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Challenge 5

Started by mattb325, May 18, 2009, 05:25:31 PM

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 %confuso Waiting for news from the other side %confuso


Hello Matt!

To assess how best to proceed, we will need to see the current state of the region. Please post a region picture in transportation view.

On behalf of the People

My name is Thomas...


As requested

The Northern side after Challenge V. Pink represents the tram line that I was requested to build


Hello Matt,
Here are your orders:



I'll be right here, if you need me.

My name is Thomas...


Dear Turtle

There is reason to question your instructions and I humbly remind you of the terms of engagement. The governor has asked for you to provide guidance on two tiles, wherein you may build whatsoever you choose.

However, it would appear that you have sought to construct infrastructure on tiles E and F, and a road from tiles A to B.

Please, without haste, advise your preferred option, as my advisers are busily preparing their preferred options for Southern military installations and are therefore impatient to know towards what area of your land to point them.


Hello Matt,

In ยง 1.1 in my orders to you, I asked you to build a road from Route 10 in tile E to Route 2 in tile F (not from A to B). I have drawn a draft on an old map for you here (in red):

I hope this clears it up.

Best regards
My name is Thomas...


Challenge 5

1) Below is a copy of my orders to CabraBuitre

"After the usurpation of the previous leader, I am desirous to advance our fair shores of the North.

Your efforts shall pertain to, and be contained entirely within, the sections so named by you as Brigadoon and Erewohn.

Part 1: Erewohn.

Surveys of the land in Erewohn tell us that great seams of black coal exist near the border of the farmland in Cherry Valley. You are to construct here for us a large coal mine; it is indeed advantageous that a rail line should already cross this area - please ensure indirect connecxions to this infrastructure so that we may avail ourselves of this fortuitous coincidences of nature and engineering. Naturally road access should also be provided. After your operations, there should remain a large woodland preserve encircling the perimeters thereof; that the visual scars of such a necessary, but destructive blight, be at least hidden from the general view.

Moreover, (as ordered by the Governor) in the area that the rail connection to the South is to be restored, we seek a spur line of at least two tracks in width to terminate in a large holding yard. This holding yard shall be near the bridge that crosses the river and adjoining the border of Blairgowne. A German engineer by the name of Praiodan, working for the firm SFBT has produced examples of a similar design for the holding yards - if you feel you cannot engage his services directly, then at the very least you should seek replication of the results.

At this early stage, as I am doubtless your intuition shall already proclaim, and with all the courtesy afforded to the situation of our shared circumstance, we none-the-less remain suspicious of the intentions of our Southern brothers and would seek this pre-cautionary imposition upon  all freight that traverses twixt our shores.

We have heard many stories from travellers from far afield of the many exponential gains in science, medicine and technology that have advanced the positions of so many lives. We are desirous to rend the shackles of our agrarianism and take part in this most enlightened renaissance.

We note that your citizens have constructed a thriving metropolis on the Southern shores of Erewohn, and, in addition to those instructions listed hereinabove, we require the following for the Northern side of the river:

1) A powerplant should be built. The plant itself should cause limited pollution;
2) All buildings must have a connection to a water source and sanitation is paramount;
3) Along the northern shores of the river, you are to construct a seawall of some description to protect the industry that will be built immediately behind it from the vagaries of the daily tides. Your seawall construction should have some regard to the existing landscape;
4) Behind the seawalls, you should cause to build an industrial zone wherein manufacturing and technologically advanced industries may flourish, and you are to afford all the help you can to promote these two types of industry. This industry must occupy at least the first 12 tiles behind the sewalls. It may not extend more than 16 tiles behind the seawall;
5) You must also have regard to future growth of this area, and, leave blank not less than two spaces of at least 8 square tiles in width and depth. These tiles shall abutt the seawall, and should be cleared of the tallest trees, but not all vegetation;
6) You shall have regard to the safety of all the citizens who will inhabit the Northen half of Erewohn and cause to have built fire, police and health care
7) You shall provide enough health care to ensure that a disease research facility is built.
8 ) On the subject of education you must provide at least one of each of the following:
              A junior school
              A high school
              A library
              A museum
    You may place these at whim upon the map, but you may not place them in the industrial zone along the river, nor in the wooded expanse that surrounds the mine;
9) To the north of the industrial zone you are to construct parkland of not less than 5 tiles depth and it shall run the course of Erewohn from East to West;
10) You shall construct, using the existing rail line as the starting point, a new line that follows the course of the river along the industrial side of the parkland and make connection to the neighbouring tile, Brigadoon. The rail line must be fit for both freight and person and you shall place stations for each purpose;
11) Similarly, you are to continue the intersection of the road nearest the river bridge into Brigadoon and provide public transport with Erewohn;
12) To the north of the parkland you are to zone residential allotments. These allotments shall be zoned for medium and high density and the inhabitants therein shall be afforded adequate connecxions to the industrial areas along the river bank, the services of education, health and welfare.

Part 2, Brigadoon

Brigadoon is to be the capital of our Northern Shores. You are given more free reign in this tile, but you must ensure that the following items are met:

1) You are to continue the rail connection drawn from Erewohn through Brigadoon and onwards to Elisnoor. You are to ensure that the rail traverses only flat ground and must provide stations along the course of the line;
2) Thus, should the road connection should be also continued and fashioned in the aforementioned method;
3) Parkland of least 6 tiles depth and some form of seawall should line the northern river bank and include the knoll bordering Erewohn. In addition to the parkland, you must ensure that a town square or plaza is built within the central business area.
4) You shall cause all forms of commerce and trade to flourish in the highest densities - we have heard tales of, and are eager to see constructed, stone, steel and glass towers that pierce the heavens as homage to the capitalist pursuit;
5) You shall cause a town hall and/or some form of parliament to be constructed;
6) You must ensure that healthcare, health, safety and education are provided to our citizens. This education must include adult learning;
7) You shall only zone high density residential areas within Brigadoon;
8 ) The central island will remain untouched; you must ensure, however that adequate facilities exist to verify that movements by road pose no threat to our new capital.
9) You must place all beneficial rewards as offered when they fall due;
10) Power, water and sanitation sources must naturally be provided to ensure that these aforelisted advances are possible, however, connexions may be made with Erewohn if that more adequately suits your purpose

I trust these instructions find you well, and remain &c,."

2) The next images show the two checkpoints reconnected (the only checkpoints were in the north):

3) The next five images are my attempt to realise the orders of turtle:

Tile E overview, showing railway station, park, commerce and parliament. Note the embassy building still stands:

Still on tile E, the peoples park and grandiose monument to Turtle sits atop the knoll

Finally a space-saving innovation in Tile E, rail beneath road connects the rail from tile F to main station in the new CBD:

Moving to Tile F, we see the overview of what has been asked for this sports-centric people. All requests have been met; rail, sports arena (indoor and out), civic facilities, industry, housing and suburbia

A shot of some of the aprtment villages connected to the tram line for commuters to Tile E

4) Next, thanks to the demands of Turtle, I was able to strategically locate army, air-force and military installations.

The Airforce and Army both sit on Tile D, and provide maximum coverage for the towns of the North which now straddle Route 10 to Route 2

Fighter planes at the ready:

Army personell go through their daily drill:

And, lastly, the pride of the South is new Naval facility, which sits on Tile F pointed directly at the newly created towns on the opposite side of the river. Warships and Submarines are primed:

5) Despite all of the growth on both sides of the river, bordertown still has many areas of natural beauty. Now that the rail has been restored, southern bordertown is promoting short trips by rail:

6) Lastly, the region and traffic views as taken from in-game:

That was exhausting. :P $%Grinno$%


WOW. Great pics.
About 460.000 residents! I never get that high that fast, since I use the CAM. It seems the CAM is somehow slow ;)

Recently Iced

You might also visit my participitation in GRVII - Bordertown!


Wow, I am really impressed with how you realised my demands. Beautiful update!  :thumbsup:
My name is Thomas...


Hello Matt ... I like the scenic rail picture. I think that one is very well done.
Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


Judging Challenge 5

I finally got around to continue the GRV II Challenges and we will continue with the judgement of Challenge 5, 6 and 7 in the next weeks. Make also sure to read the *speach* that I wrote in the General discussion thread, maybe giving an explanation to all this delay.
How this challenge was judged can be found in the Challenge 5 thread. Please read it so you can judge my Challenge 5 also.

This challenge wasn't any easier than the one before to judge, because we had to look at many different points and from different views. Thank You.

1. Well, checkpoints are well re-connected, but one side is not so secure. We gave you 3 points.
2. The orders you gave to the adversary are impressive , very detailed and you know what you want, almost too much. A good 4 points were added.
3. Filling the requests of your rebels were also impressive since they weren't any easier on you, so another 4 points were added.
4. The army bases are more or less well located, but very nicely done, so 3 points were given for this
5. The scenic rail is scenic alrigght and only a few have achieved what we meant by this. That is another 4 points.
And finally being ontime gave you a Bonus point.

As a total you earned yourself 19 points, which is quite respective in this challenge. Congratulations.

Lynn and Fred

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)