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dobdriver's maps

Started by dobdriver, November 16, 2009, 05:43:50 AM

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G'Day Devotees,

Today I have uploaded a new map of Peel Inlet and Mandurah in Western Australia.

Get your copy here, be quick before they're all gone.

take it easy and thanks for looking



Quotebe quick before they're all gone

Thank you dobdriver. Looks like a great map. I got the next to last one.


Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


Thanks Jim, drop in anytime to see what's going on, Hmm that's another rare one, sprung at the Springs. I'd love to see some pics if you build on it.



G'Day Devotees,

Today I have uploaded a new map. This time a map from New Zealand of the highest peak Mt Cook. This may be a short priced favourite, hmm time will tell.

Anyhow here's a squiz.

All my other Maps are still on SALE at half price. Yes that's right half price. Madness, get yours today before it's too late.

That's it, thanks for looking

take it easy


G'Day Today Devotees'

I Have uploaded a new map somewhere, oh HERE it is.

This is Mission Beach in Far North Queensland at 69.632km x 69.632km.

Tropical Islands and Beaches, Crocs and Cassowaries, beautiful, Paradise Found.

Thanks for looking



Great minds think alike... I just messaged you "somewhere" ;), to say that you should be advertising it elsewhere. It looks like a great map, nice work. :thumbsup:


G'Day Again Devotees,

Well today I have uploaded another map overthere, yeah, where, HERE.

Cool seabreezes, coral and crystal clear water from the South Pacific. You'd just love to be here.

It's pretty steep and rugged but just like real life, there are plenty of places for villages and towns but watch it, that's a volcano up there.
Its full size and accurate at 53.248km x 45.056km and plenty of fun to be had in the sun.

Thanks for looking and have a great day.



The island map looks interesting. My minds eye already sees possibility. Banana and Coffee plantations on the lower slopes. Fishing industry. Mining in the mountains. A series of hotels along the Eastern Shores

BTW - It was a quick donwload.

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


G'day Jim,

Yeah rainyday has a pretty quick server over there.

I think I might even have a go on this map myself. I think it will be a great challenge, oh and by the way for everyone else it is a map of Tahiti in the South Pacific.

Thanks big fella



G'Day Devotees,

Today I have uploaded a new map at the other place and you can get it HERE

An outdoorsmans delight or woman, Skiing, hiking, canoodling oops conoeing.

It's 36.864km x 53.248km and almost accurate, very, very close in fact but just not quite. It was lowered 356m to make Lake Taupo game water, but it is not compressed.

That's it. Thanks for looking and have a great day.



Thank you! By the way... Which terrain mod is that in that picture?
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


Hey no problemo Joel old mate,  It's turned out pretty good. The terrrain is cycledogg's Italia with the highest snow patch.


G'Day Devotees,

Today I have a map and you can too, get it right HERE.

A very challenging map of a very challenging place, not to mention cold and windy.

South Georgia is 45.056km x 57.344km

Come on down for your holidays.

Thanks for looking and have a great day.



Your map are so incredible !  :o :o
And i love them  &apls &apls &apls
My BATs or here but it is in french ;)


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


G'day Manchou and David,

Thanks for the thumbs up gents, glad to hear you're enjoying them.



G'Day Devotees,

Today I bring you a new map and one can get their copy HERE.

Who's up for a spot of mountaineering

Chomolungma is 24.576km x 28.672km

Don't get altitude sick now.

Thanks for looking and have a great day.



so I take it that's Everest... Cool.

(my mate's band has an excellent, instrumental, Himalayan themed track called Chomolungma, complete with gusting mountain winds. Have a listen: http://easy-upload.nl/f/inYV5AWE


Yep, that be Everest.

Great piece of music Things, thanks for the share mate. :thumbsup:

And ever on with the show.

G'Day Devotees,

Today I have uploaded a new map, fancy that.  One can download it HERE. Thought I'd try a new colour for a change.

Situated on the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, just perfect for that beach life.

Perth is 73.728km x 69.632km

Grab your hat and towel and don't forget to slip,slop,slap!
Thanks for looking and have a great day.

That's it



G'Day Devotee's

Guess what, yeah you're right I got some maps to show.

Superhands requested a couple of the south west of Western Australia. So I popped them in the mapomatic and this is what popped out.

This is the gateway to the Southwest.

Bunbury is 81.92km x 57.344km

The second map joins straight onto the right hand side

Arthur River is 63.488km x 38.912km

It looks quite arid but it isn't really. Arthur River is not for general release but if you would like a copy PM me and I'll send you a link.

Don't forget to grab your copy HERE of Bunbury. The general release version is smaller at 49.152km x 57.344km.

That's it I think and have a great day.
Thanks for looking.
