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SimCity 4 Devotion Custom Content Showcase => Network Addon Mod (NAM) => Topic started by: Tarkus on June 29, 2008, 12:11:55 PM

Title: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on June 29, 2008, 12:11:55 PM
This thread is for the discussion of Traffic Signals/Stop Signs and intersection control systems in SC4.  It has proven a popular topic, which has popped up in other NAM project threads (especially the NWM thread), but deserves its own thread.  I have moved some of the recent posts from the NWM thread on this topic here.

-Alex (Tarkus)

Traffic Signals FAQ
Updated 9/8/2009

1.  Where can I find new traffic signals?
There have been a few custom traffic signals developed, many of which have been released as attachments on this thread.  However, many of them are Lot-based and not animated.  The first true animated set available is Blue Lightning's transverse-mounted signals, which can be found on page 10 ( of this thread.

2.  How do the in-game traffic signals function with regards to in-game traffic?
The game's defaultstoplight animations are synchronized with the in-game traffic by the use of Stop Points on the Path Files for each intersection, and the amount of time that Automata wait for signals and stop signs is controlled by the Automata Tuning exemplar (Group ID 0xa998d30b, Instance ID 0x00000001).  This file is contained in SimCity_1.dat (Entry #25) and modified in the NAM Automata Plugins.

The three properties that control the signal timing are Street Go Time, Road Go Time and Avenue Go Time.  These are also the only three networks for which traffic signals function properly, and that functionality requires the signal be placed on the same tile as the Stop Point that is affecting it.  Stop Points do not work on the One-Way Road and RHW Networks.

Tarkus has also been developing a set of modular, "pseudo-synchronized" signals, which approximate the game's default signal phase lengths, but are not bound to Stop Point functionality and can be placed in a much freer manner.

3. How are traffic signals animated?
The traffic signals are animated through a series of ATC and AVP files.  While these files were a mystery for years, the ability to create new animations has become vastly easier with the release of the SC4BAB Plugin developed by OverPoP, which allows the export of ATC/AVP animated models through the BAT.  SC4BAB can be downloaded from the SC4D LEX (  Thanks to this recent development, it is very likely you will be seeing more signal development happening here in this thread.

It is worth pointing out that the actual signal, not the pole, is animated.  The Maxis ones consist of one animated model that has simply been copied and placed on the arm or pole models.

4.  How do I add traffic signals or new traffic signal/traffic control configurations to intersections so they show up automatically?
This is done by Type21 exemplar.  See Swamper77's great tutorial here (

Content from NWM thread moved over to this thread:

Quote from: Edgware on June 29, 2008, 08:59:53 AM
edit:  btw, i haven't figured it out yet, but does sim city follow turn on red or no turn on red?

Quote from: deion30296 on June 29, 2008, 09:37:21 AM
Yup. Sometimes you have to fast foward it a bit for the game to realize the stop light. The automata driving methods are very realistic and so are the sound effects.

Actually, it doesn't--there's no way the game can know to turn right on red.  The traffic signals (and automata reactions to them) are entirely controlled by stop points on the path files, and they're entirely based on cardinal directions (West, North, East, South), so there's no way for it to really tell which way is a "right turn".  It simply thinks of the maneuver as being, for instance, south to east, and the cars should stop at coordinate x,y,z coming from the south.  Turn lanes are possible since you can direct the south-to-east to cross into the turn lane with the paths.  But the game is still thinking "south-to-east", not "right turn lane", so there's no way to exert that much control over traffic signals. 

Further, if you have the stop points defined on the path files, and there is no signal placed at that intersection (signals are placed at intersections by T21 exemplar), the automata will stop anyway, as if there were a traffic signal.

Hope that makes at least some sense.

-Alex (Tarkus)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: deion30296 on June 29, 2008, 03:43:50 PM
Ahhh, That's what I meant. Just bottled up... lol. My Sims are always running the light so I get into firetruck and make em stop.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on June 30, 2008, 03:39:07 PM
Btw, just to clarify. 

It is absolutely impossible to protect left turns at an intersection and have left turn signals turn on at different times, right?  Because if it's at all possible I might try to add it in.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on June 30, 2008, 04:13:25 PM
No. Thanx to the game's designers. You can tell the signal function is very limited, if you notice from the diagonal intersections crossing straight, the diagonal lights are parallel to the ortho lights, depending which side. Take the 8 way avenue intersection for example. From what I have experienced, the Maxis lights seem to work parallel with slip lane intersections, but not the same for the turning lanes. I bet if they hadn't screwed up the diagonal crossings, maybe there was a possibility of at least left turn on green arrow only. Otherwise few people will do their own signals versus the animated Maxis models. A timed prop left turn signal that changes away from the regular signals using the hour system could work, but whose going to want to model that?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: deion30296 on June 30, 2008, 11:04:17 PM
I was watching traffic and all my sims we're being good drivers. Except for this one dude running all the lights... Me. Everyone stopped at red and went at green. Weird huh?

Now playing: Lauren Hill - Killing me Softly (
via FoxyTunes (
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 01, 2008, 07:41:39 PM
I have seen Sims go straight through reds on my game, I know people say that thats not or not suppose to be the case, but I know what I saw.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on July 02, 2008, 07:33:39 AM
My automata pretty much always get out of sync with the lights.. I just figured it was a kind of lag.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 02, 2008, 06:11:36 PM
I have posted this outside of this thread.  But what i suggested is a stop sign editing mod.  Which allows us to customize street intersections by place stop signs or removing them.  Is this possible?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on July 03, 2008, 12:13:13 AM
Certainly it is. You just need to know how T21-exemplars work.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 03, 2008, 08:02:20 AM
oh excellent.  well, t21, i don't really know what those are. I have some stuidying to do before i can mod this...or anything for that matter. 
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 03, 2008, 08:26:43 AM
Some suggestions on stopsigns rather than traffic lights, and what we already have.
I had posted new stop signs on Heblem's Planning the Mock City, some slightly bigger stop signs that you could actually see they say stop, and still were not too big for Sims. In Heblems case, they worked better because he had alot bigger streets than this game's road network. I think if someone can duplicate the one puzzle piece, T-Road on slope, and also make a X-Road piece as well, and put those stopsigns via T21 on there, we would have a 4 way stop road piece, but there would still be turn lanes. Maybe then even duplicating those puzzle pieces, a second time for a cross road stop, where the T will only have the one stop sign on it, versus 3, and the X would just have a  2 way stop. So thats a way to do it, but in my cities I wasn't too much into those intersections. In real life though, personally 4 way stops with turn lanes and pedestrians, people mistake who has right away or just want to get through before anyone else so obeying the law screws you, and 2 way stops can be just as dangerous, depending where they are, but no one made any street puzzle pieces for 2 way stops. Also, if you notice, that the RHW2xRoad intersection can have stopsigns put on it, and then that eliminates the puzzle piece work. That intersection at the moment could work, unless by next release it gets modified to have turnlanes. I was able to put the RHW2xRoad in neighborhoods and haven't got the no car zot warning, as long as you don't extend the RHW2 past the intersection, this seems to work okay. Other than that, right now at max you can have a 4 way stop intersection with 3 roads connecting to it the most, with the SAM Haleburg's Asphalt street variation. So long as the black street connecting has enough straight tiles away. I have found that very useful, although since its the original Maxis stop signs, they get a little bit into the road when they should be on the sidewalk, but if thats okay with you, you at least have some sort of road intersection with a stop sign.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 03, 2008, 10:37:34 AM
well honestly j-dub i didn't understand that much (shows how much i know about modding)

do you have some pictures of what you meant?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 03, 2008, 08:20:39 PM
Don't feel bad, traffic related activity is alot of stuff that has to be done. I would mod stuff too, if it wasn't for Vista's limitations, but I'm not going to go there. Well I have some pictures of what you can already do, but let me get back on that. (
This first one is an intersection that you can actually draw stop signs to the road if you have Haleburg's Asphalt street for the Street Addon Mod ending to a 3 way road transition.
(had some problems with imgshack)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on July 03, 2008, 09:27:23 PM
Keep in mind that adding stop signs to road intersections is purely cosmetic and the automata will use the intersection as if it has stoplights installed. So they won't stop like they do for street intersections.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 03, 2008, 09:42:14 PM
I didn't look to see if some RHW interesections actually work that way. Only cosmetic, unfortanetly this issue applies to other games with simulated traffic. Its too bad no one has came up with a work around for this, but games such as L.A. Rush, and Burnout Paradise, its the exact same case where the traffic systems in those games follow off of an invisible traffic signal at a stop point. L.A. Rush especially, all of the ramps don't have a signal, but is programmed like it, because there was no other way, and there is an open 8 lane highway, and all traffic will stop at the intersection following some signal the player can't actually see, and the result is you guessed it, a crash, if you try to go.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 04, 2008, 08:59:34 AM
wow that 4 way stop road looks cool.  yeah i understand that this mod if done will mostly be eyecandy but that's fine.  so that road 4-way stop is done with the SAM?  ok i'll try that out thanks. 
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 15, 2008, 11:15:27 PM
Well since this is the traffic signals thread, I thought to revive it with something I made.

Finished Version.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on July 16, 2008, 03:29:00 PM
I suppose I'll throw a couple of my signal BAT development pictures in here:



Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 16, 2008, 10:23:27 PM
The arrows especially are better for the one ways. Would you be able to render the lights with the one color showing up?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 18, 2008, 09:40:55 AM
wow those are really nice signals.  are you guys planning on implementing them and replacing the original ones?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Starmanw402007 on July 18, 2008, 11:52:16 AM
It would be cool to see different types of Light Signals instead the the boring Circle ones  :D.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on July 18, 2008, 12:05:14 PM
Quote from: Edgware on July 18, 2008, 09:40:55 AM
wow those are really nice signals.  are you guys planning on implementing them and replacing the original ones?

Well, actuallly, you wouldn't have to replace the original ones.  It's possible to set up multiple T21 exemplars (up to 256 per Texture/Model Instance ID), so it would be possible to have choices, actually. ;D

-Alex (Tarkus)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 21, 2008, 11:33:53 AM
cool.  but j-dub, why do some of your signals have 5 bulbs.  I've seen 3, or 4 but never five in that figuration.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on July 21, 2008, 12:08:51 PM
The lower two are most likely a green arrow with a yellow arrow above it. I don't normally see them either, but one of the local DOT's is using that setup for right turn signals. Looks strange, but it works. I personally prefer no more than 4 signal heads on a stoplight. With 5, I worry about trucks colliding with the signal.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: nerdly_dood on July 21, 2008, 12:30:46 PM
Around here, many traffic lights have both a green arrow and a yellow one - usually they're like the one attached.  Top left is for a shared left turn/straight lane (more common is a shared right turn/straight lane, with the arrow on the right side of the signal)  Top right is for a right-turn-only lane, and bottom right is for no-turn lane (usually because there's other turn lanes.)

There are never any of the tall lights with the bulbs stacked 4- and 5-high anymore, but there used to be some.

Of course, there are many times when there's just the three round lights, too - almost always
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 21, 2008, 02:01:43 PM
You guys mean in comparisson to this? (my BAT model)
Where I am, it works because the signal heads are higher up. You may see the 5 head one hanging down by red light. Most of the times its the green light in the middle.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 21, 2008, 06:56:38 PM
Wow nice.  But there really isn't any use because of the game engine. 

But it would be possible to at least animate it with left turn arrows first right?  Even if it was just eye-candy that would be awesome. 
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on July 21, 2008, 08:42:26 PM
The game's stoplights only use 3 frames: green, yellow, red. So a separate left turn cycle and then the normal thru traffic is not possible. The animation would have to have both the left arrows and thru traffic lit at the same time to work within the game's parameters for how the stoplights work. The alternative would to be have a doghouse style as J-dub has shown and only animate the lights for the thru traffic as left turn on green is normally allowed in most cities, after stopping for oncoming traffic.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 21, 2008, 09:39:33 PM
no, what i meant was it would animate a separate left turn cycles even though the game would have forward traffic just run it.  sorry if i get this wrong, i dont know much about modding.

btw jdub on your picture on the last page, how did you get the double yellow line avenues at the intersections?  the nam ones i have are double white lines
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 22, 2008, 08:57:24 AM
I have seen traffic lights were the green arrow is on the same time, all along with the green light, until it changes yellow. I don't think arrows can even be visible due to the games pixelation level. I had been modeling signals in attempt to see what was visible, but the arrow textures are kind of hard.  I mean, I guess I could pull the cup off the signal head and try that, but every game that has tried this, Burnout Paradise, and Transformers the game, hasn't been able to animate turn arrows as well, but the other lights work. Burnout had some of the same traffic light models I had previously done, but they didn't texture the arrows in at all, I think we just don't have the technolodgy yet to replicate that. Thats an EA game as well by the way.

As for the turn lane, are you aware of the Two Way Left Turn Lane Mod? I am by no means the only one who has that double yellow line texture, as you can see its also in burgsabre87's picture on top.  It gave you the double yellow line, for the avenues, but the white lines/middle curb would still be there in different places too. So it was two turn lane textures at once, and this got tricky because the textures would like to switch off depending which zones were more dominant.  However, it was locked, once slated to be replaced by the ongoing NWM project. So both ways of getting that texture are unavailble. In fact the creator of the TWLTM I think locked all of their stuff away from Simtrop. A number of folks still have the double yellow line texture remaining. This left alot of questioning, some folks thought certain people got their hands on the TLA already from seeing those textures, but in reality, it was just eyecandy. And for some reason I have a feeling that doulbe yellow line texture is only for the NWM, can someone correct me here? You know though, I guess we could force popular demand, and request that turn lane texture be used for the regular avenues for those who don't have the texture at all. Personally I think the white line/middle curb from the NAM avenue turn lane texture should be Euro only. By default since the road turn lane texture is yellow, I don't see why the avenue left turn lane couldn't have been. However, when their are medians in the avenue in reality, there are times when it is a curb instead of a double yellow line.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on July 22, 2008, 11:03:02 AM
Just a little comment, in my region, that is to say Illinois, we actually never have doghouse lights. The five-in-a-vertical-line are the norm, but on older ones you see sometimes a green arrow without yellow arrow.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 22, 2008, 08:35:53 PM
Yeah, what did happen to my original picture!? My appologizes, I  had these pictured-
at a different host, when I was comparing to the dog house one, but it looks like that img host disapeared already.
@Zakuten, cross the border into Indiana, via U.S. Route 30, I guarnentee the yellow dog house signal is further down there eventually on some side streets. Luckily for me, the IL versus IN traffic lights, had been so close together for me, it was easy to visually remember both from one trip.

I am not advertising, but in case anyone wanted to know if their area, American, or European traffic lights/signs had been done in cgi, there are a mess here ( Some people would rather convert models, than making them themselves, but the cost of things shock me. Seriously though, do you think traffic lights like this, with turn arrows, and CA to NY styles- are worth buying? To me, I think everyone had the same idea of signals, but why pay when you can do, or find someone who does it for free?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Starmanw402007 on July 22, 2008, 11:09:51 PM
Those lights are very cool, including the 5-Light set you have.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 23, 2008, 08:07:28 AM
Thank you. And I hope it will be even cooler with ehbk2006 plans to animate them. So this probably will the first signal, other than the default ones to actually work, and I think also will be the first signal to have working walk lights.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 23, 2008, 08:11:57 PM
hey nice job j-dub :thumbsup:

it will be awesome if you get the arrows to work even if they're barely visible in game.

Nice job on walking signals btw. 

so are you working on any other models?

i worked on this and here's most of the traffic setups i've seen
( (

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on July 23, 2008, 10:29:13 PM
Keep in mind, folks - I'm working on getting my signals in-game (via T21).  I hope to have something to show very soon.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 24, 2008, 09:58:44 AM
Thats great Burgsabre, a number of people do want flat overhead signals (so the wind won't drop them) in game. Edgware, other than the lights, I would only change what the lights were on after the yellow painted ones were covered. You know what, it seems you really like those in particullar, how about I just let you access the yellow painted signal gmax files like the one you pictured? Once you have the file yourself, you will see there are arrows. That way you have more options to try for yourself. Its just that you have to export the same model twice to have the red and green show. I have considered right turn arrow ones, its just that we don't have main right turn lanes (yet) for right hand drive networks, but the effect can be simulated. Now, under the tools button there is an option called mirror, if you select the traffic light altogether, and hit that, it will flip the arrows the other way.
So below is the attachment, three traffic light styles are in there to change, I advise seperating them.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 24, 2008, 03:11:32 PM
ill check out those files when i get back to the other computer as this one does not have gmax.  sadly im not too good at gmax and couldn't make a simple house.  ill try to figure it out.


So i've looked at the files.  Now, I don't know how to add in textures.  But once i figure that out here's what i think should happen with the walk signals.  The middle light should have the white man.  But the first and third signals have a problem.  We either need to put don't walk or have walk but add in a sign that says "Yield to pedestrians" or something like that.  They recently put up a few of those signs around here.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on July 25, 2008, 09:39:08 PM
Okay, folks - here's the latest development shots I have:


This is for TLA-5 x  TLA-5 intersections.

Here is what I have for regular avenue intersections:


This one could also be used for road intersections.  I will create a special signal assembly for the Road Turning Lanes.

I really want to add the signal visors, but I'm completely clueless as to how to do so.  Any ideas?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 26, 2008, 07:21:14 AM
nice job.  but i have a question.  which button is used to apply texture to a gmax model.  this stuff is just very confusing ()what()
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: pagenotfound on July 26, 2008, 09:24:36 PM
these are nice models. cant wait to get my hands on them :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: godjcjk12 on July 26, 2008, 11:41:32 PM
I"m not so good with GMAX or BAT &mmm but I have some ideas of some other street/traffic lights, mainly those in the western U.S. like California, Nevada, Arizona, and Washington.



Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on July 27, 2008, 08:41:46 AM
nice pictures, i'm not too good with gmax either. 
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: godjcjk12 on July 27, 2008, 12:42:30 PM
Here are also a couple. These may be good on street intersections if possible or the end TLA's, roads, one ways etc.



Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on July 28, 2008, 10:24:51 AM
I was in Shanghai recently and I find their posting style interesting; no matter what, there's always 2 red-yellow-green lights posted next to eachother. If a turn light is needed, then you simply replace one of the green rounds with the proper arrow.(In one case, even a "bicycle left turn" signal.)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 28, 2008, 02:39:49 PM
In my town, there are plenty of bicycle lanes, confusing with being in the middle of the turn lanes, but those don't have seperate signals, its bad enough anyway.

from Krabi Town, Thailand has got to be the most interseting way to mount signals. The count down timer is smart, and alot safer too, instead of most using red light cameras, which are really to make extra money, instead of improove saftey, but thats another story.

@godjcjk12 All of those models you pictured, its possible for me to render those with the street light attached, it just takes up alot of memory for me. Turn arrow styles are a good idea, but wether they get incorporated to to the projects is questionable. 
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on July 28, 2008, 05:09:55 PM
 Happy to see I'm not the only getting tried of the boring Maxis lights.  Love everyones ideas but I think not enough Euro-based. Here's a few! "$Deal"$




Would someone be interested in MODing these ?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 29, 2008, 07:57:11 AM
Those would be easy to model, but again, as for the modding, thats different. Can you explain the signal with the icons rather than the color?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on July 29, 2008, 08:15:38 AM
I think the stoplight with icons is for busses...

BTW, it's nice to see Euro traffic lights in SC4.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Andreas on July 29, 2008, 11:00:43 AM
Yes, the left signal in the third pic is used for buses and trams. It works the same way as a regular traffic light, though, the vertical bar (top) means "stop", the circle in the middle means "attention, wait for stop" and the triangle at the bottom means "go". Sometimes, there's a diagonal bar that points either to the right or to the left, this means "go only into indicated direction". If you look closely at the GLR-in-Avenue roundabout, you might have noticed that there's a traffic light for the tram on each side where the tracks cross the road. Obviously, it's too small to recognize the symbols, but they are there. ;) There's a German site that explains all signals in detail, maybe it's helpful for you:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 29, 2008, 11:52:11 AM
Yeah, its too bad the game couldn't have allowed more zooms for that to be clearly visible.
English Version of (
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on July 29, 2008, 01:45:20 PM
Quote from: j-dub on July 29, 2008, 07:57:11 AM
Those would be easy to model, but again, as for the modding, thats different. Can you explain the signal with the icons rather than the color?

Whoops wrong choice in words......... Would someone be interested in MODing these ?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 29, 2008, 11:23:45 PM
Well, I had to try doing it myself. You can kind of see the symbols here,
Its hard to tell, top light- maintenence, second- halt expect, third- permissive, fourth- proceeding/doors locked [letter-F] (obviously the f isn't short for an English word) I have noticed that different countries have the same traffic light parts, even though being overseas, and maybe functioning differently. While not every light is the same, I've sort of wondered how the ones that are the same, ended up in more then one land.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on July 30, 2008, 12:23:34 AM
How about an pendestrian light?


Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 30, 2008, 08:22:15 AM
I can try pre-rendering that, but if I recall, the visibility of that from our eyes looking down in game is limited on that as well.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Starmanw402007 on July 30, 2008, 10:00:52 AM
Those are awesome Lights that you are showing off. Keep up with the great work with this project and keep the updates coming!!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on July 31, 2008, 11:24:47 AM
^^^ ditto. :thumbsup:

EDIT- J-dub,sorry to ask but I got to know: could you release that light you just from you please ? I really would like to replace those boring maxis signals!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Monorail Master on July 31, 2008, 04:17:59 PM
Yeahhhhhh. We can use the pedestrain signals for the ped malls
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Edgware on August 18, 2008, 08:26:42 PM
Quote from: j-dub on July 03, 2008, 08:26:43 AM
Some suggestions on stopsigns rather than traffic lights, and what we already have.
I had posted new stop signs on Heblem's Planning the Mock City, some slightly bigger stop signs that you could actually see they say stop, and still were not too big for Sims...

I can't find this, do you have a link?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 18, 2008, 08:51:43 PM

As for new stop signs, I don't know whats the status on them, you can find new stop signs here. however, they are just the model files, and they don't appear in game yet, just LE. &sly
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 18, 2008, 09:49:28 PM
How about these stoplights? :)
How about new Railroad crossing onSC4?

This one is for avenues
This one is for roads
This one for one way roads
This is one for side roads
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 19, 2008, 06:07:28 AM
Those lights are great, and would be easy to model, but first things first.
I believe that avenue railroad light with the gate already exists though. I think it was made by SMP

Lately there is a problem with gmax, that it only renders one side of everything, and doesn't do the other sides of the object.  >:( Looks like I can't render anything for a while.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 07:26:37 AM
Thanks! :) Can you make the Roads,Oneway roads,and Sideroad too?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 19, 2008, 09:29:00 AM
I already had started a left turn signal light like that before, but it didn't have two left turn lights at the top. I did start to do the don't block the box one.
Eventually I can get around to more stuff, but first..
..Fresh Prince's tram light. This looks good on tram stations, especially glr in avenue. I can't re-release those lots though. So heres the prop. As you can see, its called tram signal in lot editor.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 10:40:15 AM
Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 19, 2008, 10:47:12 AM
Remember I'm still working on stuff.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Pat on August 19, 2008, 10:56:11 AM
Jdub thanks for the pointing to the ave crossing guards!!! your traffic lights are looking real good...
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 11:07:23 AM
Great stoplight's,I can't wait to download them. :) ;D :D :thumbsup: &apls
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on August 19, 2008, 11:43:14 AM
j-dub : Now that what I talking about! Sweet tram signal!  :thumbsup:

I think I like the first signal more. While the new is for tram stations, first signal would look best at a road/road crossing

But I love the new tram singal you made it will help the look of my stations.

Edit-BTW do think youll have the time to model this? A continental european rail crossing (again in germany)

( (
( (
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Heblem on August 19, 2008, 12:02:52 PM
I just noticed today about this thread, but i hope some of you find useful my stop lights, I still can do some more variations if you want...  ;)

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 12:16:20 PM
Can i download your stoplight? :)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Heblem on August 19, 2008, 12:18:24 PM
which you want the sc4 model or gmax file?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 12:20:42 PM
Can you make it plopable?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Heblem on August 19, 2008, 12:26:33 PM
as a simple prop? sure... (its attached)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 12:27:28 PM
Thanks! :) :)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Andreas on August 19, 2008, 03:26:31 PM
Quote from: Fresh Prince of SC4D on August 19, 2008, 11:43:14 AM
Edit-BTW do think youll have the time to model this? A continental european rail crossing (again in germany)

( (
( (

You mean like this?


royal from the SFBT has been creating German railway crossing props, but the T21's will take a while until they are finished, since it's not easy to figure out all mirrored and flipped items. Plus, the gates should be animated, like the in-game ones, which is another thing that needs quite some work to get right...
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 03:32:07 PM
Quote from: Andreas on August 19, 2008, 03:26:31 PM
You mean like this?


royal from the SFBT has been creating German railway crossing props, but the T21's will take a while until they are finished, since it's not easy to figure out all mirrored and flipped items. Plus, the gates should be animated, like the in-game ones, which is another thing that needs quite some work to get right...

Can you do american Railroad railway crossing props?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on August 19, 2008, 07:05:22 PM
 :o    ;D ()stsfd() &apls :'( &hlp

Im so stunned Im speaking in faces! Can't wait to see those released!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: TEG24601 on August 19, 2008, 08:24:44 PM
Quote from: j-dub on August 19, 2008, 10:47:12 AM
Remember I'm still working on stuff.

I forgot how much I hate Michigan Signals, thanks for reminding me.  While efficient, they are difficult for taller people to see, as the roof of the car gets in the way.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 19, 2008, 08:30:18 PM
Yeah, that, and other states that don't ever put the lights on the ground/use this diagonal method, whats wrong with them, thats why I wouldn't live in any state whose lights were like that. Not my choice to bring them up, in fact I wouldn't even have put these wired ones here, but I try to figure out what these look like from the thumbnails Streetlight 725 requested. This is the one contained.
This one is in the backround.
More versions in game.
Heres the models.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 09:34:41 PM
Is it going to be relesed?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Pat on August 19, 2008, 10:16:06 PM
streetlight patience my young friend is truly the best thing to learn around here...  stuff will get done and released when its finished...

J-dub it that your model with the traffic light and street light the white color one?  that is looking real sweet any chances of them becoming a replacement?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 19, 2008, 10:41:13 PM
The props were there, my last post. To be honest, I didn't have any plans to replace these with anything, because I don't like restrictions such as left on green arrow only, or no turn on red; because there are times, when they just aren't appropriate.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 19, 2008, 10:41:52 PM
j-dub,Thanks for the stoplights. :) :D ;D :thumbsup: &apls &apls
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on August 20, 2008, 06:47:38 PM
How about this ? Looks good for avenue x road, eh?


Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 21, 2008, 03:38:11 PM
Is this what this light looks like?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: nerdly_dood on August 21, 2008, 03:58:56 PM
Great work so far! :thumbsup:

Question:  What is this texture I highlighted? (Image attached)

I know that the slip lane is an overhanging prop; I don't know what the street transition texture is... It looks like the RHW-2 to street transition from ShadowAssassin's RHW texture mod, but the mod that's currently available has no RHW-2 textures.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 21, 2008, 04:00:49 PM
I don't know, but thats kinda irrelevant. I'll tell you what it is though, it is going the wrong way. That isn't a te lot, but that is a new lot in the pic, so this time the overhanging was done in attempt to make it look like it merges to the MIS. I didn't want to bring that up, because thats not going anywhere as in release.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on August 21, 2008, 06:56:21 PM
right on the money, man. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: nerdly_dood on August 21, 2008, 06:59:56 PM
I was just curious.  Also, the picture was originally in this thread so I figured what other place is there to ask about it than here? But my question is answered thanks.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on August 21, 2008, 07:29:56 PM
Here we go!Here's one from......Germany......again (So ein Mist! All meine Leiblingsampelen kommt auf Deustchland?)


this would look great for avenue crossings.Will someone try this?

BTW- Thank for all the lights up till now j-dub.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on August 22, 2008, 02:58:25 AM
^ Do I see a Labourghini there   ;D?

By the way, I make some Dutch Stoplights, but I don't have a picture yet to post.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 23, 2008, 10:02:27 AM
Heres the signals I made earlier, you can plop them next to intersections that don't have a signal already. They appear in Misc transit, you sould see a grey icon.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on August 23, 2008, 01:31:19 PM
Beautiful work here...I truly admire the work being done!

Quote from: Heblem on August 19, 2008, 12:02:52 PM
I just noticed today about this thread, but i hope some of you find useful my stop lights, I still can do some more variations if you want...  ;)


Heblem: I was wondering if you can point me in the right direction to make these as replacements , kinda like your Semamex6-0x5ad0e817_0x3350db00_0x30000.SC4Model does.I tried to re-construct the exempler using the exempler in this file but no luck!
Also , is there a reason that they revert back to maxis lights at a 4 way intersection?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Monorail Master on August 23, 2008, 02:18:57 PM
I would just like to make a request. Can anyone make a left turn traffic light for the left turn lane for the avenue x avenue intersections?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on August 23, 2008, 03:43:24 PM
I've got one modeled, believe it or not.  Look back in the earlier pages of this thread.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Monorail Master on August 23, 2008, 05:23:04 PM
 :angrymore:     NO! NO! NO! This is what I ment for my Left turn lane

Please, tone it down--it sounds like you are making demands.  -Alex (Tarkus), Admin
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on August 23, 2008, 11:24:46 PM
Monorail Master:  It shouldn't be too difficult to do.  I shall see if I can whip something up.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 25, 2008, 02:44:46 PM
I remember the day they decided to put those in the middle curb of avenue intersections where I lived. They replaced the 5 head signal for this left on green arrow only, red arrow signal. I hated that. Especially how you had to wait to make a stinking U-turn. @bursabre87. If you need some help getting the arrows to appear in the signal head, I found a way to do it.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: nerdly_dood on August 25, 2008, 04:37:32 PM
Red arrow lights? I've seen some of those in Virginia Beach and eastern Virginia, but they're rare... Around here we have a green arrow light, a yellow arrow light, and a round solid red light...
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 25, 2008, 04:58:14 PM
Yeah, in my state, you see both. There is this one intersection by me for whatever reason, the one direction's left turn arrows have the red arrows on one side, while their just red lights instead, on the other side. Other than a double left turn lane, and intersections that are 5 ways, or more, I think these signals are inapropriate, unless there is so much opposing traffic for them to be necessary.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on August 25, 2008, 05:20:27 PM
How about this stoplight?It is in my state too. :)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 26, 2008, 06:28:37 PM
Those are the left turn arrow signals we were talking about, I don't know why anybody would like them.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on August 26, 2008, 07:55:47 PM
Quote from: j-dub on August 26, 2008, 06:28:37 PM
Those are the left turn arrow signals we were talking about, I don't know why anybody would like them.

We've got those in Oregon, too.  They've been the standard design for left turn signals in much of the state since about 1993 or so.

I have to say, I'm impressed to see so much development going on in this thread.  Keep it up! :)

-Alex (Tarkus)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Streetlight 725 on September 07, 2008, 02:35:38 PM
Can someone could make a left turn signal?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on September 07, 2008, 09:47:49 PM
Your request has been noted.  I'm going through a relatively rough time in real life right now, so I don't know when I'm going to be able to get to it.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: SusanMarie1956 on September 16, 2008, 07:35:05 PM
Down here in Tucson, AZ a lot of the major intersection have flashing right turn arrows in place of the solid right turn green arrows.
This was done so that the perpendicular traffic has a solid left green arrow where you can do U-Turns. Thus the flashing right arrows are to remind you to watch out for the U-Turners who have the right of way. I see a lot of people that come down here and not use to that system get totally confused and they just sit there at the intersection waiting for a green light.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: nerdly_dood on September 16, 2008, 08:09:50 PM
That is about what I would do - around here, flashing red lights mean the same thing as a stop sign - stop, look for traffic, go if it is safe. Such lights are never accompanied by a yellow or green light and are only at medium-light-duty intersections.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on September 16, 2008, 08:16:08 PM
I must admit, flashing red'd make me stop, but I'm not sure about flashing -green-. I'd assume that meant stoplight malfunctions...
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on September 16, 2008, 08:37:16 PM
[off-topic]They've been installing these all over Oregon, especially around Beaverton and Hillsboro, lately.


Basically, it's a variant on the "doghouse" style protected-permitted signals.  Instead of having a separate "chamber" on the signal for left turn motions, there's a green arrow for the "protected" phase, and a flashing yellow arrow for the "permitted" phase, before going to a standard yellow arrow and red arrow.  A little weird the first time I saw one, but it essentially makes sense.

-Alex (Tarkus)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on September 16, 2008, 09:15:45 PM
Makes sense to me, Alex.  I've seen documentation of that being tested in the (where else?) Dallas area.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on September 16, 2008, 09:55:47 PM
Around here, there is plenty of red arrow left turn phased lights, some that say left turn on green arrow only, others that only said left turn signal. They have been replacing those like crazy now all over my state, because that sign was being used as a legal loophole. Where as when they have those at intersections that there is no red arrow, but the old red light instead, it was not a problem, because it was just a red light.
I can see how this confused people. This one intersection they put the red arrow, on the side of the left turn signal, the other side, just had the red light. Another time, which was very akward, they had actually taken down the seperate left on green arrow only signal, and replaced the light to a 5 head signal, and the sign accompanying it with left turn yield on a green.
Personally I don't like these at intersections where it is not appropriate.
Oh and by the way, since this is the traffic light field here, I noticed this particullar Avenue Intersection, the signals work 2 tiles ahead with a red light, despite the stop point being back on a different tile, and they are in correct sequence, that the lights crossing over the intersection are not the same. Shouldn't this not be possible? ()what() If it turns out only sidewalks need to have stop points for the red lights to work, that could really change things for 4 way avenue intersections. I wasn't too picky about that, but others would be a fan for this.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on September 18, 2008, 03:18:28 PM
 Q: Did'nt someone from Japan replace the maxis lights with a complete Japenese Traffic Light Set they made?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on September 18, 2008, 04:49:06 PM
I remember seeing one where the avenue lights were replaced, but I'm not sure about for the other classes. But I can't help any further, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on September 18, 2008, 07:22:08 PM
Quote from: zakuten on September 18, 2008, 04:49:06 PM
I remember seeing one where the avenue lights were replaced, but I'm not sure about for the other classes. But I can't help any further, unfortunately.
Quote from: Fresh Prince of SC4D on September 18, 2008, 03:18:28 PM
Q: Did'nt someone from Japan replace the maxis lights with a complete Japenese Traffic Light Set they made?
Yes they did...unfortunately , unless you read Japanese , it is very difficult(imo) to understand how to use them. I have used them and they look nice , but they are modded wrong as they try to come up on 3 way avenues as 4 way.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on September 18, 2008, 09:11:13 PM
If you can get me the text, I'll try to translate what I can. I've had five years in Japanese, so I can understand the gist of things usually.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on September 20, 2008, 08:06:51 PM
Quote from: zakuten on September 18, 2008, 09:11:13 PM
If you can get me the text, I'll try to translate what I can. I've had five years in Japanese, so I can understand the gist of things usually.

Unfortunately , because my computer is set up for english , the readme is a jumbled mess. Here is the link to the files (
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on September 20, 2008, 08:19:19 PM
OK, here it is just in case a Japanese speaker better than me stumbles by. Obviously (?) I'm not sure about.

Thank you very much for your download today.

I hope you enjoy it (?)

解凍したらplugins に入れてください。
Please unzip it to plugins.

First of all(?), this is just a signal pack for intersections.

Once you install this within the NAM road area(?), the signals at junction places will become Japanese style.

(This one I don't quite get. Sorry.)

(This big blurb is real hard for me, however it seems to say you need a "animation plop" and that you need ATC and AVP files)

(...No clue here. It seems to be talking about a bonus if you "push the button".)

Sorry for not being able to do a better job, my brain's exhausted today. &mmm
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on September 20, 2008, 09:24:38 PM
Does it saying anyting on how he replaced the lights?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow Assassin on September 20, 2008, 10:08:38 PM
They were replaced using T21s. :P
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on September 20, 2008, 11:21:46 PM
Quote from: Shadow Assassin on September 20, 2008, 10:08:38 PM
They were replaced using T21s. :P

From what I have looked at in the linked zip file, the files simply overwrite existing game files for the stop light pole props and the animated signal props. There are no T21's in the zip file.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow Assassin on September 21, 2008, 03:00:56 AM

I thought they were.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on October 04, 2008, 06:26:22 PM
 &idea Hey j-dub, do think you could overwrite the default traffic lights like this guy did? And do you think that you could do it with the lights I requested? That would be sweet!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on October 05, 2008, 10:03:33 AM
Oh yes, it certainly would be. Thats what I wanted to do, with making some sort of replacements, or new instances. Right now, unfortanetly I can't make any guarentees. I actually have been toying with the reader to see if I could make changes with avenue signals for some time. For a little bit, it seemed like I had made the signals  ATL24 and ATL25 go away all together, but somehow after a while they eventually all came back and appeared at all the intersections again.  I don't think my changes in the reader have been saving.  &sly When I had made sewers awhile back to replace some street lights, I got those to work on roads, and streets, including SAM, but those were straight, and not intersection network lots. So it will take me some time to get this all figured out.
What I would have planned for this style was to have a single overhanging light on the roads,
and two on the armpole overhanging the avenue crossroads.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on November 05, 2008, 01:15:53 PM
hey j-dub . Any new breakthoughts?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: signsmaker on November 05, 2008, 01:23:56 PM
I think that they shoud make wisconsin type traffic lights
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on November 05, 2008, 07:31:57 PM
Sadly, its a bad break of our thoughts. This is bad for me, my stupid export stopped working right, so the models stopped looking right, or exported invisible. And the best part, that was months ago that happened. Aside from that, I have been kept busy at other stuff going on in my life. Not that I could get around to it, but what do Wisconsin  signals look like now? I know some states have changed over the years. Maybe, if anyone is able to get around to modding, you may want to show some pictures, but unfortunately I have not been able to export the signals I displayed above. It stinks on my end, because it makes me look bad for an incomplete task I was going to do. Burg Sabre was doing some flat traffic signals, I know Wisconsin has those, as does Texas, and if I recall some in New Mexico, and Nevada. So until then, were all stuck at a red light. :angrymore:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on November 08, 2008, 02:00:59 PM
Ahh man :'(

don't worry it's all cool :thumbsup:. We just wait till you can find a way to export them. It's just a matter.......
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on November 08, 2008, 11:03:56 PM
Wisconsin's most unusual characteristic is they use a 2-bar truss with horizontal mounting of the lights.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on November 09, 2008, 08:15:38 PM
Well, it seems that I was able to get SOME rendering working, but no matter how many times, I do the Euro (German) signal, clump! (it just renders a clump of building pieces)
I found some pictures, and assume thats what a Wisconsin signal looks like based off zakuten?
(and yes, I took the w&d from Disney, but they owe me for the pain I suffered for doing their child labor, and I'm not returning their font back to the new owners of that co!)
I wanted to get the Euro one done before the Wisconsin though,
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on November 09, 2008, 08:24:56 PM
j-dub, I had that problem for awhile as well . . . it looks like you need the "" patch for the BAT.  Just click on the "EA support" button here on the forums (between "boxes?" and "donate") accept the EULA at the bottom of the page, then select the BAT Download page, and find the "Texture Fix" file dated 2/24/2004.  That file should solve your issue.

Hope that helps!

-Alex (Tarkus)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on November 09, 2008, 08:39:39 PM
Thanks Alex, it did. With that, heres some new renderings...

The signal on the left does have a light on the top of the pole, but the darn Img Host, cropped it off!

I have gathered the just rendered Euro and Wisconsin signals, and zipped them into the folder below so you can see. Readme included. Will they be exemplared? Well, not right now.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: zakuten on November 09, 2008, 10:32:05 PM
Pretty much; it has a vertical on the pole though, usually. And there's a bit of a curve to the truss, as well. But otherwise just about right
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Andreas on November 10, 2008, 05:03:00 AM
Nice work, the German traffic lights are pretty accurate. :) The lights at the end of the truss are usually placed at the very end, so there's nothing poking out at the far left. The diamond sign with the yellow center means "right of way", so it's probably better to get rid of it, although it looks very nice. But since the game will shuffle the traffic lights at an intersection more or less randomly, direction-wise, all three or four sides would get this sign, which is just wrong. ;) Also, if you want to get them T21'd, you shouldn't render them with offset.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on November 10, 2008, 07:14:35 PM
Thanks for telling me, how would I know otherwise, speaking of which, in the game Tony Hawks Underground 2, they have the red and green lights on the same time, and then the lights will flash red and yellow in between. I kind of figured that wasn't exactly right. They had put the symbol on the pole too. Originally the signal did touch the end of the pole, but the first render, gmax cut the signal off, so I had to move it, thinking the part of the pole wouldn't render the second the time, but it did. They were placed the way they were, because if moved, parts won't render. No, I didn't always have this problem, but thats why I  rarely get new renderings done now.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Andreas on November 11, 2008, 02:15:01 AM
The color sequence of German traffic lights goes like this:

green = go
yellow = prepare to stop
red = stop
red+yellow = prepare to go
green = go

There's no flashing. ;) I know that in Austria, the green light is flashing before the yellow one will show. However, if the traffic light is switched off (i. e. during the night when traffic is low), the directions with "give way" (yield) signs will show a yellow flashing light as a warning.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on November 11, 2008, 02:55:13 PM
Then I guess I don't know why they portrayed the Berlin signals the way they did in that game, T.H.U.G.2 Someone either doesn't know how to animate the lights correctly, or is too lazy to portray it right, but every nation/city in that game series never has the signals working realistically in sequence. EA's Burnout, the one when your driving off the Autobahn, and go through some town, speeding, running red lights, and weaving between trams and other traffic, they actually did seem to not goof the signals up like the other game to that description.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on November 24, 2008, 10:14:35 AM
I have got to learn how to T21 my signals so that I can have something to show y'all.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 09, 2009, 10:28:27 PM
Got bored, and did this...
From the perspective after coming through the under...
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on January 09, 2009, 10:35:41 PM
j-dub, that looks fantastic there!  A very realistic signalization setup, I must say!

-Alex (Tarkus)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Pat on January 13, 2009, 04:02:50 PM
J-Dub that is looking real great there!!! How did you manage that setup?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 13, 2009, 04:25:47 PM
Thanks guys. I think it was mental Mathematicals  that had me figure it out. However I don't know how to animate them.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on January 16, 2009, 12:48:25 PM
Nice j-dub very realistic....

I know it been a long time since you created the german lights but I just realized I couldn't edit them without lot editor(as told in the readme). I may seem lazy of me not to edit them myself, however my computer can't run lot editor, is any way to replace the maxis lights with them? &mmm
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 16, 2009, 01:58:29 PM
No. I heard T21 signals require S3D which is something I don't have. How would you feel about plopping them? I still don't know how to make the lights change so there going to be stuck on green.

I say Euro because they were in a right hand drive country in MGS4, but since everything was in English on the buildings and stuff for 40 miles or so, it wasn't Germany and alot of canals were around. However these traffic lights were there, this color, this style.
Attached below, are the red light ploppable Euro/German signals.
They can be found in Misc Transit. Readme included.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on January 16, 2009, 02:37:31 PM
Quote from: Fresh Prince of SC4D on January 16, 2009, 12:48:25 PM
I may seem lazy of me not to edit them myself, however my computer can't run lot editor, is any way to replace the maxis lights with them? &mmm

Quote from: j-dub on January 16, 2009, 01:58:29 PM
No. I heard T21 signals require S3D which is something I don't have.

To make replacement signals, one would have to make a new animation file which requires an ATC file to control the animation, a set of AVP files to define the animation sequence for each zoom, and FSH files that contain the images for the frames. There is no easy way to make animated stoplights and Maxis has four different stoplight animation props: ortho road, diagonal road, ortho avenue, and diagonal avenue. There are also two stoplight props in the NAM which are used on for the Avenue and Road Turn Lane Plugins: ortho and diagonal, both without the attached pole.

With J-Dub's German signals, he would also have to take the signals off the mast assemblies they are attached to in his models. The animations are the signals themselves. Maxis has the mast assemblies are a separate prop with all of their stoplights on the avenues. Only for the roads did they include the pole in the stoplight animations.

Here's one I did awhile ago, but I don't remember how I did it:
It is obviously sped up as there is usually 6 seconds between green and red lights on any one axis. And no, it is not available. Do not ask me for the files. I don't even know where the files are right now. For all I know, I may have deleted them.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 17, 2009, 09:06:26 AM
I put these Turn Signal Lights over the NWM. Watch this picture for a while, notice anything? I wish I knew how this timed prop thing was possible and T21, because signals could work anywhere without stop points.
animation courtesy of
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Pat on January 17, 2009, 09:43:36 AM
Jdub that looks great and I love the animation!!!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: metarvo on January 17, 2009, 09:53:36 AM
Swamper77:  Oh, man, it's too bad that those are gone, Swamper.  They look like they worked very well.  

j-dub:  Yes, the signals go from green to red, don't they?  It even looks like the left turn signal head is a "doghouse" permissive signal, with a red (O)
indication by itself at the top, yellow lights (< O) in the row below the red light, and green lights (< O) on the bottom.  If you've checked out the "Show Us Your Intersections" thread, you know how I feel about slip lanes  ;D, and I notice that you have a signalized slip lane in the upper-right corner of your pic.  Normally, the idea would be to use a slip lane to avoid a signal, but I have actually seen signalized slip lanes before, at intersections where the traffic rate is tremendously high.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 18, 2009, 08:25:17 AM
In Wisconsin I have seen slip lanes that have an extra lane to merge, where there would be no signal, but in this case, I thought the signal over the slip lane was necessary, because you could be going, but someone coming from the left also has the green light, and then crash! My state usually does have the slip lane assigned to a signal.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on January 18, 2009, 05:21:38 PM
Still a very interesting subject and I see a lot of cool things! I do have a question that someone may be able to help me with. A while back , I got hold of a traffic signal that Heblem had attached to a post(TP_semaforo_x2-0x5ad0e817_0xd5a76954_0x320000.SC4Model.) I finally got to appear in-game by messing around with the exempler,but here is the problem: just like the Japanese set that was discussed previously , the signals don't appear correctly at some intersections and like Heblems Semamex6-0x5ad0e817_0x3350db00_0x30000.SC4Model (which also was attached to a post I believe) don't appear at avenue 4ways. I am wondering if anyone knows the location that stores the info on how the game handles traffic signals or how to make them work correctly? I don't consider myself as a modder ,but I do know my way around some of the game files. Any and all help would be appreciated!

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on January 18, 2009, 06:05:14 PM
Sith Lord,

There are 4 traffic signal props that ship with the game:

- Orthogonal Road: mounted to the side of a post.
- Diagonal Road: mounted to the side of a post.
- Orthogonal Avenue: a pair of signals with no posts/bars
- Diagonal Avenue: a pair of signals with no posts/bars.

All the post/bar assemblies on the avenues are separate props. All the signals are placed via T21s, which I know you are aware of.

The NAM adds two more signals, by re-enabling two signal props that Maxis disabled:

- Orthogonal Road: a signal with no post or bar.
- Diagonal Road: a signal with no post or bar.

I copied the artwork and exemplars for these last two from the Original SC4 SimCity_1.dat file. When Maxis shipped Rush Hour/Deluxe, they replaced the animations for these two props with a blank model. The orthogonal signal is used by the NAM for the Avenue and Road Turn Lane Plugins for the intersections.

I believe Heblem's props are static BAT models, so they will not change colors. They will simply be eye-candy at any intersection they are placed at. As for the props not appearing in certain cases, it is probably because the tile got flipped and the prop does not have a reference to the mirrored model. The BATter would have to make a mirrored model of their prop and reference it with the "Resource Type Key 1xm" property. This property tells the game to display a different model (usually a mirrored one) when the network tile that displays the prop gets flipped.

For a stoplight prop to be functional, they have to be an animation. The game's animations have an ATC file to control the animation, AVP files to handle the frames, and FSH files that contain the images for each frame. There aren't any published tutorials on how to make animations for the game. The people that have made animations either did theirs by "trial and error" or some method they haven't shared.

Don't ask me how I got the one I showed above to work. I don't remember how I did it. :(

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 18, 2009, 06:57:24 PM
Did we varify if timed props work as exemplars?

The other thing, about Heblems traffic light. The traffic lights work because the Maxis ones are the ones that are used even though its a different pole, the only one that doesn't work is the one attached to the pole from the rendering.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on January 18, 2009, 07:02:22 PM
Thanks for the info! I did add a "Resource Type Key 1xm"  which was part of the reason I couldn't see them in-game originally( hadn't learned how to t-21 at that time) and , I did notice that unlike the Japanese pack , Heblems were indeed static and did not contain AVP or any ATC files, but hey, I wasn't exactly sure if they were needed(pointing to other files?). I had looked at the NAM file with the signals , but honestly , I haven't toyed around with animated props and such so I backed away from them. Like you said  not much info is out there for most of these "tweaks"!.Oh well , I'll let someone who knows what they're doing keep teasing us with some great models!

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on January 18, 2009, 08:58:54 PM
Quote from: sithlrd98 on January 18, 2009, 07:02:22 PM
Oh well , I'll let someone who knows what they're doing keep teasing us with some great models!

You were saying, Jayson?


Just screwing around one day . . .  ;)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 18, 2009, 11:11:32 PM
Wow, those are real detailed.
There actually are instances where those would come in handy in game. I made a very weird intersection with a road, owr, avenue, and a RHW all together because the avenue curved, yet the RHW went across it, and you could only turn left coming from the RHW into the avenue, since the avenue curved, but the RHW aligned straight, and then the other side there was OWR turning into the intersection.

Anyway, heres some more traffic signal designs, replicating real life on/off ramp ones.
Oh, and no, you didn't see those very tiny lights there change red to green. Its your imagination, or is it?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Heblem on January 18, 2009, 11:20:04 PM
well I have done some stoplights, but I dont know how to sort diagonals, I think I have to do diagonals, as for the large stoplight in avenue crossing, gotta get into NAM files for the large stop light.

As for now I got a beta of a new stoplight, will look for the large one and diagonals...

A preview:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: deathtopumpkins on January 18, 2009, 11:24:21 PM
Wow, those look great Eblem! Are they actually t-21'd?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on January 18, 2009, 11:35:49 PM
Looks like he's replacing the Maxis Stoplight Arm prop for the avenues, which isn't a bad idea. Not everyone lives in California.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on January 19, 2009, 03:45:09 PM
Quote from: burgsabre87 on January 18, 2009, 08:58:54 PM
You were saying, Jayson?


Just screwing around one day . . .  ;)

Screwing around...I can't even BAT a wall, I almost can do a foundation though.

Quote from: j-dub on January 18, 2009, 11:11:32 PM
Oh, and no, you didn't see those very tiny lights there change red to green. Its your imagination, or is it?
Now that is cool!

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on January 19, 2009, 04:53:21 PM
Looks like a great signal for the fabled single point urban interchange
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Haljackey on January 19, 2009, 05:00:47 PM
Wow, a lot of stuff is going on here!

So much for me... I still use the default lights and whatnot.  I don't think they're that bad, but whatever.  Lights are just not my thing...

Although it would be cool to see an advance left-turn for the 4-way avenue intersection, and even cooler if the game would actually stop all traffic for the said advance!

Oh and this too, even though it doesn't need to have a traffic light. :P

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on January 20, 2009, 06:21:58 AM
Quote from: Fresh Prince of SC4D on January 19, 2009, 04:53:21 PM
Looks like a great signal for the fabled single point urban interchange

A SPUI?  That's not what I designed that signal for.  It was more for an intersection of four one-way roads with an avenue, in the same general area.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: imperialmog on January 20, 2009, 08:33:42 PM
This got me thinking that with the new NAM out, there should be a look at doing exemplar 21's for the networks to add some realistic eye candy. One thing I notice is not seeing any signals at intersections of RHW pieces as well as maybe having road signs pop up in certain situations. one way to scale it right and have the road sign is be able to see what the sign reads by using the query tool since it will do that on props.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: LE0 on January 29, 2009, 01:49:40 PM
Can there be a mod that changes the location of the stoplites to the far side of the street?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on January 29, 2009, 01:58:01 PM
The game uses animated signal props and they must be located on the tiles that have the stop points. For avenues, this means the stoplights get placed on the near sides of all avenue x avenue intersections. To put the signals on the far sides, it can be done using non-animated props, which means they will be eye-candy only. However, the cars will still stop on the near sides of the intersections due to the locations of the stop points.

Road intersections are usually on one tile, so the animated signals can be placed on the far side of the tile without any problem.

For any of these changes to be done, someone will have to edit the T21 exemplars for the networks. I won't be doing it as I have enough stuff to do with my project list.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Nique on January 30, 2009, 12:03:49 AM
Are you guys absolutely sure about the RHW thing? No stop signal possible on RHW2 ? .. that would be really  ()sad()

A RHW cross intersection should have traffic lights (and the need of such a feature).. or accidents will happen  :P
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Swamper77 on January 30, 2009, 12:58:21 AM

The game views the RHW as a highway due to how Maxis coded the network. While stop points can be added and animated stoplight props can be placed on it, the cars just shoot through the intersections as if no stop points exist and the animated stoplight props stay green forever. To fix the functionality of the animated stoplights on the RHW, the EXE would have to be modified and EA won't let us do that.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Nique on January 30, 2009, 01:44:29 AM
Quote from: Swamper77 on January 30, 2009, 12:58:21 AM

The game views the RHW as a highway due to how Maxis coded the network. While stop points can be added and animated stoplight props can be placed on it, the cars just shoot through the intersections as if no stop points exist and the animated stoplight props stay green forever. To fix the functionality of the animated stoplights on the RHW, the EXE would have to be modified and EA won't let us do that.


Maybe it is time to contact EA..  :satisfied:

To let them add (or finish) these things. I bet SC4 is still being sold
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Dexist on January 30, 2009, 02:55:57 AM
hey when i watch my traffic i see that all the cars ar dissapearing after a few meters... or after a corner... :thumbsdown:
how does this happen..

i have NAM RHW and some texture plungins
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Glazert on January 30, 2009, 06:10:27 AM
Dexist: What you are seeing is the normal way the game uses automata to provide a visual representation of traffic. It is nothing to do with NAM or RHW. It does not mean that traffic is not getting through.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: CityMaster563 on May 25, 2009, 04:56:51 PM
Check out this interscection:
( (
I posted this earlier on the RHW thread.
It's an AVE-6 intersection.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: darraghf on May 26, 2009, 07:49:19 AM
Did you make that or is it photoshopped?? I really want to know.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: WC_EEND on May 26, 2009, 07:55:46 AM
Quote from: darraghf on May 26, 2009, 07:49:19 AM
Did you make that or is it photoshopped?? I really want to know.

they are photoshopped as he pointed out in the RHW-topic
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: KoV Liberty on May 26, 2009, 06:17:37 PM
Yeah I know but that is ONE GREAT Photoshopper! I couldnt tell the difference for awhile!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on May 26, 2009, 07:26:34 PM
Now heres the weird thing in reality, in my state, even though the extra thru lane is there, unlike City Master's picture, 9/10 of the time they don't go 4 lights over this type of intersection, and still just use the three overhangin. Two signals for the three straight lanes, and one for the left lane. Other times this is the case. Whats ps-ed here I don't even know is finished, but it looks like for regular avenues alone with the NWM, that the plan is to eliminate the lane arrows except for the turn lane, and to use a double yellow line instead of the median curb in between.

