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The Greater Terran Region

Started by Haljackey, December 28, 2007, 01:38:46 PM

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Welcome to the consolidated thread for The Greater Terran Region! (GTR for short.) Updates have moved here from Simtropolis and have been scaled back from 121 to 80 for easier browsing.

Need a crash course? Check out the Wiki article! http://www.wiki.sc4devotion.com/index.php?title=Greater_Terran_Region

-2008 Best City Journal (Simtropolis)
-2008 Best City Sprawl in the City Journal (Simtropolis)
-2008 Slogan of the Year (Simtropolis)
-2008 Best Urban Mayor's Diary (SC4Devotion)
-2009 'Of Special Interest This Month' Showcase (SC4Devotion)
-2009 Mayor's Diary Hall of Fame Nominee (SC4Devotion)
-2009 City Showcase Spotlight (SimCity 4 Wiki)
-2010 Urban Walrus Award (CSG Design)
-2012 Best "Show Us Your" Contributions (Simtropolis)
-2018 Mayor's Diary Hall of Fame Inductee (SC4Devotion)

Table of contents

1:  The Restart
2:  Eyecandy Improvement
3:  City Expansion In Progress...
4:  More Development and A Massive Interchange
5:  Video:  Simcity 4 Highway Interchange
6:  Redevelopment
7:  Night Time Gallery
8:  New Transit Station!
9:  Inter-Region Connections
10:  The Beauty Of The City
11: Video: First drive in Terran Settlement
12:  Forest Preservation And Development
13:  What's Happening Around The Region
14:  Take A Tour Of Escape
15:  Showcase Of Escape
16:  Updated Region View
17:  Developments In Escape
18:  The Airport Question
19:  The Results Are In
20:  Video: Simcity 4 UDI 2: Downtown
21:  A Classic Development Update
22:  Development And Seawall Construction
23:  Then And Now.  Historical Update.
24:  Olympic Showcase (1 of 2)
25:  Olympic Showcase (2 of 2)
26:  Industrial Showcase
27:  The Canopy
28:  Video:  Simcity 4 Superhighway
29:  A Look At Witburg... And Something Special...
30:  Downtown Night Showase and "New" GTR Highway Signs
31:  Infrastructure Construction And Reconstruction
32:  Steady Growth
33:  Mega Update.  Terran Settlement's New Downtown Core And A Ton Of Other Stuff!
34:  Video: Simcity 4 High-Speed Collision
35:  Historical tour of Downtown.
36:  Prosperity
37:  When the Sun Goes Down...
38:  Developments in Witburg (Part 1 of 2)
39:  Developments in Witburg (Part 2 of 2)
40:  GLR-In-RHW? (Pictures & Video: Simcity 4 GLR)
41:  Ongoing Developments.
42:  What's Going on Downtown? (Part 1 of 2)
43:  What's Going on Downtown? (Part 2 of 2)
44:  Video: Simcity 4 Tank Drive
45:  The Crown Jewel
46:  Multi-Part update including a Mosaic!
47:  Nature and Beyond
48:  GTR Exclusive look at RHW 3.0!
49:  Prelude to the big one
50:  The Greater Terran Region Celebrates its Biggest Update! (Pictures, Video: Simcity 4 Witburg, Region View, Region View, Region Stats, and more!
51:  Back to Normal.
52:  The Supermosaic Experiment
53:  The GTR presents SC4's first widescreen video: Simcity 4 Mountainside Drive (HD)
54:  Land's End.
55:  Video: Simcity 4 Tour (HD)
56:  The GTR Turns 1!  (12/18/08)  New video: Simcity 4 Night Drive (HD)
57:  The El-RHW Arrives...
58:  OSITM Update 1:  4-way RHW Interchange.  (Pictures and a HD Video: Simcity 4 Highway Interchange 2)
59:  OSITM Update 2:  A Cross-Section of Downtown
60:  OSITM Update 3:  A first look at The Landing
61:  OSITM Update 4:  Planning and a showcase
62:  The GTR is now a Classic!
63:  Port preparation and more
64:  Witburg University
65:  Video: Simcity 4 Mass Transit (HD)
66:  New Stack Interchange
67:  Region developments and updated region views
68:  Long Term planning.
69:  Maps and Models.
70:  The Bullet Train, part 1.
71:  The Bullet Train, part 2.
72:  Video: Simcity 4 Train Ride (HD)
73:  The Bullet Train, part 3.
74:  A Bigger, Better RHW.
75:  HD GTR Sign Showcase.
76:  City Showcase... and video: Simcity 4 Fast Car (HD)
77:  Transportation Enhancements
78:  Highway "Retrofit" and more!
79:  The Witburg Expansion (Part 1)
80:  The Witburg Expansion (Part 2)

