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Arlington Bay - Update:"Along Airport-Expressway"

Started by ManuelR, November 11, 2009, 02:26:06 PM

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Great job with the region view, the area around the safeco stadium, and the night shots before!  :thumbsup:


The american design of this city is well done, nice entry and region view :thumbsup:
The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

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Great update, the city looks fantastic and that region view is beuatiful  &apls


Good stuff Manuel! I haven't been around in a while, so I figured it was time to stop by.  ;D I'm loving the region shot right now.


I fancy this. Do I detect a hint of Chicago in your city?


Haven't been here for a while. Loved both updates - especially the night shots with the small(er) commercials.

Good work with those 6-lane avenues, haven't use them yet, tend to lay immediately GLR in their medians ...  ::)

Take care my friend!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Yeah, I detect a hint of chicago as well!  Mostly with the canals reminding me of the measly chicago river.  I love how massive your city is.



Battlecat, rooker1, DerChrischi, bat, solsystem, Air6, GreekMan, noahclem, Skimbo, Connor, cubby420: Thank you all very much for commenting. Nice to hear you all like my work, and especially the region-view. It's very important to me, that not only the close ups look good, but the region aswell. I'm building on the transition between suburbs and rural areas, very difficult... :D

i_love_lamp, eldaldo: Thanks. The river truly has a bit of a Chicago tuch. So I guess you will like this update even more, it's all about the river  :). Chicago, NY, Boston etc in Googlemaps can be very helpful building a city like this, but of course there's alot of fiction still. ;)

Nardo: Thanks. I love the 6-lane-avenue, with or without median. They fit perfectly in an american downtown. (of course without GLR  :D )


There are so many nice place to show in such a crowded city, so I thought why not give it a bit more structure and start another tour. This time it's gonna be a tour on the canals of New Memphis.


First of all an overview. New Memphis river cuts right through downtown, of course that's not its natural flow. The city planners have canalized it and given the river a totally different way.
Originally the river was flowing from number 3. to 9. and 10. but as the city was building a big central park with a pond they needed an inflow, so they created the New Memphis river canal through downtown. N
owadays most people are thankful for this huge project, because it gives the city some caracter and recreational space.


The river passes the New Memphis turnpike. Dense urban developpement begins here, on the other side of the turnpike the river isn't canalized as much as in downtown area.


Downtown is mostly commercial buildings, most of the inhabitants live in smaller apartements around downtown. There are currently 900'000 people alone on this map! here you can see the canal crossing the Park Ave.


The national history museum is located between New Memphis river, Metropolitan Ave., Huntington Ave. and 6th Ave.
Lots of big companies would like to build some huge skyscrappers here, but the government decided to keep the museum as it is, to create some open space in a very dense area.
As you can see are some boardwalks along the river. They are very popular and also very crowded on weekends.


5th Ave. marks a very abrupt end of downtown area. The biggest and tallest skyscrappers were built along 5th Ave. between Liberty Blvd. and Central Ave.
Must be a hell of a view from one of these offices. :)


Same place other angle. Metropolitan Ave. is one of the most expensive Avenues in the world, especially the part along central park.


Going down the eastern part of New Memphis river we arrive the waterfront. A couple of years ago the city spent alot of money renovationg the cities waterfront along Bay Ave..
There are alot of hotels along the waterfront, because of the extraordinary view on the bay bridge and the bay itself.


The left and old arm of New Memphis river. In the picture also the crossing of Bay Ave. and Shore Blvd. which leads to the port in the south from here.


A little bit up the river a very nice combination of old and new buildings in New Memphis. The Waldorf Astoria one of the most prestigious hotels in the world combined with some new commerical highrisers.


Also same plac other angle. Just some downtown eyecandy :).


Fantastic update &apls I love dense (and detailed) cities and yours is probably one of the best I've ever seen. Your great pics give me a lot of inspiration! :thumbsup:
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Wonderful images of the New Memphis River! It is looking really great! :thumbsup:

Tomas Neto

Wow..., magic work!!! Fantastic pics and nice update!!!


Probably my favorite update, I love downtown updates. Personally I would have lowered the river, but what do I know, I havn't played SC4 for months  :-[


Lovely MD!
In picture 8 I see a street bridge that goes from a building to another building, uh?
And what do I see; a golf court on the top of a building??? They have to watch out that the ball goes from the roof...



Wow, this update was really amazing. Fantastic pictures.  &apls
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Excellent downtown. I'm jealous.  :P

I like your canal idea too!  &apls


 ingenious piece of work there! traces of Chicago...I LOVE it!
love that downtown with the canals....wow
Recreation: San Diego County
Rebuilding America's Finest City!
Visit my MD today!



io_bg. bat, Tomas Neto, i_love_lamp, RickD, wwecruz, GreekMan: Thank you all for commenting. :)

MrMAvE94: Why not a bridge between two buildings? It's not really a bridge for cars, more for pedestrians, at least I wouldn't want to cross the river on the Avenue.  :D The golf court is pretty crazy, probably one of the Maxis team's crazy ideas...


Today I show you some pictures from central park in New Memphis. The park is located between Liberty Blvd. in the north and Metropolitan Ave. in the south. Also 5th and 4th Ave. were built along central park. The area around central park is very expensive as you can imagine.  :D There are alot of office buildings and a couple of luxury-apartments for the rich. North of central park are a few highrisers for the less fortunate aswell. North of the park are generally alot of low and midwealth residental areas.



central park along Metropolitan Ave. As you can see there are hundreds of people enjoying the park on weekends.
There are also some of the oldest buildings of New Memphis located in the park area. In this picture you can see St. Patricks library, which is nowadays a museum.
The rents of buildings along Metropolitan Ave. overlooking central park are some of the worlds highest.


This is the crossing of 4th Ave. and Metropolitan Ave. This is the new townhall, way bigger than the old one located in Elmont (which you will see in the next update)


Liberty Blvd. and 4th Ave. - the only big roundabout in the whole city. The city planners thought it would lead to a better flow of traffic, not crossing these to avenues.


Central park lake with the bridge of Liberty Blvd. There's a rental station for boats on 5th Ave. and heavily used as you can see.


Beautiful updates! I really like the canals & pond!


Fantastic pictures of the area around the central park, which is also very nice. ;)


Wow Great Park. Must ahve took very long to create. I really like the textures  &apls