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Patrick and Dave's Beastro Bar Open For Business!!!

Started by Pat, May 17, 2008, 01:24:06 PM

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I thought the place closed down.....it's been over a month.
Call me Robin, please.


Oh sure, it's been a bit quiet.

*cleans the dust out of a couple glasses and sets them on the table*

But it hasn't gone anywhere.


I'm having some Baileys Shakes tonight with the wife.
6 to 8 oz. Baileys
12 Ice cubes
as much Icecream as you can fit in the blender
litlte Milk to get the right consistancy

I fill the entire blender, it makes about two or three drinks depending on the glass height.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


man I am such a baaaaaad host gezzs... Been so busy with GRV II and other projects I just hadnt had the time to stop in.... Robin that drink sounds sooooo very yummies to my tummies!!!! Matt speaking of projects we need to get a cracking.... I think everything is calmed down on my end  $%#Ninj2

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Splendid new Pat. I know what you mean about GRV too... still about 60k left to go for me. I'll be on MSN tomorrow evening most likely, and on and off throughout the day. If you happen to see me, let me know and we can get started on things. I'll get in touch with Jon and see how he wants to handle things too.

As for you Robin, have a few more of those and let's go play some chess, heh heh. Actually those do sound pretty good. Nice way to beat the heat. Not sure what it is around your parts, but we've been hitting the 90's (30's C) lately around here. Makes for nice evenings (it's actually still pretty warm even now) but the days are toasty.


Hey Guys.....
Good to see you back in here Pat!
Yes Pat, let's get cracking.  Matt you can find me on MSN through the day as well.  I'll talk to Joe and Ralph and get things together on our side and meett you all in the middle.  $%Grinno$% Just kidding.  I wanted to sound all important too.  But still glad to help if needed (Matt)  ;)

Anyways guys.  That Baileys drink can be made with just about any icecream and just about anything else you like.  I don't really think of it as an alcoholic drink although we did finish the entire 750 ML bottle last night.....there was three other people. ;)
As for the weather "UP" here, it's below seasonal.   Not that I am complaining as I know the really hot days are coming.  They always do.  But with the new house I have central air and don't see it being a big problem like it use to be in the rentals before. ()stsfd()
Call me Robin, please.


Oh, you've been chatting with Ralph? Well let him know we'll need the first thing from the second thing... he'll know. It's for the third thing that didn't happen. While you're at it get the PHS ready and find us a good V/AES, but only if it's free. Only kidding there Robin, but thanks for the offer. I figured chatting about it here was easier than via PM.

Glad to hear the summer won't be quite so warm in your new place. Hope the little ones are doing well. Take it easy.


LMBO @ you two!!!! oi my poor brain cant think of anything whitty to say hehehehe.... I guess that is a good thing??? Anywho weather up here for me is also beyond seasonably cool, but muggy if that makes any sense lol.....  Matt I should be hopefully on MSN tonight and Robin you take it easy there with the bailys as I thought by we you meant you, yourself and I factor lol.... Stay cool guys and back soon with some Hodag Goodies  ;)

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clears out the dust and breaks out the Toohey's for Dave as fer a celebration for his brand new CML!!! Congrats man and lets light up this joint again!!!!

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Hammers are pounding, drywall is going up, painting is being done, cleaning in the kitchen.... Hey I could use some great help here  :thumbsup:

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I have cleaned off the pool table and I'm up for a game, a drink and some chicken wings.
Call me Robin, please.


Hey Robin you got it anything for you sir!!!

now would that be Honey, BBQ, Honey BBQ, Hot or Mild wings to your taste sir? Also offering Asian style and Mexican style wings as well too  ;)

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Geeez, those look a little too spicy to me.......ouffff, where did I put my beer.

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Hey Fred not to fear the wings are just perfect not spicey at all, trust me on that one! now speaking of beer whatta be?

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What does the bartender recommend? I'm in the mood for an IPA or porter, though I could be persuaded. Those wings look delicious!


Alright there J-dub last I knew you was a tad younging :-) you got ID before I had you that Wheat Beer

Hey there Noah and welcome to the Beastro and you can call me Patrick its all good m8, we do have those no problem, tend to carry a wide choice beers but what about for your taste a

The Spotted Cow is a fine Wisconsin crafted beer, for more on this wonderful beer check here

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Okay, you want some ID? I'll hand that to you, and this is what you look like on the right:


Loving the Neon there Lowkee that is pretty sweet for sure  :thumbsup:

lmao that you may be right there J-dub and so that would so be you on the left then eh ;-)

Hope you both had a wonderful christmas and to everyone a wonderful and

Happy New Years!!!!!

Resized pic - Robin

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