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Life's So Sweet Right Here In The Passenger Seat

Started by scott1964, November 17, 2009, 12:15:35 PM

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Tomas Neto


More Port Royale.

As promised 4 shots of the three.  :P

First up is Dartmouth (Pop 1125)

Next is Kellerton (Pop 360)

Next up is Batavia  (Pop 1500)

And finally the County Seat of Port Royale (Pop 9000)

Business area

There was to be an update to South Trenton but another ctd squashed that.  %wrd
If anyone would like a hamlet/town/city named after them please let me know.  :)
Until next time, thanks for visiting.  :D ;)


Teaser from South Trenton ;D

One guy decided to have some water fun in the bay.  $%Grinno$%

Then two more guys decide to join the fun.  :P

Thanks for stopping in.  :)


South Trenton Update

The township of South Trenton see the population grow to over 11,000.  :D

First up is the hamlet of Thomasville (Pop 555)

Second is the hamlet of Gillette (Pop 485)

View from the other side by the new pier.  :)

There he is again.  $%Grinno$% :P

Close up of the new pier.

Various shot from around South Trenton (Pop 8240)
Water for the area.

A new Industrial area.

Residential area nearby.

A row of Commercial shops on the main street.  :D

That is all for today. Thanks for stopping by.  :) ;)

Tomas Neto


You've done a nice job on this area!  I like the coastal details in this update!




Back to Smithville

A drive down the main street of Smithville.  :D

The Hamlet of Nelson expands.  :P
Around in a circle.  $%Grinno$%

Kirkville does a little expanding.  :)

Thanks for stopping in.  :)



I really like the way you did the marina a couple of updates back - really good work!


The first hamlet springs up in the county of Lexington.  :D

Redwing (Pop 457)

Birdseye view.

A little closer looking to the West.  :)

To the North

Farther West

The main drag.  ()stsfd()

Where the people reside to work in the two industries nearby.  :D

The only two industries.  ;D

The Hamlet of Redwing hereby request the readers to name the two industries.  ;)

Thanks for stopping in.  :)


A mini update

A hamlet springs up just down the rural highway. A chemical company moves in sets up shop.

Various farms between the new hamlet and Redwing.  :D

Thanks for visiting.  :)


Hey, Scott- I have finally gotten by for a good look.  You've really captured that nice "small midwestern town" sense in a lot of your pics.  You are also willing to experiment with mixed-density development.  As when I've tried it, sometimes it works and sometimes it just looks incongruous.  If I had any particular suggestion, it would be to get a slope mod, as the Evel Knievel ramp hills present in some of the pics are a distraction.

It's apparent you are working hard at this- hang in there!

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Quote from: dedgren on April 18, 2010, 10:57:35 AM
Hey, Scott- I have finally gotten by for a good look.  You've really captured that nice "small midwestern town" sense in a lot of your pics.  You are also willing to experiment with mixed-density development.  As when I've tried it, sometimes it works and sometimes it just looks incongruous.  If I had any particular suggestion, it would be to get a slope mod, as the Evel Knievel ramp hills present in some of the pics are a distraction.

It's apparent you are working hard at this- hang in there!


I am using Ennid slop mod. Thanks for stopping in. I enjoy your work showcase.  :thumbsup:

Quote from: nedalezz on April 08, 2010, 10:29:52 AM
I really like the way you did the marina a couple of updates back - really good work!

Quote from: 976 on April 07, 2010, 04:37:22 AM
Thank you

Quote from: Battlecat on March 31, 2010, 09:56:49 AM
You've done a nice job on this area!  I like the coastal details in this update!
Thanks for visiting

Quote from: Tomas Neto on March 31, 2010, 09:26:58 AM
Very nice update, and fantastic pier!!!  :thumbsup:

Glad you like it.  :D

Update time, very small as CTDs are back.  &ops &Thk/( >:(
Still in Lexington township

Eagle Rock (Population of 325)

View from above

Hopkins (Population of 160)

Aerial view of Redwing  (Population of 1915)

Farm shots  :)

thanks for stopping in and visiting.  :)


These little towns look great and have the right feel to them too. Nicely done.
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Quote from: Schulmanator on April 20, 2010, 01:51:23 PM
These little towns look great and have the right feel to them too. Nicely done.
Thanks for the compliment.  ;)

Small update. Trying out some scenery. Let me know what everyone thinks.  :)


Thanks for visiting.  :)


It's a good start, but I think you shouldn't drag around the grass as much. When you drag ploppables, people can see the direction you dragged in. Clicking one at a time may be more tedious, but it's worth it in the end.


Small Update  :)

Farming is more colorful. Near Hopkins

More near Redwing

Thanks for the comments and visiting.  :D :)


Lexington Township is coming along nicely. Population of 5150.

A couple of overview shots

Two new hamlets spring up.



More farms

Prime agricultural land  :D

Redwing gets a new landfill

County seat Lexington

Thanks for visiting  :)