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gottago to BAT

Started by gottago, October 09, 2009, 03:53:55 AM

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Brilliant  &apls
The textures, overall form and attention to detail make for a fantastic creation, definitely a "star" in my book. It has an interesting shape, the diagonals on the lower roof and on ground level help give it character.
On the roof at the front, where the textures change from vertical to horizontal, looks slightly odd to me though.
Top Work.


Luke09: yes, it will be a LEX submission-- I hope to have the files ready to be reviewed shortly.

Fabian and thingfishs, thanks very much for your comments!

The odd change in the roofing is actually on the original; here's the satellite view that I used as the basis for the roof textures/roofjunk:


I can only say it looks fantastic, and wait for its release. :)


The Bosch is looking great! Looking forward to your 2nd LEX upload.  :thumbsup:


Thanks very much kwaakellar and xxdita--the files have actually just been sent to you N for scrutineering. I hope that they're all in order and the "Bosch BAT" will soon be available on the LEX. :thumbsup:


I love your BATs ...  &apls &apls &apls

60's architecture is a very apt choice , I would like to see more like those ... and your "young" BATing skill is amazing .  ::)


°   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °


Wonderful BAT! I love 60's architecture! &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Province of Acadia since 2020
Province of Zillerthal (2014)
Port Aux Captes (2009-2011)
Province of Trieste (2006-2010)
Since SC4D 2007-2022


Cédric, Guillaume, kwaakelaar and warconstruct, thanks very much for your comments, it's really appreciated and I'm glad you like the work!

Well it's a new year, so it calls for a new BAT. ;)

The Bosch BAT is now on the LEX, and after finishing it I took a break from the Cologne Commercials series to work on a large IM BAT which I'm calling Köln Kabel, based on a RL cable manufacturing plant in Mülheim, in the industrial outskirts of Cologne on the east bank of the Rhine... so I haven't strayed that far, really.

This is a big building; in RL it measures 75x135 metres--you can easily put a football (soccer) field inside and have enough floor area left over for 1/2 another--and it is only one part of a sprawling complex devoted to cable manufacturing, but it's been scaled down about 20% to fit a 4x7 lot because its simplicity and great size would make it look wildly overscaled ingame.

For some reason I thought this would be less work than a smaller BAT, misled by those huge, simple masses and flat roofs. But in the end it demanded a disconcerting amount of detail work, which more or less gets swallowed up in all that acreage.

Here are some b&w previews of the finished model, before texturing begins, and some Virtual Earth screenies:

Thanks to Simfox's spanking new 3DSMax2010-compatible Bat scripts, I could finally upgrade from gmax to Max 2010, which is a great program, light years ahead of gmax in its capability of doing tons of stuff I can barely grasp, and it feels a bit like using a Ferrari to go buy milk. Anyway, I'm very hopeful to see a real improvement in renders and night views.

And happy New Year everyone!


brilliant work as always gottago &apls
You are capturing it beautifully, what on earth are you talking about when you say "based on" ;)
I look forward to the texturing, particularly the roof of lowest two levels of the main portion of the building.
Simcity now has a cabling industry. :thumbsup:


NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


That's looking fantastic....simcity really need more industry bats of this quality

Red Star Production is now on FACEBOOK


Re: Your Bosch BAT

Hi gottago,

Just a little interruption here. I passed by the building that has been known as The Bosch to the community since you modeled it. Look what happened: they have removed the Bosch ad on the wall. I found that interesting. A Bosch ad had been sitting for decades on that building. The picture on the second page of this thread proves it. But now, after you have modeled it, named it The Bosch and upload it to the Lex, the sign vanished. Scary, isn´t it?  ;)

And I love the design of your newest creation. I agree with what others have posted: realstic industrial lots are a great addition to the game.


I can't believe it!! It's so, woaow :o :o :o

J'y crois pas, c'est trop :o :o :o Maintenant, chose que je ne traduirai pas( :P): faudra que tu me donnes des cours de 3DSMax toi un jour $%Grinno$%

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


This is a great industrial BAT, gottago. Can't wait to see the final version. The great thing about being a LEX Scrutineer... I get it first.  :P


thingfishs, thanks very much for your comments, I'm very glad you like it... I don't know if it's a good thing to reproduce the strips on the lower roofs--they're patches and are a bit confusing, but there's time to see when texturing is done.

mightygoose, delija21 & Guillaume thanks very much for dropping by and commenting so positively! I think I might alternate between IND and CO BATS from now on; they're a fun change of pace. And Guillaume I'm happy to share what I know, even though it's not been so long since I started BATting--just ask if you get stuck and I hope I can help :thumbsup:

alj, thanks very much for posting the update pic--that's a really strange coincidence and more than a bit disappointing that the Bosch signage has been removed; it's been on the building since it was built.  &mmm

xxdita, thanks a lot! I hope to send it along soon; just starting textures and there are tons of elements to deal with, though it looks pretty simple.

Sam Johnson

Hello gottage  :)
I saw your great BATs on the LEX, so I just had to take a look at your Bat thread here.
I really like the kind of Buildings you're batting, first those great mid rise offices, and now this great industrial building. Things like that are still lacking in SC4, just because you never can get enough of buildings like that. ;D

The model of your current bat looks awesome, I can't wait to see it with textures   &apls

Well, keep this amazing work up :thumbsup:


Looking fantastic gottago. Cannot wait to see how this looks when finished.


Of course you can helop me Gottago! :D So, I PM you now ;) (And, between us, as you're french, lessons will go faster! $%Grinno$%)

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *