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Kolbrow (13.10.2019 - Olsza - a mosaic)

Started by kbieniu7, October 09, 2008, 11:00:59 AM

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Check out my MD, United States of Simerica!
Last updated: March 5, 2017

My YouTube Channel


Wow ... just beautiful. I think I am going to visit Poland one day to see those miracles.


compdude787 - Thank you! Although, I don't feel like a good photographer in RL :D
Vizoria - You've got it! Indeed, that's Jenx's mod, I had it installed and thought about using it here quite by accident.
Themistokles - We've spent there around 5 hours and were walking back trought partially in the dark :D The place around Olsztyn Castle looks indeed mountainous. When I was climbing on that rocky hill (which is not such high, it's around 100m over the surroundng terrain) I was quite surprised of the landscape. Thanks for linking catenaries!
Fred - Thank you very much, it's such a pleasure to read such words :) You mean, you've been in Poland? 1970/80 is a quite long time ago, but from what you write there, it seems you're a quite broad voyager!
vortext - Thank you :) Season experiments were always one of my favourite parts in SimCity ;)
michae95l - Thanks!
Carl - Hah, I see, you're a warm-like person? :D Hah, I used to like frozy winters, but now I think, I'm getting to share your point of view :D Thanks!
Arthur - Thanks :)
Mandarin(a) - Nature's work is always the best art :) Thanks!
Gugu3 - Thank you
feyss - Hah, thanks for the advice! Indeed, July doesn't sound like a good time to start :D And thanks fo the link! Good to get some knowledge of Belgian geography ;)
vinlabsc3k - Themistokles gave you the link :)
Kelis - Thank you so much :)
000 - Merci ;) They are
romualdillo - Ah, yep, it might looks like a reflection. You're a good spotter! Thanks :D
Simmer2 - Thanks!
11241036 - I didn't use to put a lot of RL pictures, but I'm glad you like such kind of update :)

More and more of you say, that you think about coming to Poland to see all of this stuff in real. Well, I think, that I should contact all of you in 10 year's time and ask, how many of you were convinced by my photos :D

But, if you like it so, we stay in real-life connected sphere. Today there's "Palm Sunday". 7 days before Easter Holidays, Christians around the World commemorate the event, when, according to the Bible, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey and the local people greet him with palm leaves. This tradition is still alive in Christian communities around the world, including Poland and other European countries. However, as we don't have real palms growing in our climate, people here make their own, artificial ones, usually made of wicker, branches, flowers, wheat and paper. They're very colorful, and their usual size varies from several centimeters up to around a meter. However, there are contests, where even bigger palms are made. The most known one takes place anually in a small village of Lipnica Murowana in southern Poland. Their height reaches even 30 meters, and the current record is 36,04 meters. They're made only from natural materials (no plastic nor steel supports) and need to be placed without any special machinery, such as cranes.

This photo was taken from wikipedia

I was at the contest in 2014. That's my photo. It was quite hard, to take a look at the palms from closer :D

Of course, there's a similiar place in Galand ;)

Welcome to a small town of Dorczyce, laying upon the castle hill from the previous update and where every year at the Market Square people gather to watch the highest and most colorful easter palms.

Ok, time to get back to work a little bit! Maybe I'll post something one more time next week, when the trees gets greener ;)

The props of Easter Palms are availble at SimCityPolska.


Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0



Great pictures again on the two last updates  ;)

Quote from: mrbisonm on March 13, 2016, 07:31:16 PM
Ha, "Hohes Venn" (Les hautes Fagnes)........ a place where we (my father, brother and I) always went to take a walk in Nature (in the fifties and sixties). Since I am originally from near Monschau/Aachen (germany), we often went to Eupen and then into the "Venn", the place that made me respect Nature so much 50 years after.

Always nice to cross the border. I especially like Monschau and its surroundings like the Rurtalsperre  ;)


Wow, again great and outstanding work of yours. I like nearly everything, the layout of the village, the village core, the MMP work with the forest and the idea of including something like Palm Sunday into the city design.


I love how you build the rural environment, it always inspires me a lot! &apls


When I was young I really loved cold weather. But this changed, now I love my stove in the winter...  $%Grinno$%

And again stunning pictures! I am no Christian but you really mastered to put this RL event into SC4! I think, here you can find these things mainly in Bavaria, that is a Catholic country.

Away from this, I really love the layout of this small village with the small fields in the backyards. Simply wonderful!  &apls


Check out my MD, United States of Simerica!
Last updated: March 5, 2017

My YouTube Channel


Great as you have represented the tradition! Your typical polish village is very realistic.  :thumbsup:


The nature scenes and the small town are really outstanding :thumbsup:


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Missed a couple of updates but some lovely work. I really liked the Palm Sunday update, I'm not religious but it was well done and I liked the use of RL pics as well, really brought it to life. Was nice to read the background to the tradition also.
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"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination" - Oscar Wilde


Schulmanator, romualdillo, feyss, 11241036, 000, compdude787, Dantes, c.p., Kergelen - thank you for your nice feedback, I'm really glad, that you enjoyed the update :) By the way Carl, I heard the same before, that, in Germany this tradition is mostly connected with Bavaria :) Thanks!

No fancy update last time - I had to get from playing SC back to reality and Uni stuff. Most likely, that in the nearest future, there will be no more updates as well.

However, do you remember, as I told you once about a big common region, I share with other players? Well, there it is:


It's been made from several regions. All of us were playing on self-in-game-made regions, just by terraforming tiles. After, we've spotted it, I created a huge flat region, imported all the cities and stared to terraform. About 80x70 km. ~2 200 000 residents, mostly in Galand.

It was quite a lot of work. As you may see, there's still a plenty of unfinished stuff. I'm not goin to rush, as we play very rarely last time.

The regions belongs to:
Galicja - me and PieEetrek
Republika Słowiańska (Slavic Republic) - Michalegia
Höhensonne - Andaj
Lodomeria - RaV
Kasandria - DaveN (by the way, he's back)
ZSR (Stadoruś) - Paratol
Federacja Madziaru i Lechistanu (Federation of Magyar and Lechistan) - my friend's region, never published.

There might be another player added in north-western part, on a flatlands, that are not made and are black yet. What is more Goverland might be located on the other side of the sea in the north (just like Poland and Sweden on the both sides of Baltic sea).

Hope, you enjoy this small update. See you next time :)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


That's a pretty sweet looking region!  :thumbsup:

For a better viewing experience I took the liberty of putting the images up on OpenSeadragon (thanks to JoeST for bringing this to my attention!)



Note you may have to enable Javascript, and also make sure the original domain (postimg.org) isn't blocked by a third-party web tool (e.g. uMatrix)

Also great to hear DaveN is back, tell him to stop by SC4D more often!  :D
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana



Nice region image! Speaking of multiplayer regions, I wonder what's going on with our own multiplayer region, NORO.
Check out my MD, United States of Simerica!
Last updated: March 5, 2017

My YouTube Channel


This is great! I really like the concept of making a region more!

Did you stop SC4? Or is it my Google translation resulting harm? ???


Interesting village with the plaza for the festival in the middle. Also nice to see the region view with the different other regions located around it. :)
Best of luck with your Uni stuff! Hope you can find some spare time to give us updates (both RL and SC4!)
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