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Covington - Update 61 "Chestnut Hills and South River Bend"

Started by JBSimio, March 31, 2008, 07:49:20 PM

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Always a pleasure to stop by and see another interesting update, Jon.

The industrial area looks OK to me
- better than mine because I always forget to allow for a railroad! You've achieved a realistic balance of neighborhoods - not all of them are "nice" in RL, and they tend to get gradually more affluent the farther away from downtown they get.

Industrial manufacturing is part of any city's life blood,
too, and you've arranged your park well. I did notice a passenger train entering the station in 18.7 and wonder if perhaps freight could be moved out by rail instead of road. And 18.6 is an excellent example of what happens when industry encroaches - it can be very difficult to balance jobs and quality of life.

The school complex is great! Good idea placing the HS and elementary school on the same campus, and I happen to like the baseball diamond and tennis courts. All it needs now is an American football field! :D

The overview is a good way to top it all off
, too - absolutely spectacular!



I loved reading your updates again Jon - all fits so very well together. The school complex is excellent. Great job!
Check my MD:               


Pat:  Thanks!  I was wondering about the lack of witty comments myself, but alas I have no idea what's wrong with you!   :D  I couldn't find the unpowered building anywhere... so it must just be my subtle way of evicting someone.

Arthur:  Thank you!

Bat:  Thanks!

Shaun:  Thank you!  Tennis courts, you say?  Hmmm... I'm ever so curious to know just which ones you might have in mind.   ::)

Barby:  Thank you so much for dropping in again... or at least mentioning that you were here!   ;)

Piotr:  Thanks and welcome to Covington!  (if you've already been here and I've forgotten, then ignore the welcome part and chalk it up to the fact that I rarely know what's going on anyway)

Joan:  Thank you!  I usually lay railroads before anything else, otherwise I'm sure I would forget to leave space for them as well.  There are some freight trains in the area you mentioned, but I just happened to snap the picture at the wrong time.  (Actually, there aren't too many freight trains through there because I cheated and plopped a number of those warehouses!)  An American football field?  Hmm... I may have to dig through some unreleased folders I have laying around!  ;)

Sebes:  Thank you!

And now, coming to you for the first time from beautiful northern California...

Update Time!!!

Well... use of the term "update" may be stretching things a bit.  Let's just call this the first teaser for what will eventually be Update 19.  Big things are happening downtown these days...


Thanks for stopping by!

Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


A great teaser too  &apls

Yep I'm back and it looks like I've got some catching up to do too ::)

I love the newspaper presentation. It really makes me want the update now but in the
meantime I go back and catch up on the ones I missed. Time to stick the kettle on ;D
You fancy a brew?

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


very nice teaser  :thumbsup: the newspaper is very great  &apls
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

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My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


You know they could just close off half of that section of Murrow at a time while they build OVER the avenue...I have no doubt that you could BAT that type of building easily and I know I'd love to have a building that goes over a road, either as a TE lot (not recommended, I know) or as a 2-lot building: the part next to the freeway has an overhanging prop of an arch or something and the other half could be BATted so as to be usable by itself or in conjuction with the overhanging lot.


Hey Jon, that's a great update - or teaser if you will. You've created a very well-written newspaper filled with pertinent information. Proposed changes always stir up the nay-sayers, but often they're the very ones who end up with front-row seats on "opening night!" Either way, it will be interesting to see the drama unfold!



I love the newspaper, Jon! Excellent work there--well written, well displayed!

Keep up the good work!



Fantastic work on that newspaper there!! :thumbsup:


I'm going to hold of commenting untill you make a proper update. wait...  Damn!  :'(


Nice one there Jon.  I've seen a few newspaper type updates and have to say that I really like your one.

It will be interesting to see downtown Covington once the construction is underway/complete.



Great newspaper there, Jon! &apls

And you're right! It was my first comment here :P
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I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles


hey jon,
this is my first time looking at your MD and i must say its absolutely breathtaking. the realism is amazing.  :thumbsup:
anyways just thought i should drop by.


Jon I love that Newspaper!!!  So I hope you are enjoying Cali? I sooo can't wait for update 19 to hit the streets!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie



This is one fantastic region that I loved reading and getting caught up from the very first page. You have shown an expertise in building from small rural areas to a city. I am most impressed and hope that my building skills will turn out half as well as yours.
The Constitutional Monarchy of Ichigamin

Terraforming Update (8/25/09)


Great newspaper - can't wait to see what you do to put the convention center in the city!

I hope you don't mind a little advertisement on my part? I was noticing in your last full-size update that you still use the old Maxis police cars... If I may be so bold, I'd like to recommend some police car mods - the STEX link is in my signature, and I'm reasonably sure that in MEGA-Pack 2 there is a set of sheriff cars that'll fit right in with your town! You just have to pick the one you like best  ;D

This is overall an excellent MD, and I'd like to see what Covington's future holds!
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Derry:  Thank you!  I've always enjoyed newspaper themed updates, so I thought it was about time I tried one.  You know I'll always gladly accept a hot cuppa... I even have some coffee cake to go with it, if you'd like.  ;)

Arthur:  Thanks!

Simpson:  Thank you!

Dragonshardz:  Not to worry, my friend... I already know exactly what is going to go there.  I just need to get it ready... ;)

Joan:  Thank you!  Yes... it seems that Covington has its fair share of people who like to worry... :D

Dustin:  Thank you!

Bat:  Thanks!

Shaun:  Well then I'm going to hold off answering you until you leave a proper comment.  Oh wait... Damn!   %bur2$

Paul:  Thank you!  I'm kind of looking foward to see how it all plays out myself...

Sheep:  Thank you!  And welcome back!

Grover:  Thank you very much!  Stop by anytime!  ;)

Pat:  Thanks!  I'm enjoying Cali very much!

Projectadam:  Thank you for such kind words.  I hope to see you here again!

Nerdly_dood:  Thanks!  I'm actually in the process of redoing my plugins.  With everything that happened during the move, I've lost some things and most of my vehicle and train skins are among the missing.  I'll definitely check yours out.

Update Time!!!

Today's update is all about change.  The entire Piedmont area is growing and there are things going on everywhere.  Some of them are major projects, others are just little things that I just haven't bothered to look at in while.  So, why don't we just wander around and see what's been going on lately?


The plan to build a new convention center in Covington had been delayed for some time, due in large part to repeated displays of stupidity by the nation's largest banks.  Construction companies were having an extremely difficult time securing the money needed to break ground on the project downtown... even though payment was all but guarunteed by city officials.  Banks were so busy loaning money to those with little hope of ever repaying, that they had forgotten how to invest in projects that could actually show a return on their money!  But, as this picture shows, two blocks are now bustling with activity.  So far, the traffic woes that were feared by so many have yet to materialize.


Over in High Point, the east side of town has been experiencing a bit of a building boom of its own.  The wedge-shaped intersection of US 52 and NC 6 (which is High Point Road) has long been owned by a commercial developer with hopes of building a large shopping center in the area.


Truly a dream come true for the shoppers in High Point (and ironically just in time for Christmas), this area now boasts several large stores, a movie theater, and numerous smaller shops and restaraunts all packed between two major avenues.  There is even easy access from the US 29 freeway that circles this side of town.


A different angle just to show how popular this new strip mall really is.  So many cars... God bless suburbia!


Just across the freeway and south of US 52, yet another entrepenuer has big plans for this area.  Voters recently approved zoning changes that will allow several of the farms in this area to be sold for new housing developments.  One farm has already been sold and construction is set to begin soon...


Oh wow... apparently construction really did being soon!  I wonder what this will all look like when it's finished...


If I had to guess, I would predict something along these lines.  Did we bless the beauty that is suburbia yet?  We did?  OK... then let's move on...


Over in Ashboro, they finally got around to replacing that train station.  Faithful readers may remember the old station all the way back in Update One and how there was talk of building something different.  This very handsome building presented itself, and town leaders were thrilled.  It was all they could do to keep from jumping up and down in excitement during the long process known as "bulldozing one lot and plopping a different one."  Local residents are equally pleased with the new building.


Speaking of new train stations, Raliegh also made a similar change.  At one point, the town had thought to make a statement with what was a very grand rail station.  The facility was just entirely too large for the small town to maintain properly.  The building quickly fell into disrepair and rail service nearly ended here.  A smaller and more sensible station was built, and things are quickly returning back to normal.


Extra land that was left vacant in the building of a smaller station was quickly bought up, and Raliegh is now also home to a new chemical facility.  Although the smells are a little... let's say interesting... the processing plant provides a much needed boost to the area and people here are more than happy to have the jobs.


And so Covington continues to expand, particularly out along High Point Road to the southwest of town.  The railyards are also attracting new industry and warehousing opportunities as well.

Thanks for reading!

Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


Jon once again you have a wonderful update here, some saddening devolpment of farm land but I guess that is to happen with progress.... 2 new train stations and I bet everyone is happy in both respective towns too!!! It seems Piedmont is destin for a grand heart ache of congestion lol, naw I cant wait to see the civic center!!! Till the next update!!!


Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


jon- it's all looking good- looking forward to the next update  :thumbsup: