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Jargeah props and things...

Started by Sky Guy, March 02, 2009, 06:05:39 PM

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Sky Guy

Hi, i always hate starting a new topic, but i HAVE to find these. Please help!

Please help me! Thanks so much!

Kalu Sabah- A fast growing dynamic Southeast Asian Country


1. The freight trucks and trailers are either Jestarr's or SimGoober's. Both have made freight truck and trailer props for their releases.

2. The warehouse is most likely one of SimGoober's, but I am not sure.

3. I can't help you with the dockside cranes. Sorry.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


1. I can't help, but I suppose Jan (Swamper77) is right.
2. Yes, these are Modern Warehouses made by Simgoober. As I remember there are four of them - almost identical buildings, but various colors and some details. You can get an old ploppable version from ST (type Simgoober in the STEX search box and you will find them easily). There is also a new, growable, CAM compatible version here in the LEX.
3. I didn't find these cranes yet, but I have read Jargeah in ST and I saw that Tag One said to suplado "I'm glad you like my seaport stuff"  :). So I suppose these cranes are in one of T1's prop packs.
I would like to use these cranes too. If you will find them, please tell us!

New Horizons Productions
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Hi SkyGuy,

I don't know about the first one, but the second should be this:
I suppose the cranes are part of this pack, but I'm not sure, just search for tag_one on the LEX:

Good luck with lotting, can't wait to see some more Bangorai!

Sky Guy

Kalu Sabah- A fast growing dynamic Southeast Asian Country