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Becca at BAT

Started by RebaLynnTS, December 31, 2007, 01:11:18 PM

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Revision to already great lot getting it now!!!

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Early design concept for MSS 2 signs ... I'm thinking red brick posts, and a red/white antique wood sign.


Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


Becca I like that alot and the brick pillars would be great!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Here are the textures I finally decided to go with.

I feel like the pillars need something on top, but I can't decide what.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


The sign is awesome, and I don't think it needs anything else. Of course, you'll find just the right thing and I'll slap my forehead into next week!

Have you considered writing a sign-making tuto or is there one available somewhere?



Not sure if there is one, and if not, I could make one.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


 &apls  becca that sign is just wonderful!! I agree with Joan that its pretty much done and nothing else is needed...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


After sleeping on it, I decided it was fine the way it was, so i added the night lights, and lotted it. I am almost done with MSS 2, and will begin working on the second set of vehicle lots as well, shortly. If all goes well, I should have it posted by the end of the week end.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


I know there is an edit button, but after 5 hours of no replys, I decided to do a new post.

I am thinking of working on my Katrina Memorial Trauma Center in the near future, one of the things that bothers me about it is the parking garage seems way too small, so I am considering making it bigger. If I do, then I'll need to make the lot bigger as well. It is already 4x6, so I am not sure what to do.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat

City Builder

I know Im a couple pages late already but just wanted to say, I love the selection of fences, they all look outstanding.
When your tired of games of destruction, come to CityBuilderGames.com to discuss games of Construction!
Oh!  Thanks for the negative rep, I love you too!


Its all good becca and are you trying to figure out the lot size that you should go with then?  If you are wanting it to be a mega hospital center, take a look at Newman Inc Memorial Hospital II  but that is my take on it...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


IMHO, the Newman hospital is a bit unrealistic because cities large enough to have that many patients would need several hospitals. As it is, it would take an an ambulance several hours to reach the medical center -- trust me on this, I'm from Houston! :D On the other hand, the Maxis model is pretty boring, so any more interesting structure(s) would certainly be most welcome.

Until next time...


I'm thinking of making it 6x6, and adding some ground parking, as well as a bigger garage. As it is supposed to be a level 1 trauma center, I'd think it should be bigger than most hospitals. I had a request to also do a medical university, so I'll be thinking of a design for that. It will serve as a school (college).

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


hmmm you know Becca I think that would defintly go well with Kat Memorial Hospital, far as doing the medical university...  OK I have to know what team you joined lol, anyways Congrats Becca!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie



Soon to be released.

I joined the TG team :)

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


cool, congratulations  :thumbsup: &apls


I really like the fact that all the visible doors are different in MSS-2. Might be a small thing to you, but as a noob I notice such things and learn from them.



Thank you very much. And to be honest, I am still learning new things from others as well.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat


Haven't been here for a while but I'm loving what you've done with the MSS these days.
Welcome to the team  :thumbsup:


Thank you very much. I'll be posting MSS 2 later today, now I just need to decide what to do next.

Edit: MSS 2 is now on the STEX.

Look for me at ... Becca At Bat