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FrankU's Lottery - Space Center update

Started by FrankU, October 19, 2009, 02:43:51 AM

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Hi Serkanner and Vortex,

Thanks for the compliments.  ()stsfd()
You made me decide to upload the file and you can find it on the STEX now.

Do you think I should upload the whole bunch also to the LEX? Maybe in a Rewards Set pack?


Hi friends,

This time I present you another Reward. Like always comments are welcome. This time however I am not going to change the lot anymore, because I put it on the STEX just ten minutes ago.
I was so content with the results that I did not bother to consult you. I hope this does not anny you too much?

Take a look here.

The model of the building was made by Meurdoos. He modeled it after the Raadhuis Hilversum, the town hall of Hilversum. The real life building was designed by W.M. Dudok and is considered his finest work. It was built in 1928-1931 and is a superb example of the Dutch expressionist brick architecture from this aera.

This is the lot

And at night

It goes with a Landmark eyecandy and a Landmark with IHT jobs version.

Have fun!




Hoi Frank !!

You did a fantastic job once again, This new lot looks good. I think the textures are perfect as well  :thumbsup:

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Good choice of BAT!  :thumbsup:

The pond in the front is a nice touch, though I would've added some kind of barrier at the roadside to keep it from overflowing (visually that is  ;) ).

In any case, it's a nice addition to your relotting project!  &apls
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


gn_leugim, thank you.

Kelis, thank you.

Vortex, yes. I must admit: I forgot, you are right. I should do something about this, but I am not sure if it is wise to upload an update. Maybe when I put them on the LEX?


I went on and have the first of three Cemeteries finished.
By the way: the game calls them Cemetary, but in my opinion (being supported by several websites about English spelling) it should be Cemetery. So I call these things Cemeteries.

Here it is. Please comment.

Number 2 and 3 are on their way. They will be a bit bigger than the first one and the third will even carry a church.


It's a nice start but imho there's too much going on; four different types of fences, three different paving textures, weird sectioning and seemingly random planted trees. The little maintenance/groundskeeper area is nice though. However, in general I think you can do better than this.  &mmm
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Hi Vortex,

The idea was to make a lot that looks like it is really old, with remains of older parts and newer additions. Apparently this effect is not yet present enough?
Hmmm, maybe I should make an "old" corner and a new area next to that.. &Thk/(


Well, now that you mention it I can tell but otherwise. . .

It's a very nice idea though, I just think you'll need more space to pull it off convincingly. Maybe you could reshuffle the plans, i.e. add a church to the small lot and reserve the biggest lot for the old vs. new concept.
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


looks great. although it was a bit "disappointed" in some way. when I saw "cemetery reward" I was like "yes, someone will make something different and it will look good on Portuguese thematic cities" but no. Like the SBTF version it is filled up with trees and bushes and flowers  &mmm

Nevertheless, your work looks great and well done. don't mind my "disappointment", my fault, as I built some high hopes ;D


Hi Vortex,

Yes, there is something wrong. I'll reconsider the set. Maybe I'll just make an old cemetery for # 1, a newer one for # 2 and a church with an old plus a new extension for # 3.

Hi gn_leugim,

Sorry to disappoint you. Making a Portuguese one sounds nice, but this was part of the Dutch set, remember? And Dutch cemeteries have lots of greenery and trees. So the SFBT version, which is undoubtedly a German theme, looks quite familiar. Our countries are neighbours in the end.



you don't have to apologise  ;D it's my fault, not yours, you have done an excellent work ;)

as am offside, just to give you an idea how different it is from a PT cemetery: http://binged.it/ZGuE3B

sometimes we have trees on them, but it does not look like a garden :p


In the same spirit, I didn't say anything is wrong. Quite the opposite in fact as I do like the idea having a centuries old cemetery which is still in use. My reasoning was simply if it's been around for ages, it'll probably take up some ground as well.  :)
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


I found your idea of a "three era" city hall very enticing, and the result looks very nice in one of my cities  :thumbsup:.

Now today, I encountered this:

I didn't look into which building family the lot grows on (it may actually be the original lot), but wanted to let you know, anyway.


Hi Turjan,

This looks like an overwrite. Meaning: I guess you had a city with the original town hall already plopped. Then you installed my set in that region's plugins folder. Then you opened the city tile with the original reward. In that case the Maxis model is replaced by my model, which does not fit on the original 3x4 lot. The query I see on your image says that you have a city hall reward there.
On the other hand: I see that the lot is missing some textures, because I see the blue grid of the game background. So there must be something more.
Could you do a check? If there is something wrong with my set I'd like to repair it before I get a bad nam in the community....


Ah, thanks, that explains it. Yes, you wrote that your lots replace the Maxis rewards. I probably just read past it, but in case you didn't mention it, it would probably be good to add a sentence like "you have to remove all existing reward city halls from your cities before using this mod".

I didn't think of this as my only other city hall mod doesn't replace the Maxis lot but gets offered as additional reward that I can place instead of the Maxis city hall (only one of them allowed, but I can choose as soon as the reward comes up).

Don't worry about the textures. As your lot obviously doesn't fit the existing lot (the building is larger than the lot, as you can see in the images), your textures and props won't show properly in this specific case. Your original lot looks just fine.


OK, glad the problem is solved.
Indeed, it is a good idea to add the sentence to my read me. I will do that in the future. Thanks for the tip.



No worries, I just use the landmark versions where I want to have them. You didn't add them for nothing ;).


Vortex and gn_leugim did give me some feedback on my first Cemetery attempt.
These comments made me redo the whole thing and I came up with this one.

It consists of a very old cemetery behind a separate fence and a newer one that has been added later in front of it.
The old part is dominated by the tomb of the Cities founder (background story will follow in the Read Me) and the new cemetery contains a small monument in favor of the great leader who has saved the City and most of its inhabitants, including the mayor's cat, after the last disaster (background story will be made up by yourself when you use the lot).


What shall I say? Please comment!



I think it looks rather snug ::). But seriously, very good frank.