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The SFBT Advent Calendar

Started by Andreas, November 30, 2009, 03:09:56 PM

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Ohhhh, my!  &hlp

This is SC4Delicious!  I'll be sure to use this, since I do use the MHW in urban areas.

Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


 %confuso ...   Wow That is a nice set, and I can already see the greatness it has. I have been always wanting something for the Maxis Highways beyond what may already be out there that could be used to some degree. I also must say I love the station posted earlier as well. Both are lovely additions to my city planning. I see a lot of the team is really hard at work with many great things coming out for this special month. Much appreciated. :thumbsup: ()stsfd()
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


2010.8.4 - I get on SC4D with PSP. So cool.:D
2010.8.14 - I can get on the Internet at home.:)


Great set , that will be very usefull Thanks &apls &apls . Very nice advent calendar btw.Just a question where or what the name of the kind of flower wall that we can see on your pics. Thanks


Thal looks like a very interesting set. I will use it definitely!

The Adventskalender is one of my favourite Christmas events.


Wow, quite a few comments in this - thanks, guys! :) And to answer your questions: Yes, it should be possible to use the Urban Highway Set for other elevated networks as well, as it's just props that extend the lot borders. Needless to say, it will work best with two-tile wide setups. Surely a lot to experiment in order to find the full potential! As for said "flower walls", those are Mathe Man's slope reinforcement lots, which I haven't uploaded to the LEX yet, apparently. You can get a German version here, though, and I think they're included on the LEX DVD as well.

Today's upload is the continuation of a classic SFBT project, the Hamburg W2Ws by stephenhh. Enjoy!

SFBT Hamburg Hansaplatz by stephenhh

This download contains two modern residential buildings. They are part of a larger residential neighbourhood located at Hansaplatz in Hamburg, Germany. With a fountain and linden trees, the Hansaplatz is a central square in the quarter St. Georg. For several years an area of questionable reputation, it is now developing again into a prime address, and this fact is reflected by the buildings included in this download.



This building is beautiful.  Great job.


Thanks for these buildings

good work on them  &apls &apls &apls

(will the work of Toja about entrances tunnel or road upload in the calendar or it's not at the agenda ? )
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Thanks for the link Andreas it`s appreciate  :thumbsup:


Wow. Those under-highway lots are pretty impressive. Good stuff.


This is my favorite upload from the SFBT advent series so far. Thanks so much stephenhh, Andreas and the SFBT.
By the way: does this mean that stephenhh has returned to BATing? Or did he never retire and I have missed something? My SimCities rely heavily on his Hamburg buildings. Keep up the good work.


Great to see the SFBT team producing so many high-quality downloads! Brilliant.


@Girafe: Well, I won't spoil the surprise, but I'm pretty sure they will show up at the LEX eventually. :)

@alj: No, stephenhh never retired from BATting, but due to the ubiquitous RL issues, development has been somewhat slow lately.

Anyway, since Stephen's Hamburg W2Ws seem to be very popular, here's another one of them!

SFBT Hamburg Neustadt by stephenhh

This download contains a brick residential building at the street corner of Rehhoffstraße/Herrengraben in the southern Neustadt of Hamburg, Germany. It is part of a larger residential neighbourhood that stretches around the block to Martin-Luther-Straße.



thanks for the answer I wait for with impatience

Again A really nice building  &apls &apls &apls
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 

Fresh Prince of SC4D

We can always use new corners. stephenhh did a real great job on these residentials. :thumbsup:

Quote from: Andreas on December 21, 2009, 02:59:56 PM
@Girafe: Well, I won't spoil the surprise, but I'm pretty sure they will show up at the LEX eventually. :)

Hey Andreas, I'm guessing the same goes for the rail crossing signals from royal?
Returning from Call of Duty . Must rebuilt what I destroyed....


Rail crossing signals, eh? We'll see about that. ;)

Christmas is approaching pretty fast now, and I'm about to wrap up the final gifts. voltaic has been pretty productive this year, so here's another Swiss farm building!

SFBT Ostermundigen Farm by voltaic

This baroque farm building is located in Ostermundigen, canton Bern, Switzerland. It was built in 1797, after the predecessing building burnt down. When creating this BAT, I left out the colorful front, since the original facade was grey, in order to appear like a noble stone building. So it's not entirely a true recreation, but it fits better into the set with my other farm buildings.

Apart from a growable lot, this download also contains a ploppable version with jobs, and a diagonal version of the building on a 1x1 lot, which has been designed in a way that it will show up right next to a diagonal road. You can find the ploppable lots in the landmark menu. The icon for the diagonal version is marked with a "D" for "diagonal" in the upper right corner.


Fresh Prince of SC4D

It's good see more farms.

Wait ! Only 2 more day till Christmas=only 2 more days of Advent Calendar=only 2 more BATs from the folks at SFBT!

( I'd just realized this Calendar doesn't have chocolate, but it was better!)
Returning from Call of Duty . Must rebuilt what I destroyed....


I love his farms thankssssss    :thumbsup:
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


When I lived in Berlin in the beginning of the seventies I was a young child and my parents gave me an Adventskalender. It did contain small pieces of chocolate on some days. It tasted good. The SFBT calendar does not, but it contains more goodies for the grown ups.
Every year I await the new calendar with curiosity. Pity it's almost christmas already...

Thanks people from SFBT!


Sorry Andreas i thinks the model inside the zip is the wrong one . I think they are the  same as the diagonal swiss farm. No name in the LE as
Ostermundigen Farm . Can you tell me if i`m wrong please, thanks