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beskhu3epnm's Mapping Projects

Started by beskhu3epnm, December 15, 2006, 01:04:44 PM

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Well the time is drawing near for my next mapping disaster (and I mean DISASTER).

The mighty and humble blade2k5 (mapping legend - I was spawned as a direct result of his existence in the mapping community) approached me several months back with a seemingly easy task. He offered me the chance to modify a lake template of a set of lakes in Wisconsin (Minocqua Lakes region).

I took him up on the offer. There was one condition. Don't mess with the lakes.

So I began tearing up the terrain, and began forming some mountains. I became "The Lord".

And on the 9th day, I became frustrated with my lack of skill on the terraformer while forming the northern mountain range. I conjured up a large meteor, and threw it at the mountain range:

This was the end result. Instead of trying to repair the blast, I just left it, as fixing it would have taken too much time.

Just kidding, folks, I took a DEM image of the Arizona crater, amplified the size by like 5x, and dropped it on the map.

Keep an eye out for this one on the STEX, and on the LEX (I should be moving all of my stuff over there, as soon as I figure out how...).

NHP Map 66 by blade2k5 and beskhu3epnm

New Horizons Productions Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio dedgren ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite M4346 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


QuoteThe mighty and humble blade2k5 (mapping legend - I was spawned as a direct result of his existence in the mapping community)

Will you stop that!  You keep telling me how great I am is gonna go to my head sooner or later. :D

Anyways, the map looks great.  Love how you used the different terrain mods to get that look.  Brilliant my friend.  You did a fantastic job on the terraforming.  I absolutely love it!

Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio
dedgren ♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ nichter85 ♦ papab2000 ♦
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine

Old fisherman never die, they just smell that way.


OK time for some images from the map. These photos have been taken in 3D, and I can hopefully showcase my terraforming skillz (or lack of).

Check those out. This map is available now on the STEX, or soon on the LEX (with all of my projects - there will be a mass migration - all in one instant).
NHP Hephaestus by blade2k5 and beskhu3epnm

btw if there are too many images, let me know, I can drop some....

New Horizons Productions Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio dedgren ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite M4346 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Wow....I'm completely stunned! I hadn't seen this thread until now...the collective creaters at NHP are masterful when it comes to these maps....I'm completely floored by the realism you've been able to achieve...amazing  &apls


Well, I missed this one too. Another great map, and not for a change, because you never change, it's always these darn good maps. Can't you try to do a bad one for a change $%Grinno$%
Nicely done mate. :thumbsup:


Impressive crater  ??? !!! Again you made a little wonder from your art  ;)
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary

Alek King of SC4

Fierce, if only there were actually places this cool in wisconsin


Quote from: Alek King of SC4 on February 06, 2007, 06:08:46 AM
Fierce, if only there were actually places this cool in wisconsin

I agree with that.  All I see where I live are trees and swamp, frozen though it may with this deep freeze the country is in right now.

Quote from: Rayden on February 06, 2007, 05:04:26 AM
Well, I missed this one too. Another great map, and not for a change, because you never change, it's always these darn good maps. Can't you try to do a bad one for a change $%Grinno$%
Nicely done mate. :thumbsup:

Not possible.  I couldn't do a crappy map if I wanted too, I'm too much a perfectionist when it comes to my maps.

Quote from: Yoder7652 on February 05, 2007, 08:24:28 PM
Wow....I'm completely stunned! I hadn't seen this thread until now...the collective creaters at NHP are masterful when it comes to these maps....I'm completely floored by the realism you've been able to achieve...amazing  &apls

It's amazing ain't it?  If you look at some the first maps I've uploaded to the STEX, you can see the improvement from map to map as I went along.  Then wouanagaine created sc4tf and those hand-drawn in Paint maps look so...shall we say inferior to what sc4tf can do.

Thanks to everyone for the comments, it's very much aprreciated.

Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio
dedgren ♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ nichter85 ♦ papab2000 ♦
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine

Old fisherman never die, they just smell that way.


Ordinarily I do 1:1 scale maps of real world terrain. Every once in awhile I fire up the terraformer and give it a good run.