So we go back to CityMaster563's New City, and take another look at the intersection with a possible American re-texture.
And yeah I know, but the real yellow color is not going to be that bright, again this is just a further idea of what textures could be like down the road, because NWM Avenue Turn Lanes look like this:
(again, the lights here may not make the final cut, and if you think your actually seeing them change color, your imagination may have taken over you)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: CityMaster563 on May 26, 2009, 08:38:38 PM
Here's some more pictures:
( (
My first wide avenue Night image
Are The AVE-6 going to be able to go over the RHW?:
([/UR (
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on May 27, 2009, 11:17:40 AM
I don't see why not, but it will be a very, very, very, long time for that to happen. Thing is about the AVE6, I think it may be 3 tiles wide in order to fit the sidewalk, and median.
Very impressive PS-ing skills. As for the 6 lane avenue crossing the road intersections, I cannot make any guarentees, but we know NWM road x 4 lane avenue intersections will allow turning lanes on avenues to roads, and some roads will have turn lanes to avenues. It would make sense for that to be the case in this situation, but again, a very, very, very long time until all things possible are possible.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on May 27, 2009, 12:05:19 PM
CityMaster:  These pictures are great work and very well done!  However, it's my opinion that them being shown in "official" NAM threads implies that the various transportation features shown are "official" previews from an upcoming NAM release.

I would recommend posting them in a "Show Us Your SC4 Photoshops" thread of some sort, if one has not already been created.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: CityMaster563 on May 27, 2009, 01:37:18 PM
Hoe Do I start a new thread?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on May 27, 2009, 08:47:06 PM
Quote from: CityMaster563 on May 27, 2009, 01:37:18 PM
How Do I start a new thread?

Find the place you wish to create the thread - there should be a link in a red box somewhere that says "New Thread".
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: CityMaster563 on May 28, 2009, 05:27:47 AM
I looked everywhere, but I can't find the new Thread link.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on May 28, 2009, 06:30:57 AM
Quote from: CityMaster563 on May 28, 2009, 05:27:47 AM
I looked everywhere, but I can't find the new Thread link.

It'll be called "New Topic", in the red box along the top right of the board.  Here's a picture:


Sorry for taking this OT, folks - should have done this via PM.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Leodido on July 09, 2009, 05:16:21 AM
I've read the entire thread but I'm not sure if there is any way to replace the original maxis lights ?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on July 09, 2009, 10:07:41 PM
Yes, there is, but its more advanced.

Swammper provides more detailed information about this back on page 8.

Most of the time people seem to be replacing the poles for Maxis signals, people have done new light models, but I don't know of an animated traffic light that has been T-21ed. Animation is even more tricky to figure out, but replacing Maxis lights has been done. I'm okay with the lights I have.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on August 08, 2009, 12:39:42 AM
Bringing this topic back up . . . I have a little something to share here.

Thanks to OverPoP-san's wonderful BAB tool, I've been able to successfully make an animated signal.

This one here is actually "pseudo-synchronized".  It's not directly synched to StopPaths, but basically has a signal cycle matching the values in the Automata Tuning Exemplar.  The one kink in the system is that the animation seems to reset upon rotating the view.  Edit: It seems Maxis' signals actually suffer from the same problem, so maybe it's not so much of an issue.

Nonetheless, I hope it's a step forward.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: SuperTimo on August 08, 2009, 05:05:44 AM
cool to see some progress there.

Does anyone know of any modds for british/european traffic lights? even if they are non working, it looks so wrong at the moment with left hand drive plugin to have the traffic lights on the wrong side of the road and the wrong side of the crossing as well!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Andreas on August 08, 2009, 08:55:40 AM
royal from the SFBT is working on German traffic lights at the moment, but for the proper placement, one would have to edit the T21 exemplar files of each intersection (and there are a lot of intersections...).
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 08, 2009, 09:14:12 AM
@Tarkus, I can't believe you figured something out. I am assuming there will be a third light on that pole when it comes to the double left turn lane/wider networks in the future?
Once thats seen working after those avenue intersections, then I'll believe you.

@SuperTimo, I don't know about British modeled signals, but there were some changes to Maxis props so they go on the left side of the road and avenues.

I don't remember that ever being defaulted to NAM for left hand drive users, if its not, it really should.

Hey, wait a minute! For that matter, since it would appear Alex just made another type of working signal, maybe this is the opportunity for new left hand drive ones to be created for after the intersection too.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on August 08, 2009, 10:29:12 AM
Quote from: j-dub on August 08, 2009, 09:14:12 AM
Hey, wait a minute! For that matter, since it would appear Alex just made another type of working signal, maybe this is the opportunity for new left hand drive ones to be created for after the intersection too.

The "after the intersection" setup will be possible with these signals, as they're not tied into the StopPaths.  The Maxis Avenue signals are stuck on green if they are not placed before the intersection.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on August 08, 2009, 11:01:39 AM
That's great, Alex!  Nice work, and congrats on figuring it out!  I can't wait to adapt it to my signals.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: SuperTimo on August 08, 2009, 11:18:52 AM
cheers for info on that guys  ;)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Blue Lightning on August 08, 2009, 11:19:25 AM
Actually.... I've figured out how to do true synch traffic lights.

The reason why before we couldnt was because this: ATC and AVP files for traffic lights need specific GIDs. However, you also have to edit the IDs inside the ATC file. This is done in HEXEdit. The Reader's regular edit window will NOT retain your changes. This is the similar effect with effdirs.

Quick look at my first ATC file HEX with a TGI of 933D0000, 2A2458F9, 29A5D1EC

EC D1 A5 29 44 0E B5 7A F9 58 24 2A 00 00 3D 93 75 CD AD 09 F9 58 24 2A
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D 93 01 00 3D 93 02 00 3D 93 03 00 00 00

Breakdown of bytes:
EC D1 A5 29: Type of ATC (0x29A5D1EC)
44 0E B5 7A: Animation File Type (Animation FSH TID)
F9 58 24 2A: Animation File Group (Animation FSH GID)
00 00 3D 93: Animation File Instance (Animation FSH IID)
75 CD AD 09: AVP TID (0x09ADCD75)
F9 58 24 2A: AVP GID (0x2A2458F9)

These are the important chunks that will have to be edited. the IIDs may vary, but the TID and GID must be these values.

In order to function correctly, you must have two sets of animation files. They can be identical (in my case they were) as long as they have different IIDs. These will be ref'd in the prop exemplar.

Now as for the second part: The exemplar. The BAB does not generate the proper exemplar for traffic lights. You must manually edit it.

The correct type should look like this:
Yes, I know I have a duplicate property, I didnt notice while I was modding.

The items of interest are RKT0, RKTMisc, States as Frames, Prop Occupant class ID, Occupant groups, kSc4BuildingModelRotationproperty, kSC4BuildingModelClass Property

A breakdown of such:
RKT0: TGI of the first ATC file
RTKMisc: TGI of the second ATC file
States as frames: Tells Sc4 that frame one is red, frame 2 is yellow, and frame 3 is green (in this case). Booleen value. Set to true. EDIT: Yellow 1, Red 2, Green 3
Edit2: I'm being confused here, i just got a long green, long yellow, and a 1 second red. Though heres what Im going to try: 1. red 2. red 3. green 4. yellow.

Prop Occupant class ID: tells the game that this is a type of stoplight animation
Occupant Groups: Self explanatory, HEX value is 0x00005002
kSc4BuildingModelRotationProperty: Tells SC4 that this model that it is rotatable. Booleen value. Set to true.
Self Illuminated: Sc4 will or will not apply lighting and shadow deform to the model according to the booleen.
kSC4BuildingModelClassProperty: sets this into a prop class (probably traffic light animation)

Anyways, these steps are important or else you will get brown boxes, constant loop animation instead of synched animation, or nothing at all.

Attached is the file I have made. Works on 4 way turnlane road intersections.
You can also see the inner mechanics of the files.

EDIT: REmoved file due to brown box issue that popped up when I changed a value.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on August 08, 2009, 11:26:14 AM
These last few posts..(Alex and Vince) are very exciting! There are so many nice models (many are in this thread) that could use these discoveries! Great job!

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Andreas on August 08, 2009, 01:45:17 PM
This is very interesting indeed! I'd be excited if you manage to make a traffic light that has more than three phases, since the German sequence is green - yellow - red - red+yellow - green.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Frankie on August 08, 2009, 02:42:43 PM
A very interesting accomplishment indeed. I would like to try this myself with rail signals at some point..
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Blue Lightning on August 08, 2009, 05:09:29 PM
Andreas: I was toying around earlier with using more than 3 frames, and it seems possible that you can extend it as green-yellow-red-yellow+red. However I have to look more into this later.

