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SC4 Picture Competition

Started by Masochist, March 26, 2007, 01:44:04 PM

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The bird FTW! :thumbsup:

Pat. Max-1
"With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound he pulls the spitting high-tension wires down..."


I really like the effects of Patricius Maximus , but Cockatoos' pic , well I cant describe it but you know it's his without seeing the name!

Cockatoo - 6
Patricius Maximus - 1


I really like cockatoo's picture too, but that there is a building in the top right corner that doesn't look right.  I do like the stadium and the overall look of the picture.
Patricius Maximus' picture looks really good too, but I don't like the repetition of those pink buildings.  I do how ever really like those three highrises.

With all that said, I will be voting for ........................... cockatoo.

Cockatoo - 7
Patricius Maximus - 1

Robin  &apls &apls
Call me Robin, please.


I think I will also vote for cockatoo

Cockatoo - 8
Patricius Maximus - 1
First things first, but not necessarily in that order.


I will vote for Cockatoo.

Cockatoo - 9
Patricius Maximus - 1


Yes, Cockatoo.

Cockatoo - 10
Patricius Maximus - 1

New challenger needed...

Sam Johnson

Well, I want to try it with this picture...

(no photoshopping)




Still going for Cockatoo

1-0 Cockatoo
~ NAM Team Member


Let the Citizen Hotel remain undefeated!

2-0, Cockatoo leading.

I really do like your pic SJ, it's just it's up against that right there.
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.


Cockatoo's pic is good (as they usually are) aside from relatively few people on the streets for how many lights are still on, but then again, people would have to be inside to need the lights so... it works and is a very strong entry. Sam Johnson's pic shows a great use of the RRP flora and a very creative canal/ditch/creek. The rock border is something rather difficult to get looking right and the flora lining the top and bottom really helps to blend it together. The bridge looks good too, good selection and good use of the land bridge trick. There are no cars (understandable for a rural pic) but there are some horses so the pic does have some life to it. I believe that this round my vote goes to Sam Johnson.
Cockatoo: 2
Sam Johnson: 1


 Sam I love that river and those fences; I'm voting for you. Next time you should show cars or trucks to add more life, though.

2 - Cockatoo
2 - Sam
Indonesia: land of smiles, home of chaos, nation of disorder. My favorite place on Earth!



This is very tough to decide. Sam Johnson's pic is really quaint and is one of the best rural pics I have seen. On the other hand, Cockatoo's evening skyscraper pic is something very hard to pull off and this picture just excels. I would have to go with Sam Johnson because of the railroad and horses in the close corners of the pic.

Cockatoo: 2
Sam Johnson: 3


I vote for cockatoo still. I like your picture S.J., but the places where the horses are are very empty, some RRP Flora there would've made me vote for yours.

3 - 3 Tied
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Cockatoo: 4
Sam Johnson: 3


cockatoo........you seem to have a trade mark style to your pics.  I could have bet this was your pic without seeing your name attached to it.  Great city layout and amazing photoshoping, maybe next to no one else.  I'm going to mention that building again in the top right hand corner.  Still bothers me.  Although it is night time, some more cars and some people here and there may have made the picture all that much better.

Sam Johnson........great use of the RRP stuff.  I agree that it is very hard to make a river/ditch to look as good as you have managed to do.  I wish for more life in your picture as well.  Some more gorses and amybe some cows on the other side and at least one vehicle using the road.  The thing that I do find a little strange is that one side of the river has a lot of trees and the other side has none.  I would have liked to have seen a few on the empty side and even a few less on the opposite side.  Showing a little more of the train track with a train would have stole you some votes from a few members here.  ;) Not mentioning any names (starting with a "N" and ending in a "69")  :D

With all that said, I will be voting for............Sam Johnson.  Mainly because he has brought something ralatively new to the table.

Cockatoo: 4
Sam Johnson: 4

A tie again.
&apls &apls to both fantastic pictures.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


I vote for Sam_Johnson's pic because I don't like that blue building in the upper right corner it seems to be in the middle of two other building in Cockatoo's pic

Cockatoo: 4
Sam Johnson: 5


I'll stick with Cockatoo--The picture Sam Johnson posted is great, I love the flora and the bridge, but I love the city!

5-5, tie.


Both pics are just awesome but since I have to choose..... I'll pic the rural one (more difficult to achieve such a nice landscape).

Cockatoo: 5
Sam Johnson: 6
babuloziwad / adj Above perfection in SC4; Dude, this MOD is ~ !


Sam Johnson's simple rural scene does it for me this round......

Cockatoo  5-7  Sam Johnson


SJ 8-5 Cockatoo

Very nice picture :D