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Thingfishs is having a B.A.T Downunder (wanna take a look)

Started by thingfishs, November 11, 2009, 11:33:22 PM

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Thanks for the kind words mrdazza & Girafe :thumbsup:

In reply to you Girafe, no they are not in HD but I'll take it as a compliment that you even asked. ;)

and mrdazza, did you release your pub? I'd like to see it. I hear what you're saying about too much roof, maybe the McLaren is the way to go.

As for the vines the gaps between rows look smaller because of the angle I think, have a look at one of the shots from the other orientation above. I have also removed those bright yellow leaves and replaced them with red leaves.

(Autumn zooms 5 & 2)

Also I remembered why I had that extra strip on the back of my winery LOT. It was because I hadn't centered the building model in gmax. So I centered and re-exported it and then selected all in the LE and moved them to the back of the LOT and then removed the front row. So far so good, except it won't let me save it. Even after moving every prop I could within the lines of the tile it was still saying this.

I've had various trees slightly overhanging th LOT up until now without any problem, what's the deal?



None of your props look like they're outside &mmm

Assuming you have a backup, what happens if you delete all your props and then try to save?


The building looks like it is riding the line. Try moving it one or two clicks to the left.

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


the only thing i can think of is the building model or the gray box are slightly over hanging the lot, you probably wont be able to see it with a naked eye, I think that the only reason why you would get the in lot editor....
The autumn looks better now on those vineyards  

As for the Pub I never render it to the game and I just....... and can't find what I did with it,  but regardless, it's that large veranda that give you that distinctive aussie look. If you cut down the size of it, it end up looking Europe or American      


thanks mrdazza, jmyers and puresim. :thumbsup:

It was the building hanging over by a fraction, the props as it turns out can hang over without any issue. :)
Another issue that I've avoided for too long is that I've used some seasonal trees by cp that only appear for the individual season that I've placed. The most important ones are the seasonal cherries in summer, I don't want to place the other versions over the top because they are representing evergreen trees. So I've gone into reader, found the seasonal cherry exemplar, erased the simulator settings and saved it (though I could only save it as a differently named version of the prop pack which contains it - cp seasonal trees 2009a)

Unfortunately I planted quite a few different CP seasonal trees before I knew what I was doing and now I am trying to replace some of them as well. Is there an easier way to any of this?


Hi things,

Sounds strange your problem with the CP seasonal trees--when you lot them, there are 4 models of every tree variety, corresponding to each of the 4 seasons. One tree won't do it when lotting--you must place a prop of the tree at each season at the same rotation at the same place to have a single "seasonal" tree.

Edit: Ah, okay; if it involves Reader, I'll pass.  ::)


Thanks gottago, though you misunderstand. What I am trying to do is edit the cherry summer file so that it remains all year round, I'm under the impression this can be done. I certainly don't want them losing their leaves.

Also I posted this in my "international" thread but thought I might post it here (keen to see what others think). This is a custom SC4 logo done in graffiti style by my talented housemate. I am also slowly making a graffiti prop pack for use in the LE which this will feature in. I think it's cool as, but others may not be so enthused. ;)

<EDIT> ALso a local footy ground I've had a play with. Don't worry, it's not finished.


Nice Oval. My recommendation would be to change the pitch to a more brown-y colour. The red goalposts are interesting, I haven't seen any in my area; are they common where you are?
A few poorly drawn chalk lines would finish it. I love the shape and texture of the ground though. Even without lines it's still obviously a football oval, and that's enough to make me excited!  :thumbsup:


Thanks Chatters :thumbsup:

I didn't mention in my last post that this idea stemmed directly from a request of Chatter's for a more realistic local Aussie rules footy ground. As for the red posts, yeah we have them here in SA but admittedly it's more of a primary school thing; I just put them in for colour/interest. The texture on the pitch wasn't showing in that last shot, that was just the default "no texture" grey. What do you think now?

I will add some chalk lines, how would I best go about this?

So these are the in-game shots of my progress. I'm pretty happy with it and think it's close to finished. Any thoughts anyone?

(oh and ignore that fine line that goes through the oval, it's not in the BAT but the game, does anyone know how to prevent this? My other installation of SC4 doesn't suffer from this issue)



A couple of things Mate, Good start on the oval.  I would think the line might be due to graphics settings, but no idea what ones.  The grass seems a little saturated to me, I would darken it slightly and maybe make it less yellow by a little.  I'm not a follower of AFL but is the brown strip in the middle part of the game, or because it doubles as a cricket wicket? 

The railings seem a little bulky and large, but that may be because I'm not sure of their purpose.  Looking at the posts and the building they seem too high to be standard railings.

On the seasonal props issue, I take it this is the one we dealt with in another thread?

and finally, when placing buildings on a lot it's advisable to ensure they aren't close to the boundary of the lot as this can cause the immortal lot syndrome.


Hey that's looking a lot better. I like your lotting on this new version, overall it looks very nice!

I do agree with Diggis' feedback on the grass and oversized barrier. The grass saturation may be a little high, the base texture grass beside it is much less saturated and you shouldn't see such a difference. The barrier does seem big - perhaps if the field was 2/3 the size the barrier would be spot on.

My main comment would be that the grass still looks too large. It's shrunk a lot since your previous version, but if you look very closely you can see individual stands of grass which you shouldn't be able to see. Ignore this comment if nobody else sees it though ;)


for the ground itself try this one and see how it looks,

I keep looking around for some more as I need the same texture as well   


You asked me this, it s for you

if you want some corrections or adjustements tell me

props attached to the comment

the little Girafe
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Your vine looks great  :thumbsup: but it's a shame that is not in HD  &mmm !

My BATs or here but it is in french ;)


HI... (clears throat)

Hi, you may remember me... or maybe not.

The saga of Shottesbrooke Winery continues. Uni has taken over my life a bit (but probably not as much as it should be  ;)) Also, because I learnt everything doing Shottes, I made many mistakes that later had to be rectified. One of these was doing my lotting with a packed plugin folder, by the time I was done I had 13 or something dependencies! And because most of these props were overlapping each other in the garden, it was virtually impossible to "weed" out the desired items.

So... the decision was made to start again

Barby made a new LOT for me, as well as renaming and centering my props. Thanks again :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

(although I suspect I might've made a bit of a mess of things already...)
What I have re-lotted on here is the PLOP version... will this be OK? Also the groundprop had also acquired a distinct diagonal line across it, so I've replaced it.

This new version also has tanks that all look right, at freaking last. Woo hoo!! (see the previous shots and you'll see that the front row was still looking wrong) As well as, as mentioned, a new ground texture which has slightly desaturated lawns (thanks to T Wrecks for the suggestion) As far as the lotting goes I tried to stay as faithful to the original, mostly because it's easier. But with many less plants to choose from it was harder, and it's not quite finished yet. I just wanted to show this new version, and see what thoughts people might have before I finally put this sucker to bed.

(the eagle's taking a look)


Girafe: thanks again for that awesome tractor :thumbsup: You would see it in shot but (it's a timed prop) and unfortunately was out in the vineyard when the photos were taken.
Now that I've had a proper chance to check it out in game, I would request that you send me a new version with the red of the tractor desaturated a bit, I think it stands out a little too much, but is otherwise great.

dazza: thanks heaps for the oval, once Shottesbrooke is finally done then I can get everything else out that I've done. But as my first BAT I'm adamant that it will be my first release.

puresim & diggis: thanks for your thoughts guys, sorry it's taken so long to reply. How's your stuff coming along puresim?

manchou: thanks, I will release a separate plop version of the vines in HD just for you ;)

PS Now it's been explained to me, but I still don't get it. (also my head has been filled with a lot of stuff lately -spanish, english & music) When I want to make a seasonal tree stay all year round I believe I have to make a new exemplar for it...? I thought I had previously done this, I made the exemplar and that version stayed all year round. But it was external to the dependency source. How do I make a new version of a prop and still have it linking to the original dependency pack?


Looks like it will be bottom's up for this baby awful soon big fella. &apls &apls

Ah 13 dependencies, who cares. Everyone's probably got 'em all anyhow :thumbsup: or should have  ;)

I see you've got an eagle in the nest as well.

Great, well done


The LOT is nice  &apls

And A big thanks to realese a plop vines in HD "just for me"  $%Grinno$%
My BATs or here but it is in french ;)


This really is an awesome-looking creation, thingsfish. The lot looks awesome and all the greenery makes it picture-perfect. I'm looking forward to plopping (growing?) it  :)
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


So nice thingfishs !!

The lot is very suprising !! you paid attention to lot of details and the result is very beautiful  :thumbsup:

Thanks for your mail, of course I can do everything for the tractor, the best would be that you send me the exactly color you want  :P

The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Hello hello,

I've been doing other things for a while; some half finished, some aspiring to be half finished. This one is an Australian company called Makin Mattresses, they um... well I'm not sure what they do... I think they're involved in aquaculture.
This store is around the corner from me and I've been meaning to BAT it for a while. I have done the RL + 33% method but I feel it's clearly too big now. This is a 6x5 LOT. Even in RL scale it was 5x4 which was still pretty big. It's a CS$$ stage 4 growable that hasn't yet grown (the 5x4 one grew without too much difficulty.

Ignore the big line through the second shot. It's a tessellation line that I can't work out how to fix after previously fixing it (I had to set something in the NVIDIA controls with "clamp" in it's name to openGL; however, after a reinstall of Windows 7 this setting has vanished?)

Any thoughts on any of this? Can anyone recommend a good prop pack for car park overlays? See the jagged edge in the upper left of the building in the second pic...., what's that?


thanks to dobs, manchou, casper & Girafe for your comments on the winery.  :thumbsup: There are issue with the number of props on the LOT (900 odd), but I am happy (and exhausted) with it and will release it on the STEX (with an appropriate warning).