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Österköpingsregionen / The Österköping Region - October 1

Started by riiga, October 04, 2009, 02:01:47 PM

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Ha! En "dagbok" på svenska!
Tur att jag loggade in och kollade, den här vill man ju inte missa...
Mera villor åt folket!  ;D

For any non-swedish spoken:

Nice to see a Swedish-spoken MD!
I was fortunate to arrive here now, I wouldn´t want to miss out on this one...
As for the development: More suburbs to the people!  ;D


Fin uppdatering, jag gillade i synnerhet den sista bilden.
Området i tredje och fjärde bilderna ser jättefint ut, saknas bara en lekpark åt barnen så de slipper springa över den farliga huvudvägen till lekparken brevid höghusen.

Nice update, I really enjoyed the last picture. :P
The area in the third and forth pictures looks really nice, only missing a playground, a little to dangerous to let your kids cross the road to the one beside the hi-rises.

Rondeller verkar infektera de flesta hörn i Sverige, fast jag gillar dem mycket bättre än standard rödljuskorsnignarna då jag har tendensen att alltid fastna på rött medans rondeller är det bara att tuta och köra. :D

Roundabouts seem to be infesting every corner of Sweden, though I do like them a lot better than standard "red-light-crossings", I have a tendency to always get stuck on red, while roundabouts are just to blast through. :D


L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Good update! The construction sites feel very realistic. ::)

2010.8.4 - I get on SC4D with PSP. So cool.:D
2010.8.14 - I can get on the Internet at home.:)



I love the construction sites -- they're so realistic!  And those new housing developments look great, especially the mid-rises.  Where did you get the parking lots?  They look fantastic!

Anyway this is shaping up to be one of my favorite MDs.  Cheerio!


En kort uppdatering om en stor förändring
Short update, big change

Svar / Replies:

Swesim: Visst är det trevligt med en svensk MD? ;)

Xiziz: Rondeller tycker jag om faktiskt :P

Guillaume (Sciurus) : Thank you! :)

Bobbi: Of course they feel realistic, the pics aren't from a video game. It's for real! :D

Dreamcat: The parking lots can be found on the STEX. HH Modular Parking Lots and HH Modular Parking Lots Addon 1

Uppdatering 4:
Update 4:

Förflyttning av motorvägen/Moving the motorway

På grund av den illa valda placeringen av motorvägen så har Västerköping haft svårt att växa. Man har därför beslutat att lägga om rutten och bygga ut enligt skissen nedan.
Due to bad planning, the motorway needs to be realigned to let Västerköping to continue to grow. Therefore a decision has been made to realign and extend as shown below.

(click for full resolution)

Dessa bilder visar flytten av motorvägen / These pictures show the realignment of the road

Mycket att göra i skolan nu, så det blir nog oregelbundna uppdateringar.
I'm very busy studying right now, so expect updates to be irregular.

- riiga


Great work on the highway!!  I think what I love most about your MD is the construction shots.  They really add a lot to it!  And the finished product is equally impressive.  Very nice work on the interchange.  It should be a real benefit to the city!


I really like the work you have shown here so far  &apls
I see that you go for that developing style of a MD (if somebody understands what I mean) - this is pretty cool since we don't have a lot of these types of a Major Diary :thumbsup:.

Keep it up,


Hi Riiga,

I have to agree with the above posters. I very much like your style - both in building and in presenting the city. It's got a nice swedish touch ;)

one minor detail, though, as much as I like the wind mills, they look a little out of place, as well as they are not all are facing the same direction.
But no matter, I look forward to you developing the area.

Great work
My name is Thomas...


2010.8.4 - I get on SC4D with PSP. So cool.:D
2010.8.14 - I can get on the Internet at home.:)


Wonderful, it's very very beautiful!! &apls And nice to see the progress day after day of your city :thumbsup:

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *

Earth quake

I like seeing the creation of the interchange step by step.


sain bai nu


Great start for an MD, but can you please change your png pictures to jpg pictures as soon as possible or I will have to remove them.
Please review the rules for the MD section as well.

GIMP is probably the most popular free program you can use to change the format of pictures.

Quote from: thundercrack83 on July 07, 2008, 05:50:58 PM
III. Rules for Authors

8. All images will be hosted by an offsite hosting service or other server.  Authors are requested to consider that not every reader has broadband Internet access, and should seek, consistent with maintaining reasonable image quality, to minimize the size in kilobytes of images accordingly. Please note that, while not a rule, we do make a strong recommendation that the max width of any image be 800 pixels, as well as being in the .JPG format.  Use wider images and other picture formats (.PNG, .GIF, etc.) when necessary, albeit sparingly, since in most instances making a pic bigger does not make it better.

Call me Robin, please.


Quote from: rooker1 on October 15, 2009, 05:55:49 AM
Great start for an MD, but can you please change your png pictures to jpg pictures as soon as possible or I will have to remove them.
Please review the rules for the MD section as well.

GIMP is probably the most popular free program you can use to change the format of pictures.


Sorry, didn't notice that. I will replace thie images with JPG ones later tonight (before midnight CEST), if that is OK?

- riiga

That will be perfect, thank you very much for the quick response.  Robin - Global Moderator.

EDIT: Done!  ;)



Ny uppdatering!  :)
New update! :)

Svar / Replies:

Dreamcat: Thanks! I'm sure my city will benefit from this as you wrote  ;)

Fabian (Fabian93) : Thank you!

Thomas (turtle) : Well, I think that it looks unrealistic when they face the same direction.  :P

Guillaume (Sciurus) : Many thanks!

Bobbi: Thank you!

Earth quake: I agree! :)

jackxu: Thanks!

Robin (rooker1) : Said and done! And thanks aswell :)

Nexis4Jersey: Thank you!

Uppdatering 5:
Update 5:

En avstickare till den lilla staden Spetz/A quick look at the small town of Spetz

Blandade bilder från staden / Mixed pictures from Spetz:
(Ursäkta rutnätet / Sorry for the grid)

Här är en lite äldre karta över Spetz / Here is a somewhat older map of Spetz:

(click for full resolution)

Translation for non-swedes:

g. is short for gatan - street
v. is short for vägen - road

    * Större väg - Road
    * Mindre väg - Street
    * Motorväg - Highway/Freeway/Motorway
    * Skog - Forest
    * Park - Park
    * Mark - Ground
    * Vattendrag - Lake, Sea, Stream, River, etc.
    * Tätbebyggt område - Urban Area
    * Riksväg - National Road
    * Motorväg - Numbered Motorway
    * Länsväg - County Road
    * Lantmäteriet i Österköpingsregionen - Österköping Region Department of Surveying and Mapping

Troligen blir det en till uppdatering i helgen ;)
I will probably do an update later this weekend ;)

- riiga


Love the fourth picture and how the highway goes around the pond like that.
And thank you for changing the pictures to jpgs so quickly.
I hope to see alot more updates from you.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Looks good! And there's a pond in the middle of the highway... ::)

2010.8.4 - I get on SC4D with PSP. So cool.:D
2010.8.14 - I can get on the Internet at home.:)

Earth quake

One other splendid update, bravo.
I love picture 4, with the lake in the middle. &apls