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Show us your...Intersections

Started by sanantonio, January 23, 2007, 05:17:32 PM

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Very nice intersections/interchanges everyone.   :thumbsup: 

sanantonio: Yours have a nice clean quality to them that I quite like. 
praiodan: That's very clever use of the GLR and the Avenue over pass. 
David: It's good to see the old "Homebrew" interchanges again.  Brings back a lot of great memories from the early days of 3RR. 
ABCsan: I really like how you worked in the diagonal avenues and the Marrast underpass lot.  Looks like quite the construction site you have going there.

Here's a couple interchanges of mine that I thought I'd share with you.  They're the result of a new modular interchange mod I've been working on for the Rural Highway (RHW) project:



Call me Robin, please.


wonderful using of the rural highqay, Tarkus! Nice intersections! :thumbsup:


wow Tarkus, well done sir :thumbsup: very good detail
"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"


Wow, @ everyone  &apls .   All very impressive indeed.
     @sanantonio :  I really like the way you used terraforming to "create" interchanges that otherwise wouldn't be possible.
    @praiodaon :  Using the GLR and avenue pieces the way you did is inspirational   Also integrating the elevated rail as well.   Very nicely done.
    @David :   I remember those intersections my friend.    They are still a marvel to look at.    Simply fascinating to see how you made your own interchanges since they did not exist.
    @ABCsan :   Very very cool indeed.    I love the diamond shape the avenues form.   [ ABCさん: 本当に、非常に非常にクールです。 私は大通りが形成するダイヤモンドの形が非常に
好きです。  ] 
   @Tarkus : I really like the use of the RHW interchanges.   Do you know if the RHW update has become available yet?   For a while now there were suggestions that the new NAM compatable version would be out along with the intersections you are appearantly still working on.     ;)   


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
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Nice pictures everybody  :thumbsup:

Tarkus, it is nice to see the RHW project alive and running like a charm  &apls
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

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Great intersection Tarkus! I honestly have no idea how you do that, as I do not use the RHW. I do have it, checked it out, and decided that it's not for me. But hey, you've done an amazing job with it, and it's above me how you do it!  :P

I love it!  :thumbsup:
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Thank you all for the compliments!  I really appreciate it.  With that first interchange, I'm toying with the idea of perhaps adding some more ramps to it so it can connect to the residential area at the bottom of the pic (the advantage of breaking everything into mostly 1x1 and 1x2 pieces). 

Gaston, the new RHW (v17) that is going to be compatible with NAM v20 still hasn't been released yet.  Unfortunately, I can't give an ETA as v17 has been entirely qurlix's project.  He's still around, but has been going crazy adding new stuff, so it may still be awhile longer. 

And Marius, those pieces for the RHW interchanges are actually part of a yet-unreleased new mod I'm still working on, which I'm hoping to make available in the next month or so. 

-Tarkus (Alex)


Great Thread.   &apls &apls &apls   There are some wonderful layouts here to try.   

Sanantonio, I've seen that train station before but can't remember who created it.   Do you happen to remember?
And I really like your tunnels.   


great work there, tarkus! i'm looking forward to playing with the rhw set once the new version arrives...

couchpotato - that station was part of the train station set by jasoncw.


Wow........ABCsan, that almost hurts the eyes.  Very cool.
Call me Robin, please.


Great job everyone!!!

This is an intersection I'm doing for a city I didn't start yet :D.


So yeah, here's an concept intersection that's not connected to any current network, but what I was planning on doing.  Basically, this is what it was supposed to look like:

  \     |   |
  /|\   |  /|\
  \|/   |  \|/
   |    |   |
    \   |  /|\
        |  \|/

The vertical line that doesn't cross the others with a "+" is an avenue, the rest are all freeways.  But then I found the "Multi-Highway" guide, and I thought, 'Why not do a thing with the freeways meeting up, and having them merge into only one road?'  So out of that, this came up:

The multi-lane highways allow for traffic from the one freeway to bypass everything and head straight to the avenue on the other side.  The one-way roads not only allow access to the overpassing avenue, but also to the street on the other side.  The avenue is only there because there would have to be an avenue crossing where I planned on building this.  So yeah...just a weird concept that I wanted to try...
(Under Construction)


Great shots everyone!

Here are a couple of shots from an upcoming CJ of mine.
I'm trying to experiment with multi-highways. As you can see it's 6 lanes in each direction with the inner 3 being express-lanes.


Insane intersections!  &apls   

I wish the game had a better way to connect parallel highways. It looks odd to have a zebra-crossing on the expresslanes...
Check my MD:               


Mulefisk, awesome intersection.

Robin   &apls
Call me Robin, please.


interesting interchange you got there.

&apls &apls &apls


Wow, Mulefisk! That's a crazy intersection you have there, and the tunnel network is insane, too! Great work!


Great pictures and creative work @ all! :thumbsup:


i thought id share some pics of interchanges from my other city enjoy!

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