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The Republic of Terra Specula - Update 18: Teaser!

Started by Rady, December 31, 2009, 08:31:12 AM

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Your city is coming along very nicely!  Good to see the colony is beginning to improved the infrastructure significantly! 



Wow! Harding has grown! And I can't seem to find anything wrong this time :D! I didn't see the line through the 'J' last time :). Keep it up :thumbsup:!

I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.



Drive safe!


Hi folks,

sorry for me beeing so lazyin updating my MD, but RL imposes some tough restriction on my game time at the moment. So the next real update in terms of story-telling will be after March, 14th, but in between let me just throw in some impressions of what our colony looks like in between.

9_01, 9_02: Two rural settlements near Harding Hills.

9_03: A business distrcit in Upper Harding near Upper Harding Central

9_04: A scene from Harding Commercial Centre

9_05: And finally - a mosaic of Upper Harding

So - stay tuned for the next full update following March, 14th!!
If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

Visit my BAT thread: Slow BAT steady - Rady's first BAT attemtps


No worries!  Real life comes first as far as most of us are concerned.  I like the shrubs under your power lines, quite a nice touch there.  Looks like your region is getting quite busy!

Tomas Neto

Your plazas are well located inside the city, that provides a bigger beauty to the city!!! Great update my friend!!!  &apls &apls




Very nice update! I particularly like the mix of trees in the first two pics. That CBD looks good, too, however I'd suggest you to download more custom buildings ;) :thumbsup:
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


I love your updates. The views of the region are very beautiful and I find it very original images with the construction of roads.  :thumbsup:  ;)


@ Battlecat: Thanks, it looks like I make some little progress in creating rural areas. Of course thanks to ShultzCity, who always provides some great inspiration!
@ Tomas Neto: Yes, since this is the first city where I really do spent some time with detailing evry single tile - at least I try to!
@ bat, Cyclone1001: Thanks!
@ io_bg: Thanks for mentioning the rural areas - I really try to improve my skills. As for the buildings variety - you're right. I just spent some two or so days to collect tons of residential building, and am now on the hunt for commercial ones. Unfortunately downloading and installing custom stuff reduces the time available for gameplay ... but I'm on the way!
@ M.M.Malvin: Thanks, and welcome to my MD!

Beside struggling with traffic jams and residents demanding parks and beautification programs, the need arose for further expansion of the colony. As we can see, Harding had grown further, now occupying most of the northwestern part of the known terretory. To the east, Willows Bay had also reacted to the increasing demand for commercial areas and founded a business park in the eastern heights. However, the demand for both residential and commercial areas was still rising.

So the military was tasked with collecting information of the surroundings. Still in lack of long range air elements, the militarys only means for aerial recon was a set of UAVs that had been transported up here recently. Apart from the civilian administrations needs for additional areas to develop the colony the military was eager to build up at least a small naval base and build some ships that would allow them to reach out over the vast sea that stretched out in front of the colony. SO the UAVs track was set to follow the coastline. Finally - of course limited by the UAVs short operating distance - picutres of up to then undiscovered areas of the planet where at hand.

10_1: Areial shots of the UAV mission

Based on the UAVs pictures - and driven by the militarys push for an area suitable for a harbour - it was decided that the next step for the colonys expansion would lead to the north. Finally, a plan was approved. The existing rail line would be extended and connect both the industrial and the harbour area in big loop. Also, the road leading up to Harding Hills from Harding would be extended and upgraded to an avenue connecting the residential and industrial area. A commercial area was decided to be situated in the plains west of the industrial area.

10_2: Developement plan as approved by the administration

10_3: Construction of the traffic network

10_4: Close up of the rail construction yard

After the road connection had been finished, vast amounts of material where moved to create what the military deemed neccessary for a harbour.

10_5: The baseline of the harbour area

10_6: Road and rails have been put into place, and the first industrial zone has been assigend.

10_7: Industry starts to develop

10_8: The military already made it's claim ..

10_9: Construction on the military / naval base is under way

10_4: The new conquered area as it has been developed so far. The new residential area - named "Naval City" 'cause most of the naval personell obviously settled down there - has already developed.

If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

Visit my BAT thread: Slow BAT steady - Rady's first BAT attemtps


Very realistic region you have there and I love the port you're developing



Great Region. I like how you develope that harbour area although I am not sure if this is the right spot for a navy base - a bit outside would be more proper for secret operations ....

Take care

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Fantastic! The view of the area is beautiful and I love the way we present the development of the region. Congratulations.  :thumbsup:  ;)


Another great update!  Those are some cool regional shots, the shoreline looks great from this distance!

Neat mix of additions to your city, a naval base is an interesting addition considering the focus on colonization.


Looking great, Rady! I like the port you have started &apls

                         -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Oh, wow, Rady. You have a wondeful MD here.

You use a great amount of custom content in your MD, and you have somewhat the perfect mix of maxis that it blends almost seamlessly. You have some great floral areas and your tree work is beautiful. I also am really liking the harbour area, has great potential to grow.

I promise to stop by more often!
