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Roskilde Cathedral

Started by vester, March 30, 2008, 03:19:26 AM

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Your work is astounding, am very much looking forward to seeing the spires textured.
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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I just stumbled in here via Your GLR thread and I must say it´s among the best I´ve seen for a long time.
It just keep getting better for every part You texture, I wish I had the patience You display here...


vester, upon resuming sc4 the other day i found my trams had been refitted! this cathedral is one to watch! :thumbsup:



Hi Arne,

Great to see some more progress, and that chapel is looking very good indeed.



Thanks for your comments.

After a lot of try and error, I finally got a bit further on with the "edge" around the walls at the top of the column.
First I tried out using the loft function and got a rather strange result, going all over the place,
Then I tried out some box modelling, but got some strange shadow problem.
Then I gave the loft function another try:



That texture is looking very sweet indeed.  They say Rome wasn't built in a day, well neither was Roskilde  ;) :D



After trying to get the columns to work, I remember some 3ds models I got from swi21 and replaced the columns:


It's great that you let us take part in the progress of creating this grand (nice ambiguous meaning of that word ;) ) BAT.

Meine Region E Pluribus Unum


Thanks N1.

Here is a quick update before its time to pack my bags. Off for a few days.

and the same from the game perspective:


Truly small detailing, I love it.  ;D Even though it won't be appearing in game, it's always nice to know it is there.

BTW,  how did you make the strips and triglyphs on the corbels and friezes? you used bumpmaps or are they hand modelled?

Just one more thing: it looks like the friezes along the walls (the ones you mention you had problems making them with loft) are wrongly smoothed, you should try clearing their smoothing groups so they show well.

Visit my new MD: Emerita Augusta 1910 - http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15184.0


Here is another update for you all:

Nothing much to see, but a lot of "try and error".


It's too bad that all those wonderful details won't be much more than a pixel or two in the game.  &mmm Keep up your great work, though, it's more than mouthwatering. :)


Great work Arne.  The statues look great.  Pity so much detail is lost, although if it was shown, we'd probably just model another level again wouldn't we?


Those little statues are looking great there Arne.  The detail you put in is amazing.




This is going to be your best work ever.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Thanks guys. Your comments are very appreciated.

Quote from: Diggis on July 24, 2008, 02:31:47 PM
Great work Arne.  The statues look great.  Pity so much detail is lost, although if it was shown, we'd probably just model another level again wouldn't we?
Sometimes, one just wish, that there was a proper zoom 6 or maybe even a zoom 7.

Got some work done last night:

Now its just a question if I continue upwards or with the windows....


Starting at the beginning and reading through this entire thread has been a surprising and delightful pleasure, Arne. This is, indeed, an ambitious project and a joy to behold, even in its early stages. Thank you for inviting me over for a visit - you now have a new loyal fan who will enjoy watching the rest of the process unfold! :)



The details are all looking good.  I have never used the BAT so it's difficult for me to give advice from a "technical" point of view....... but from a fan watching, I'd say finish the detail on this wall before moving on.