For me to do a crappy 1:1 scale map would mean that my world data source is inadequate. There have been a few that I refuse to release due to the lack of accuracy. This one was done by hand, with the exception of the crater (which was imposed on the map using photoshop - and it wasn't done very smoothly, as I had to create a set of mountains to make the whole thing seamless).

My terraforming on this map was the mountain range around the crater, and in the SW corner. When I terraform, there is always the chance that it will not turn out. I think this one worked out.

blade2k5 is the master of this type of map. Thanks for letting me take part.

The map is a little extreme, and likely won't generate a huge number of DL's, but I guarantee, the users of the map will be satisfied!!

New Horizons Productions Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio dedgren ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite M4346 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Well, that post of mine above, was meant to be to beskhu3epnm, but, it applies to you too, blade2k5, coz I don't remember as well, seeing a crappy map of yours ;)


Fantastic region! The crater looks great! :thumbsup:


Coming to an STEX near you:

NHP Invermere Valley Mini-Maps
A series of 5 maps constructed by both jplumbley and beskhu3epnm together, each showcasing the style used by each author. The basis for this project is the Invermere Valley map, located on the STEX and LEX. Each map is custom made for the sea level in SC4 (for example, on most tiles, the valley floors can be over 800m, whereas with these maps, they are at the proper elevation).

NHP IVM Horsethief Creek

NHP IVM Toby Creek

NHP IVM Stormshoe Valley

NHP IVM Rockford Valley

NHP IVM Invermere Lake

These maps will be available here on the LEX starting sometime this evening. Horsethief Creek is the first one on the list. Every week, the next one down will be released.

We really hope you guys enjoy this project!

New Horizons Productions Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio dedgren ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite M4346 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Those new maps you and jplumbley are working on are nothing short of amazing.  The same goes for all your other maps.  Looking forward to the new IVM series! :thumbsup:



That are fantastic maps! Great work! :thumbsup:


Man o man. Just not enough time.
These are all beauties.
I could build on any of these and be happy indefinetly!


QuoteI could build on any of these and be happy indefinetly!
Yes, now it is the hard time to choose from which

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren ♦ emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley
M4346 ♦ moganite ♦ Papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Right on, guys!

IVM (Invermere Valley Map) Toby Creek will be available tomorrow on the STEX.... and if jplumbley comes on, tonight on the LEX!

New Horizons Productions Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio dedgren ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite M4346 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Toby Creek Has been uploaded to the LEX!  &apls  We had some snow today in the area and I would have uploaded it earlier if I had gotten home earlier.  ()sad()

Anyways, just look under my name on the LEX and you will see the 4 maps from the IVM (Invermere Valley Mini) series that have been uploaded here now!

NHP IVM Steamboat Valley  :satisfied:
NHP IVM Horsethief Creek  :satisfied:
NHP IVM Toby Creek  :satisfied:
NHP Invermere Valley  :satisfied:

Hope you guys like it.  There are more to come still, and I am trying to convince Beskhu3epmn to work his magic  &hlp and make another mini map of the southern protion of the Invermere River Valley...  Maybe just maybe we will sneak  $%#Ninj2that one in there somewhere.
"You learn something new everyday."

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Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ Dedgren ♦ Ennedi Shadow Assassin ♦  Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Street Addon Mod - SAM


OK peoples, I know this probably won't get a lot of views, but nevertheless, I thought I should show everyone my latest work.

I will not be releasing a MD anytime soon, although this is the map I would use. What I did was, I made a second Invermere Valley Map, rotated it using my descretion, and used custom snow heights, and CPT trees (I filled the whole 12x12 map with trees - except for rock terrain (angles of 60 degrees or more) and snow areas). This is the end result. I used an image from region census. You will notice that shadows disappear as a result of city borders (a game limitation), so try to ignore that part. Without further adieux:

New Horizons Productions Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio dedgren ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite M4346 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine

Emperor Stormont

wow.... What stunning work. I've never had the patience to use terraformer. so I hand terraformer which is also a pain.

You have inspired me to try terraformer again, of course I will do nothing like the works of art I see above, must go I think I have the Tate Modern calling  :satisfied:

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
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