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Did You Already Know That ...

Started by Nardo69, August 29, 2009, 05:29:42 AM

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... I have my birthday tomorrow?
... I'll be eighteen years old?
... I'll be less active due to exams  ()sad()?
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


... I was just about to start to move my backups from my internal to an external HD when the internal hd decided that it has worked enough?
... I am now moving GBs of Videos, Fotos, SC4 backups and other stuff kByte by kByte to my external HD?
... this is REALLY annoying?

... my wife got mad about be because I am focussing on rescuing the data even though she would be the first to complain if any baby photo of our son was lost?

... in the last ten days not only my HD broke (or is breaking at the moment) but also the antenna of our TV, the glas window of the door to the (very small) garden (done by my son) and our main water pipe to the appartment?
... this is a really long list of bad things that happened?
... I do hope it's not becoming any/much longer?


...It was easier and cheaper to get my PS3 repaired from a third party all the way in the big city then dealing with Sony not repairing it by replacing it with something that did not have reverse PS2 playback?
...Your better off getting an exterior hard drive or any electronic device repaired by a third party rather then sending it to the manufacturer who will not fix their own mistakes contrary to their warranty?
...Video rental stores will be non existent pretty soon? (seriously I have no video rental place by me anymore, blockbuster, hollywood, video update all went bankrupt and shut their doors)
...Our economy sucks so much that I have not found a career since 2007 even after being a college grad?
...if you have not graduated high school let alone college, there is nothing out there for you to make a living after all that anyway?
...special needs child or adult suffer the worst from this economy?
...it has been over 12 years and Duke Nukem Forever has never been released yet?
...the RHW could already make full functioning neighbor boundary connections without loop connectors or special pieces but advance puzzle piece manipulation?

(if my facts are getting too political I apologize already)


... My guess is that Dunke Nukem Forever will be released  when we are able to fly without planes (as in by ourselves)
... My PS3 still runs rather excellent (also the older 60GB model)
... Not video, but DVD/Blu-Ray movie rental is still quite common in Belgium
... I do really home Nardo's problems get solved soon
... I will probably study economy at university next year
... I have now run out of (more or less relevant) things to say
RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


... my sister with her husband and son came to visit me just with one of the last planes that left Germany before all airports were closed the volcano ash cloud?
... that their scheduled flight home should take off now?
... check-in started recently but noone knows if they can fly today or not?
... the only alternative destination which would require a 10 hours trip by train?

... railway tickets sold before the ash cloud are still vaild?  ;D
... there is only one scheduled train leaving Istanbul to Europe though?
... you just have to share the seats with 3 other persons?
... buses and ferries are sold out for weeks?

... I really do know why I DON'T LIKE AIRPORTS AND FLYING?


I am still stuck in Ireland due to the Volcanic Ash cloud and it looks like I'll be here for another few days.
its nice to spend extra time with the family

I am using the next doors WiFi to make this post  :D

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


...It is not fair for Nardo to justify his dislike of planes on this incident.
...My English teacher is stranded in Heathrow
...The whole class is therefore celebrating
...I'm having trouble sleeping and the cause is a mystery
...Its 5 past Midnight and i need to go to school tomorrow
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian

KoV Liberty

...I'm bored?
...I'm jealous of Joel because my English teacher isn't halfway across the world?
...I've got a dog?
...My name is Alex?
...Hummer has been sold?
...The economy is crap?


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


... dislikes are mostly unfair?
... so are volcanic eruptions?
... I don't like flying since I ever stepped on board of a plane in 1995?


... I never boarded a plane at all?
... I got SC4 up and running again? (Yay!)
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


... I do like flying (also one of the reasons I play FSX, if only my computer could run it in all it's visual awsomeness :()
... due to said volcanic ash, my French teacher is stuck in America (hence, no complaints here)
... It's been 3-ish weeks since I last played SC4
RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


I was a professional waterskier for three years?
The mother of the founder of Strongbow Cider said to "get in to the drinks business because drinking will never go out of style"?
I got out of the drinks business (after the recession hit)?
The ash cloud is unlikely to affect me unless it lasts until September?


...The Ash cloud could last until december.
...I love flying, except when in Portugal
...The economy is getting better
...I wasn't up 'til 2am last night (yay!)
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


... I spent the night at the office hunting down a problem that disabled several computers?
... I learned this morning that a faulty update for the McAfee virus scanner caused the problem?  :angrymore:
... I am still busy getting everything up and running again?
... I am tired but can't drink any more coffee?  &sly
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


...I'm tired, and cold?
...I'm on the terrible, cheap "coffee" that's been in the pantry for too long?
...I've gotta get some sleep soon?
...I feel for the people that were stuck in airports... Pure jealousy, that is :P?
...Life isn't without a sense of irony?
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


...New Zealand is already counting down to the Rugby World Cup.
...But Auckland withdrew its bid for the Commonwealth Games  :thumbsdown:
...I'm babysitting right now.
...My English teacher might be back soon.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


... that I wonder who'll understand here the following function in Pascal:

function CountChildren(ChildrenNumberNow : word; datum : TDate) : word;
const XMas : TDate = (24.12.2010);
CountChildren := ChildrenNumberNow;
if datum >= Weihnachten then inc(CountChildren)


If my rusty Pascal knowledge does not fail me completely, then I think congratulations are due. :)

... my neighbor almost set his apartment (and subsequently mine, too) on fire yesterday evening?  :o
... we were lucky I was home early and smelled the smoke?
... he was asleep and I woke him by banging on his door?
... I was just waiting for something like this to happen because he is a heavy smoker and alcoholic?
... in the last apartment house I lived in the guy two floors above me tried to kill himself by blowing his apartment up?
... since then I sometimes wake up at night panicing that the house might be on fire?
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


... that RickD's rusty Pacal knowledge did not fail him!  ()stsfd()

... my very first car is now available as a prop?


... that I met - among others - a really beautiful polish and russian lady this evening?
... they ask me to greet their resp. fellow countryman?

... you can see pictures of these two beautiful ladies here?