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Traffic Noise simulation (and possibly "customers")

Started by SC4BOY, August 18, 2009, 02:51:42 PM

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I want to start a topic just to see if I'm the only one to notice "oddities" in the apparent simulation and its measurement of, in my case and specifically, traffic noise.

I have not done a careful study and thought I'd just throw this out and see how widespread in the community that apparent anomylies are showing up for people. I noticed this specifically in a small city in my region which is fairly full of "lots" but mostly lower density and lower development. I can look at the traffic volume overlay which allows, if it is working properly, looking at the various forms of traffic, ie car, truck, train, etc. This is a pretty nice tool which I think is distributed with the NAM and z simulator (I happen to be using the "high" version)

I have not taken snapshots of these cases, but I'll be happy to do so if there is interest in the topic. But in brief I can click around on example houses and see whether they show low, medium or high traffic noise. I then compare what I read to the "traffic" in the near vacinity of that house. The clicks I do make really no sense. According to various things I have read it SHOULD relate to traffic within a 3 or 4 tile "radius" of the building you are clicking on.  I can click on one house that has no more than 50 vehicles within the radius.. it says "medium". I can then move to a street that is carrying 125 cars immediately beside the house and it shows also medium. Another house that may have double this traffic around it may show low, etc.

If you have some time while you're playing, click around on your cities with the overlay turned on and see what you get. I'm wondering if all the mod's we are applying may in some manner be giving wrong answers.

I admit that I am using a LOT of plugins and various views, reports, simulators, NAM, etc etc.. do those of you with just the basics see the same thing? I only work one region and have been fooling with it for a couple of years. Others who try a lot of different play scenerios may have better observations.

If others see this kind of apparently inexplicable behaviour, I'll start doing some detail investigation with pictures... are others seeing this? I'd attach a pol, but I'm embarrassed to say I don't know how.. LOL