Original Updates (restored as part of my SimCity 4 Archives project)

Picture Information

NOTICE: Please Read!

Before I post some pictures of my cities, please know that I strive for the best quality of my images possible. Every picture from here on-in is not photoshopped in any way, and is taken directly from the game to show you exactly what I see in the game. The only editing done is converting the .PNG file to .JPEG.

***IMPORTANT*** Also, please know that my pictures are COMPRESSED, and are NOT RESIZED! When you resize a picture, a ton of the image's quality is lost, and is shrunk to comply with STs picture size limits (800x600). Compressing the image retains the quality, but looks terrible when squeezed to comply with site limits.

But, I have found a loophole in this problem. Each compressed picture displayed will be linked to the actual uncompressed, true image. All you have to do to view the image in its FULL RESOLUTION (1920x1200) is to simply click on the compressed image displayed in this City Journal (800x500). The reason that the images are not 800x600 is because I present my pictures in widescreen (16:10 aspect ratio), making the image much more appealing for the human eye's stereoscopic vision.

If you have any questions or comments about how I display my images, feel free to post a reply.

Disclaimer: updates made before March 28th, 2008 are 1440x900, not 1920x1200. (I got a larger monitor that day.)

Click for full resolution! (1920x1200)

Development is coming!  This update will sum up some of the last areas of Terran Settlement to be "Urbanized".

Click for full resolution!

Grading and roadwork completed in this valuable area.

Area zoned, props added, and slopes smoothed.  Its all ready to be developed!

This highway divides the industrial area from the other zones.  A raised RHW provides local connections while the large highway interchange will handle longer distance traffic.

A new causeway crosses both land and water.

A Skyline Soars!

What's this?  A skyline in the making???

Looks like Landmark Row is going to get some new neighbours!

Remember this hilly section that was tricky to plan?  Looks like it paid off, developers love it!

Construction along the highway:

The industrial area is beginning to take shape too!

A look at the riverside interchange with the new red textures.  Also note the development occcuring around it.

Across the river, you can see that those mansions have been quickly replaced with high-rises as demand continues to rise.

A look at the new city hall:

New interchanges have also been built for the new highway.  Here is where the highway originally widened:

Here is the newly constructed interchange.

A look in the New City!

A rich, dense part of town.  I think the new red brick sidewalks really adds to this picture!

You can barely see the curved avenue intersection anymore due to the amount of highrises in the area!

High-mast lighting has now been installed along the RHW to improve safety during the night.  This stretch is currently handling a lot more traffic than I anticipated!
-Also shown here is the current demand bars for the city.  I guess I better get zoning more areas while it is high!

This interchange was upgraded to have access in all directions.  This should really help traffic flow in the area.

Looking north from the new elevated avenue interchange/intersection from the last update.
-The road used to narrow to two lanes at this point, but has been upgraded to a highway with full interchanges due to increasing usage of the route as the area continues to develop.


End of first post.

Edited: fixed dead image links.


Wow..Nice City, Tons of Tall and Nice Buildings. Cant Wait To See Where this is going  :thumbsup:
Come visit My (SLR) Project Thread. Located in the Nam Creations Forum.


Province of Acadia since 2020
Province of Zillerthal (2014)
Port Aux Captes (2009-2011)
Province of Trieste (2006-2010)
Since SC4D 2007-2022


Wow man - that is some infrastructure. It's a joy to look at your custom interchanges! Especially the Parclo interchange is gorgeous. Good job  :satisfied:
Check my MD:               


Really great start there of this MD!
Wonderful looking city!
Also fantastic first update...
Looking forward to more...


