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Challenge 5 - Waiting for orders from Pat

Started by BarbyW, May 18, 2009, 11:36:38 AM

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Pulling everything together into one post for marking.

My orders to Wouanagaine:

My orders from Pat:

Ello eelllloo oooh hi there Barby I am back now I see the transmission is working here again....  OK I have talked over with the general and I am sorry those plans are umm whoopsie never mind lol.... My slip as I miss understood him please forgive me Ma'am!!!

OK what was meant is we see there is no coastel devolpement at all along that wonderful mountain area... What we would like to see is a fishing village or harbor and then devolp the area by the following chart of Fishing Port, Industry, Commercial, Residential, and Farming.... You have full descrestion when building the area and when services are needed IE fire and police please build them in the two tiles...

yes you have permission to clear the logging area there that was left behind as well... Also if power is needed please supply and along with the other services of water and garbage services as well...

Mayor Barby was furious. She waved a map in front of the council.  "We wanted to open up Border East to farming and those idiot separatists cut us off for cutting down the trees. Now look at these orders from their council. The whole of this area is to be covered with farms, houses, commercial shops and offices and industry together with a harbour development. This will ruin the whole of the area but these are orders so must be fulfilled. It is a good job we have mobilised the military here as goodness knows what they will do next. I just hope they have seen our bases and know we are now serious."

She placed the map down for the council to see.

"Look, this is what we have done. I just hope people want to move in. This is Lowtown Bay

And this is Border East - where all this trouble started.

The checkpoints have now all been re-connected as per the Governor's orders

In Border East

and Border Middle

Those idiot separatists wanted a fishing port all along the coast:

in Lowtown Bay there is the fish market and Barby's Boat Repair amongst other things

in Border East there is another fish market with a seafood restaurant and shipping company

As you can see there are people moving in and building their industries. We had to move the beautiful FAR rail curve as a station was ordered in that position so the rails now look as bad as normal. However, orders are orders no matter how unpleasant they may appear.

Two of the stations provided are for passengers and freight to save space and increase functionality. I just hope that satisfies them.

To turn to our part in the south, the Governor gave us permission to build military bases. We decided to use the coastal area in Bordertown below the Coastguard Station and continue along the waterfront in Border West. The separatists can see the naval areas quite easily and the army is also visible being just to the rear of the navy. The barracks, training areas and stores are all shared between the three services as unless it actually comes to war our small military will cope.

The patrol boats support the coastguard in Bordertown and all naval operations are conducted from here too.

We have enough funding to provide the latest in aircraft carriers in Border West. Behind the wharves are the living and working areas for the army, airforce and the navy.

Now that we have armed ourselves and fulfilled the separatists' demands we wonder what will come next.

The Governor did ask for some pictures. He wanted to see our scenic rail. That is a joke as our rail line has no scenic areas but I suppose this is the nicest place it passes. The owners of Vill Ottavia were most insistent that the rail was separated from them by trees.

Finally this is how GRVII stands at the moment

and the transport view.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Good Evening there Miss Barby I trust you are doing well??? OK so talking some business here I have some small request to start off with if you don't mind ma'am? I would like to see a current Region Map and Trasportation Map with route markers please... The transportation map needs to include both routes and rails please...

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As per orders, here is my current region view with Routes 5, 10 and 15 marked as well as the GRV Rail route.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


wrong orders placed here whooopsie.....................

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


So I have to build military installations in both halves of my region? I am already instructed to build military bases in my half of the region by the Governor.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Looks like you intimidated Pat before even building your bases, Barby!   :D  Who knew the goddess could be so scary? ;)


Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


Commander Pat, we have a problem.
The rail line does not appear in the north of the city tile where you request the rail extension. The rail route is shown below:

There are also problems in the two cities where you request the military bases.
In the area where you requested the naval base there is a swamp and also a mansion built by our friend Hunt Leuschar. Am I to demolish that and fill in part of the swamp?

In the city where you requested the army/air force base there is a lot of logging debris and also the checkpoints to the south? Should I leave the checkpoints and get rid of the logging debris?

I am awaiting your further instructions.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Hey Barby, I am merely a soul of handing out the request as I am no real commander  ;) I am trying to keep humble negotiations open and going that is all I do.... OK I have noted your concerns Ma'am and I will take it back to the leader to discuss it further...

Ello eelllloo oooh hi there Barby I am back now I see the transmission is working here again....  OK I have talked over with the general and I am sorry those plans are umm whoopsie never mind lol.... My slip as I miss understood him please forgive me Ma'am!!!

OK what was meant is we see there is no coastel devolpement at all along that wonderful mountain area... What we would like to see is a fishing village or harbor and then devolp the area by the following chart of Fishing Port, Industry, Commercial, Residential, and Farming.... You have full descrestion when building the area and when services are needed IE fire and police please build them in the two tiles...

yes you have permission to clear the logging area there that was left behind as well... Also if power is needed please supply and along with the other services of water and garbage services as well...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Mayor Barby thanks Pat for his new instructions. These will be carried out as soon as possible.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Again I am sorry for my flub in orders!!! Any other questions don't hesitate to ask...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


After all discussions the orders have been carried out and all requirements for Challenge 5 have been posted in the first post of this thread.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


very good Barby!! LoL sorry to make the mayor mad there  ;)

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


the fishing village was an interesting request  ???  you made a good job of it.

all in all - a nice entry for challenge 5.
Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


Judging Challenge 5

I finally got around to continue the GRV II Challenges and we will continue with the judgement of Challenge 5, 6 and 7 in the next weeks. Make also sure to read the *speach* that I wrote in the General discussion thread, maybe giving an explanation to all this delay.
How this challenge was judged can be found in the Challenge 5 thread. Please read it so you can judge my Challenge 5 also.

This challenge wasn't any easier than the one before to judge, because we had to look at many different points and from different views. Thank You.

1. Reconnection of the access points were well done, but at one point not enough controlled. But we gave you 3 solid points for this, which is very good.
2. The orders that you gave your adversary were logical but not very much effort demanding. Again we have given you a solid 3 points.
3. The orders were perfectly done. Very good pictures and well chosen zones for the developments. A perfect pointage was given of 4 points for this part of the challenge. Also a Bonus point was given for the dealing and negotiating with the Rebels.
4. Your military is very impressive and well located, we had no other choice than to give you a full 4 points. Custom lots were well chosen.
5. No doubt of the beauty of the rails going through your town. We still consider this picture very good and gave you 3 points for it not being able to find the real *scenic* part of it.
Also a Bonus point for being ontime was added. ;)

Including the Bonus Points, you have earned yourself a total of 18 points in this challenge. Very well done.

Lynn and Fred

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)