - just been really busy, hence why my MD hasn't had an update in over a week.  Trouble is, I come on here and then the hour I'd allocated to actually playing SC4 gets eaten up reading MDs, looking at recent BATs and before I know it, BAM, no time for anything else.

Anyways, I like the look of southbank.  I like the way you mix the low and medium densities in together.  It delivers a nice result.  The mall plus park is also VERY nice.

A couple of observations (in NO way negative).....
Traffic - there seems to be hardly any cars on the roads in your pics.  At first I thought that maybe you'd turned the automata off but then when I looked there are a few, but not many at all.  Must be your ace traffic management.  I guess it depends what you are trying to achieve - efficiency versus realism.  I like my roads to have plenty of cars buzzing about as I think it adds to the look and feel of a city.  But of course you pay for that with commute times and congestion.
Open paving.  You use the pedestrian paving a lot more than I do.  Interestingly you seem to use the pinkish colour one.  I use the grey one (can't recall their proper names).  I'm looking at picture C3-9 specifically.   I guess we must both be creatures of habit.

As for the comment made by threestooges - I think I know what he means - draw a transit map.  I have thought about this myself for West End.  And I will (at some point).  Only things holding me back are time (I'd rather build the city), skill (not sure how to do it) and maintenance (I know that I will add stations and routes after I've drawn the map).  So if you do draw one up I'd be interested to hear how you get on.

Keep up the great work Joan, I think you'll very soon be up on the Ones to Watch section.

Take care,



Transit map... that's exactly what I was getting at (why I didn't think to say something so simple is beyond me). Thanks paroch for clearing that up for me.


@ threestooges and paroch: OK you guys, I'm game. If you're defining "transit map" the same way I am, it probably would be a big help to me later on.
Just to make sure we're on the same wave length, though, can you give me an example - a link or two perhaps? Are you talking about the kind of map David is making for 3RR or what?

Until next time...

*EDIT* There used to be a mod which showed bus stops, but I can't find it. Anyone out there know where it is?


Hi Joan,

he he he :D, you're hooked!   I haven't got a link to hand (and it is time for zzzz's here in UK - early start tomorrow), but I've seen them particularly from people submitting a Simlympic bid.  Next time I'm on I'll try and track a link down for you (hopefully tomorrow).

Til then,



Yeah, I think we're pretty much on the same track here. I wouldn't say you had to go as far as David, just a simple map showing routes and stops (the first good example I could remember/find is in Nova Vesfalo. and perhaps show some pics of the areas around some of the more noteworthy stops. I'll look forward to see what you come up with.


Hi Joan,

Sorry I took so long to reply. I read your last update on day 1 and then forgot to post. oops.

Anyway, I like your development style and your story. I live with a Texan from an oil family and your tales sound like those he tells of his grandfather and great grandfather. Keep up the good work!



Hi Joan,

Here are some links to transit maps over at the sim sports site.  As threestooges says - don't feel you have to be bound by these designs, your take on them I am sure will be cool.  They each have their own style with varying degrees of difficulty.

Transit map 1:
Near top of page - very detailed - maybe a little fussy

Transit map 2:
Scroll quite a way down - simple but effective

Transit map 3:
Half way down page - very simple layout.

good luck!



Great update as usual, I hope for more! Also, great bridge you got there!

in C 3-3

Didn't notice until Jmouse posts, but this is post 50!



@patfirefghtr: Thank you for accepting the job. And do you really think St. Joan's Academy could be...? Naw, no way! :D

@threestooges: Thanks for your kind words. Ever since WJ's humble beginning, I've discovered I really enjoy wasting using tax dollars for landscaping and other amenities around civic buildings.
As for a transit map, I'll see about showing some bus routes and even illustrating how I go about creating a mass transit (bus) system if you're interested.

@figui: Thanks for stopping by. At the time of the C-3 update, the population of Pitchfork Pass was a little over 100,000. ()stsfd()

@paroch: I know you won't desert me, Paul. I'm just kidding around! :D
You are right about the lack of cars, and I don't know what to do about it. I have "# of cars and Sims" set on high, but sometimes I have to wait on turtle speed for several minutes before I take a picture. Then, most of them disappear when I click. If nothing else, you'd think the streets would be full of buses and pedestrians (see TD photos above). Do you think it might have something to do with the time of day? I would appreciate any ideas on balancing efficiency and realism.
I'm just using the ped tiles in an effort to open up the commercial districts. I have a terrible habit of overcrowding them, so this is my way of learning to ease off!
And thanks for the links. I'll look at them ASAP, but right now, I have a date (with my daughter) to watch a movie tonight! ;)

@sc4luv2: Thanks for your kind words. I love bridges and try to use them often. Hope you'll be a regular visitor. :)

@ All: Congratulations on making the 50th post, sc4luv2, and thanks to everyone for your kind words of encouragement. Reaching 50 posts in two weeks was beyond my wildest dreams. I was looking at a number more like five or 10!
Anyway, this is a very supportive community, and I am honored to be a part of it. :thumbsup:

The transit map
I just thought the city engineer was going to have "The Big One" before, but this time, he really did!
Luckily, his quick-witted secretary dived under her desk and I was able to hide behind the filing cabinet by the door.
After he began to breathe normally again, however, he agreed to consider the proposal after he returns from his vacation on Walker's Island with a stopover at Monkey Island for the best banana split on earth. :P

Until next time...


Keep up the great work Joan, I love reading this and look forward to your next update.

Paroch, I looked at those links.  I would have no idea how to do something like those, they are amazing.  I wish I had those skills. I only have Nunchaku skills... bowhunting skills... computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!


Cant wait for the next update! Satisfy our needs, Joan!


Hi Joan, thought I'd better sneak in before the next update. This area is coming along nicely. Thanks for the explanation re the road network.

I do like that school, nice combination of lots and a mosaic as well  :thumbsup:




LoL Joan naw not at all lol..... Well i do have this update for you which im proud to post here for you....

ConGrats For being in the top 5!!!

[tabular type=2]
[data]Wildcat Junction (Jmouse)[/data]


Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


congratulations Joan :thumbsup:

first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



Well, I'd like to take this time to congratulate you, Joan! You're doing a fine job here, and it's my pleasure to move your MD to the Ones to Watch section. Congratulations, my friend!


More replies

@tkirch: There will be a transit map eventually, but first the author needs to figure out where she's going! ()what() Thanks for stopping by.

@nedalezz: Are you going to start nagging me again?!   :P  OK, your wish has been granted.

@Dave (tooheys): You were right about the difference between a game and an MD – more hard work than play! I'm learning as I go, though, so maybe I'll figure out how to speed things up a bit.
Thanks for stopping by. :)

@Pat (patfirefghtr): OK, I finally figured out where you got the MD (AUTHOR) entry, but how did you arrive at the numbers for rank and growth?
See ya' soon, sweetie! ;)

@Mauricio (figui): Thanks! Looks like you knew about it before I did because I've spent the whole day getting the following update ready to publish.
One of these days, I've got to get organized! &mmm

@thundercrack83: WOW! A promotion in less than three weeks. I'm both humbled and honored. :)

*C 4-1* Local farmers were pleased to find the City Council approved their request to lease a large segment of land in the rolling hills of Pitchfork Pass.

*C 4-2* One of the first in line was a wily old man with a pilot's license, a few single-engine planes and a passion for crop dusting.
He's a daredevil who flies just above the fields and soaks the crops with bug killer. In this photo, he's landing to refuel and pick up another load of pesticide.
Health care professionals recommend that consumers scrub all fruits and vegetables with a stiff brush then boil them for 20 minutes before eating them.

*C 4-3* Hooter decided this area (center) was too rocky for farming, so he turned it into a wildlife refuge. The game warden reported that an impressive flock of turkey buzzards has taken up residence, and their numbers are expected to increase.

(*C 4-4* Sorry, the dog ate it.)

*C 4-5* These are typical ranches which produce a wide variety of products, from soup to nuts.

*C 4-6* Some of the farms are more like country estates.

*C 4-7* On this typical ranch (center) there is a field of soybeans to the south, a small livestock area to the north and a hay field to the northwest.  Later, some of the hay will be stored in the barn loft, and the rest will be sold for a huge profit.

*C 4-8* This ranch shares property and resources with a catfish farm. Rumor has it the fishing is great, especially after dark.

*C 4-9* Looks like it's party time at this ranch.

*C 4-10* The 11-7 shift is headed for work...

*C 4-11* ...and to all a good night!

Until next time...


Hello Joan,

I see you entered into the next level - congratulations! &apls

Great pictures of the farmland, all area is very diversified, looks fresh and charming.
Making farms on slopes is a great challenge - I know something about it :D, and you did it excellent!
You take care about details - it adds a lot to the general feeling
An I must say your frames are absolutely charming, I like them a lot!
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