There's a lot of work here, Hal.  Your enthusiasm and willingness to experiment makes this interesting stuff.  I'll certainly be back for another look.

Good luck!

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


excel road networks! with an immense potential, a very dense town planning!
good luck!  ;)
Province of Acadia since 2020
Province of Zillerthal (2014)
Port Aux Captes (2009-2011)
Province of Trieste (2006-2010)
Since SC4D 2007-2022


Great update, really like the rhw with the drive-ins on either side.

Whoa, Déjà vu.

Nah, this is a great Cj, no wait what is it over here, umm, MD and good luck with your MD over here.

PS: I can see where this city is going, literally!

<sub>(Although, I think I'll just stick to your CJ at Simtropolis)</sub>


Use imageshack or Photobucket. They're better.;)
"With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound he pulls the spitting high-tension wires down..."


That are two wonderful updates there, Haljackey! And looking forward to more...


Nice cities hal,but I think the large amount of pics made my computer explode
Show us what you look like http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=1142.0

Just call me Dave


Those city pictures looks excellent. Also I like your transport networks.   &apls

Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ MallowTheCloud ♦ HabLeUrG ♦ moganite ♦ Mr Food11 ♦ jplumbley ♦ Vandy ♦ wouanagaine


Great work!  Which GLR-in-avenue station are you using?

Check out Abelfarei!



your city building skills are great, and your pictures are a joy too look at... However, my computer cannot handle it! It 's frozen for at least a quarter if I open this MD, and scrolling through the pictures takes forever. I hate to say it but think you should know: each time when I do open your MD/Showcase it I regret for doing so &mmm ... And that is a real pity because you have some great stuff to show.  When comparing the views/comments ratio for Greater Terran (rather few comments for many views and considering the beauty shown in your pictures) I get to think that I am not the only one with this problem. Maybe you should realy consider posting pictures the regular way my friend.

Check my MD:               


Some very nice new pictures there, Haljackey! Great work on your city! :thumbsup:


That is one bleeding nice city you've got there! Keep up the great work! ;D


Looking nice! Dense is the right word!
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


I am pleased to announce the return of The Greater Terran Region to SC4D.

This update will show some improvements to the road network in (the city of) Terran Settlement, both from a functionality perspective as well as visuals.

Picture Information:
NOTICE:  Please Read!

    Before I post some pictures of my cities, please know that I strive for the best quality of my images possible.  Every picture from here on-in is not photoshopped in any way, and is taken directly from the game to show you exactly what I see in the game.  The only editing done is converting the .PNG file to .JPEG.

***IMPORTANT***    Also, please know that my pictures are COMPRESSED, and are NOT RESIZED! When you resize a picture, a ton of the image's quality is lost, and is shrunk to comply with SC4D's picture size limits (800x600 STRONGLY recommended for MD's).  Compressing the image retains the quality, but looks terrible when squeezed to comply with site limits.

But, I have found a loophole in this problem.  Each compressed picture displayed will be linked to the actual uncompressed, true image.  All you have to do to view the image in its FULL RESOLUTION (1920x1200) is to simply click on the compressed image displayed in this Mayor's Diary (800x500).  The reason that the images are not 800x600 is because I present my pictures in widescreen (16:10 aspect ratio), making the image much more appealing for the human eye's stereoscopic vision.

If you have any questions or comments about how I display my images, feel free to post a reply.

Updated as of March 28th, 2008: All images hereon in are in a higher resolution! (1920x1200 instead of 1440x900).  Make you sure you click on 800x500 photos in the MD to see them in excellent quality!

A new overpass over the RHW gets itself a retaining wall.

The same picture, now with eyecandy added.

Here we see the rail underpass from the last update.  It no longer looks dull!

The avenue tunnel.  Note the retaining walls and safety features added:

The ramps from the avenue join the highway.

Entering the city's edge:

Roads are layed in place in preparation for development:

Roadwork by the new station:

Roadwork complete.  The station just needs power to work now!

A rail station is being built at the end of the new viaduct.

Anyways, that does it for now, stay tuned for a lot more!




Nice work on the overpass and with the RHW there! Looks great! :thumbsup: