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Making Models for Transit Networks: Some General Specifications

Started by Tarkus, February 22, 2008, 05:33:12 PM

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Yep i photoshoped them, the plane that holds the dek is 16x16, but the texture doesn't cover the complete plane. but that doesn't matter because when all pieces are together you can't realy see that because the concrete texture fills that (don't know how to explain that better  &ops)





Right click in the list of file in your dat.
Select insert file from a template.
Choose Exemplar in the box that appears.
Click Yes on the box that appears (if it does)
Now go to TGI editor in the tools menu.
and select the exemplar you just created (it will have a GID of 00000000)
And type in the Group box 6BE08658 and in the Instance box 5DE00100
Click Apply and then close the TGI editor
Now select the exemplar in the list of files in the main reader window.
And it will show a list of properties in the right pane.
Right click in an empty space in the right pane and select Add property.
It brings up a window.
In the first text box (it should contain"!Unknown!") click the drop down arrow and type in the textbox "Exemplar Type" without quotes.
In the Data type field select Uint32 from the drop down list.
Then click the add button to the right of the darker grey box.
A white field appears in the darker grey box, click on this once turning it blue and type in "0x0000000B" (no quotes)
Hit Enter key and click Apply
Right click an empty space again and select add property.
This time in the name field type "Resource Key Type 0" (no quotes)
And the Data Type is again Uint32
Click the Add button 3 times.
In the first white box (value field) type "0x5AD0E817" (no quotes) in the second box type "0xBADB57F1" in the third box type the instance ID of the S3D you made.
hit enter key then click Apply.
Save the dat and make sure it loads after the RHW files (by putting it in a zzzz folder in your plugins directory)

That is it, if you get lost somewhere just say :)



Ok i did every thing with this result

It doesn't show &mmm Did I do some thing wrong?? Or did i do such a good job that it blends in perfectly? (Don't think so)

Maybe these pics help.


one thing i can see...

in the first ireader screenshot, you must change property Resource Key Type 0 from 0x5ad0e817, 0xbadb57f1, 0x00000005 to 0x5ad0e817, 0xbadb57f1, 0x5de4b202.



Try reIIDing the model so it end is 0 and then the Resource Type Key so it matches.
Also try this:
Right click the exemplar name property and select edit, then click Add and in the new field type anything (such as TEST) then hit enter key and click Apply. then save and try again.



Still no success i tried what jonathan said, but it still doesn't show up in game. BTW I also don't have a clue where it should show up  &mmm


Could you post a picture of the folder your dat is in?
(the folder: C:\Documents and Settings\MC Mulder\Mijn documenten\SimCity 4\Plugins\zzzz)

Thanks, and this should be the last screenshot.




Ok I have no idea why it isn't working, it matches the exact same thing as on my computer and it works.
Try this exemplar that I've attached:
Remove your one (right click it and select remove)
Then after downloading and extracting the zip attached here, right click in the list of files and select Insert & compress files.
Then browse to the file (the one ending with eqz not TGI) you just downloaded and hit Open.
If a window pops up with Yes and No click Yes.
Save the dat and try it in game.
