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SC4 Picture Competition

Started by Masochist, March 26, 2007, 01:44:04 PM

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this is a tough battle!!!

looks a bit like Hilary vs Obama  :P
Life is too short to wear bad clothes...and ugly shoes!


Quote from: Fledder200 on May 10, 2008, 08:06:24 AM
this is a tough battle!!!

looks a bit like Hilary vs Obama  :P
Except we DON'T know who is going to win. O*cough*bama*cough*


Oh no, this is not fair!   &ops

Two great pictures from two good friends!   :'(

I love the Vanderaaps in Sebes' picture as I love tooheys greast use of Jeroni's walls and his great coast layout ...

Can I give to vots? No? Oh boy, that makes it complicated ...  :-[



51:49 for Dave I guess 

Tooheys - 6

Sebes - 5

Now that was a tough one ...


Both stunning pictures &apls, but Tooheys picture really does have a lot of realism in it, so my vote goes to him :).

Tooheys - 7
Sebes - 5
Visit my Warsaw, Poland MD.





My Vote is going to go to...........................................

8 - Toohey's

5 - Sebes

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9 - 5 > Tooheys leading

I'm not that much of a fan of the buildings vanderaap created.
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


My vote's for sebes...suspense is a cruel mistress.

tooheys 9, sebes 6.


Sorry to break the suspense, I'm voting for Tooheys.  :P

Tooheys - 10

Sebes - 6

Well, that's three wins!  Congrats on the HoF entry, Dave!  &apls Now we need two new competitors.


Thanks for the votes everyone. Sebes that was a tough one, great pic and worthy of a better result  :thumbsup:


My turn then  :)

Image height reduce to the maximum allowed, 768 ::)


OK, well I would like to challenge lerist with this picture:

"Trams, Buses and Canal Boat Tours"


lerist, thats a nice looking city, but the airport is out of place IMHO. To make that work you may need to use some custom airport lots with a little more room around it. In comparison, canals, a barge, trams and a red bus, I like it. Paroch for me.

Paroch - 1
lerist - 0


David: congratulations with your HoF victory  :thumbsup:

Paul's getting my vote - Lerists airport is way out of place and too dark, but the city it self is wonderful. If there was a park were the airport is, who knows...

2/0 , Paroch leading

Check my MD:               


I would love to try to land an airbus in MS Flight Simulator between those skyscrapers... ::)
...but I wouldn't want to live in one of them... $%Grinno$%

Paul's must be another one from Amsterdam, and this time I'm voting for Amsterdam...

3-0 in favour of Paroch


@Tage: Amsterdam meets London!  Red buses plus cars on the left side of the road  ;)

So it's got to be Little Amsterdam then... ::)


Always good to have some canals in the city - no civil works, stoplights, less traffic  ;)
And Paul gave us all possible options  :D

Paroch 4
Lerist 0
New Horizons Productions
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jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine


The 'airport in the city' picture definately gets my vote, it just makes me 'wow!'. Even though Paroch has great city planning, Lerists picture really stands out for me.

Paroch 4
Lerist 1

&apls Awesome pictures to both of you. ;)
Visit my Warsaw, Poland MD.


Lerist, not a bad picture at all and it is not that I have a problem with ingame airports as I don't use any custom airport packs, too (did I ever mention that I hate airports?) but the mere thought of being in a machine that takes off or lands there makes me panicking (and normally I am not panicking in airplanes at all - it's just  completely annoying me ...)

Paul, I wrote it before in your MD - you hit Amsterdam just great but instead of using PEG's you should've used oppie's here but it is a great picture anyway.

So I go for paroch again

paroch 5
Lerist 1

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


My vote goes to my trams  :P aerh I mean ... paroch

6-1 in Paroch's favour