Anyways.... fixed everything up, figured the right sequence (Green-yellow-red), found out why things weren't synching properly (traffic lights sync perpendicular to their LE orientation arrows)

Attached to this post is the dat file. It appears on the road x road intersection with turn lanes in all directions. I will upload a video of it once it finishes (in about half an hour)

EDIT: Whoops. Forgot to attach file. Install into the Network Addon Mod/Plugins folder (must load AFTER the turning lane plugin)

EDIT2: here is the video LINK (
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on August 08, 2009, 05:36:53 PM
So, I've tried it , still have it running and it works except one strange thing...when I re-draw the intersection , I am getting a strange flash with the lights. Let me see if I can get a vid..


Yes , they work great!
Well , the vid doesn't show it as well..but as an added note , I am using Heblems HD lamp posts..and the signals do cover the sign so, maybe thats the deal?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Blue Lightning on August 08, 2009, 05:54:46 PM
Jayson: The flashing is normal, it happens on maxis lights too (just not as noticeable, since their signals are quite a bit simpler) As for compatability with Heblem's posts... that might aslo be a problem, but then again, keep in mind that this is a proof of concept work only.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on August 08, 2009, 05:55:55 PM
Blue, you are officially awesome.  This is fantastic, groundbreaking work here! :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on August 08, 2009, 06:13:15 PM
Hey , all I know is that this is an excellent breakthrough! I know its a proof of , just passing along what I see ;D Alex hit it right on
Quote from: Tarkus on August 08, 2009, 05:55:55 PM
Blue, you are officially awesome.  This is fantastic, groundbreaking work here! :thumbsup:


Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Blue Lightning on August 08, 2009, 06:45:30 PM
Andreas: Turns out, it wont take anything over 3 frames (it will turn into a regular animation) but there is a workaround that will simulate it: the traffic lights will be normal, but in the same position as the yellow light there is another traffic light that takes the stop data from the crossing traffic and will only be shown during that cross traffic's yellow phase, thus overriding the off yellow on the facing light. (phew run-on sentance)

@Alex and Jayson: Thanks!

EDIT: I will be posting a tutorial here very soon ;)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: b22rian on August 08, 2009, 06:53:19 PM
Quote from: Tarkus on August 08, 2009, 05:55:55 PM
Blue, you are officially awesome.  This is fantastic, groundbreaking work here! :thumbsup:


I have to fully agree... I think the future of the transit modding in general is going
to be very exciting indeed with Blue around !.. Congratulations on this stunning new
discovery here  &apls

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on August 08, 2009, 07:19:38 PM
Truly groundbreaking.

Blue & Alex - y'all have copies of my signals - feel free to try 'em out and see how they work!  :D
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Blue Lightning on August 08, 2009, 07:40:32 PM
Ryan: There is a slight problem: See the model information below.

Custom Traffic Light Tutorial

First off, you are going to need GMAX, BAT, and SC4BAB (

Model must be animated in sequence of Green yellow red, one frame per color.

When making the model, you must only have the light console unless the pole is small enough.
Once you are done with the model, group it, center it at 0,0,0, then rotate it to face east. (usually rotate 90 on the Z axis) This is important because the stoplights take stop point data perpendicular to the LE orientation arrow.
Refit your LODs.

Follow the readme until you get to the part with saving the dat. In the Group box, enter in 0x2a2458f9
Leave the IID box as-is (unless you are replacing a maxis stoplight, in this case enter in the IID of the maxis ATC file)

After that, you don't need to edit any other options, as our custom exemplar will replace it.

Now, don't close out just yet. Change the IID to whatever IID -1 on fourth digit.
0xc8380000 is the first save, c8370000 is the second save.

Hit Save dat, then cancel. Then hit Options, then cancel. This is important because it resets the file name to the new IID.
Save the dat.

Now, you may close out of SC4BAB.

Open the file with the larger IID. You should see an exemplar, an ATC file, and 3 AVP files. Remove the exemplar. Keep this file open.
Next, open up the other file. Copy the ATC and AVP files into the first file. Then, copy the template exemplar (inside the dat attached to this post) into the file.

You should see this on the exemplar:

Give your traffic light a name.
In Resource Key Type 0, enter in the larger of the two IIDs.
In Resource Key Type Misc, enter in the smaller of the two IIDs.

Now, your traffic light is now a functioning animated prop. The hard part will be T21ing it (if the light does not replace a maxis light).
The hard part about it is laying out the traffic light on the tile. It will not appear to rotate in LE. Remember when you rendered that the light faces east?

Table of rotations.

Now, from here you will follow either Swamper77's ( or Xyloxadoria's ( T21 tutorial.

And thats pretty much all to it.... you all have it a lot easier than I had (instead of BAB GID and IID editing, I had to edit the ATC and AVP files manually)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on August 09, 2009, 05:20:30 AM
Nice job, Alex and Vince!  :thumbsup:

While you are creating new animated lights, I already created an advanced stoplight setup:
(   (   (   (

As you can see, these stoplights adapt to the situation. And even better: they include pedestrian lights and they are in HD quality! But there's only one downside: they are not animated.

Speaking of lights:
This is an experiment of my new lightcones. Like it?

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 10, 2009, 01:15:34 PM
Good models, but yeah, animating is hard. I am actually responding about the light cones though. If its possible, could the these light cones be rendered that you see them shining down from the top? Yeah, there is the lit spots on the ramp, but it doesn't look like the street lights are lit up. The highway light cone under the high mast light poles in the middle of the RHW are okay, because those are higher up and are more believable.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: sithlrd98 on August 10, 2009, 01:28:36 PM
mrtnrln: Two the stoplights! Second ,sorry if this is a dumb question... where did you get the streetlights...are they yours?

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on August 11, 2009, 02:30:07 AM
@sithlrd98: Funny you ask that (you can really see in my signature that I'm the creator of the Light Replacement Mod ;)) but just to be sure: the small white ones are a modded version of Interstate80's Great American Streetlight Mod (this one can be downloaded at his thread at the ITC Creations section, although the pack still contains bugs). The green ones in the middle is an yet unreleased Belgium-styled motorway light.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Leodido on August 11, 2009, 04:36:21 AM
your traffic lights are awesome, great job, any chance you'll release them sometime?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on August 11, 2009, 05:17:47 AM
Quote from: Leodido on August 11, 2009, 04:36:21 AM
your traffic lights are awesome, great job, any chance you'll release them sometime?

Well, I'm planning to do that, but I just need to finish the T21's for some puzzle pieces.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: jmvl on August 29, 2009, 12:42:08 AM
Unfortunately my ADSL modem broke down last week, so I wasn't able to use Internet (and use my web tools to make some Puzzle Pieces) at all :(. So I decided to find out how if there's a possibility to make traffic lights with more "sessions" (I don't know a better word for it). If you look to the standard road X road intersection, you'll notice that the vehicles may drive in two sessions, like this:


1st session: vehicles on the green arrows may drive
2nd session: vehicles on the red arrows may drive

On all other traffic light controlled road X road, avenue X road and avenue X avenue intersections vehicles may drive in two sessions too.

Since there're two mods being made which allows user to create an advance turn lane setup, namely the TuLEP and Maarten's PRA, these two sessions aren't enough in my view. Look at this example using two sessions:

I simply can't draw roads on the computer using Paint, so I decided to do what I always did when I was 6, 7, 8, 9 years old: simply drawing roads as a grayscale image on a paper. For signs and other stuff I used colors, but I've left these things in this image. Please notice that the image isn't to scale.

1st session: vehicles on the green lines may drive
2nd session: vehicles on the red lines may drive

In my opinion this is a very dangerous traffic light controlled intersection, because left turning vehicles still have to yield and wait for straight on driving vehicles (at some places on the intersection on multiple lanes). So, I think what we need is four sessions, like this:


1st session: vehicles on the green lines may drive
2nd session: vehicles on the red lines may drive
3rd session: vehicles on the yellow lines may drive
4th session: vehicles on the blue lines may drive

That's why I've searched for a possibility to change something in the SC4Path files that control the road x road intersection to make four sessions instead of two. Unfortunately there wasn't a possibility to make four sessions by changing the contents of the SC4Path files at all.  Maybe you've to change the contents of another file to make traffic light controlled intersections with more than 2 "sessions". Does anybody know which file that could be? Thanks in the advance. I hope so it's a file which we can simply and it isn't a limitation of the EXE (unless Maxis is going to change this, but I guess that's very unlikely to happen). It would be great to make traffic light controlled intersections with more than 2 "sessions"; this will add much more realism to the game. If this isn't possible, I think very much intersections of the TuLEP and Maarten's PRA are unrealistic, because there're too little "sessions" and many accidents will happen which isn't the case in real life.

And Maarten, I really like the traffic lights you've made. :thumbsup: I hope there will be a possibility to operate them in 4 sessions, like it's in real life.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on August 29, 2009, 01:24:58 AM
Joris (jmvl), I like the ideas you've come up with here.  The way the game controls signals and the stop points in the paths, unfortunately, is very rudimentary.  In doing some further examination into the way the game's default signal animations work, which are supposedly synchronized with the stop points, even they don't work as intended.  If you rotate the view in-game, the animations actually start over and the phases get completely out of synchronization. 

The stop points also have no affect on the game's traffic simulation, either, from every indication, so they are basically just "eyecandy" built into the path files to make the automata occasionally stop at certain intervals defined in the Automata Tuning Exemplar (with the properties Street Go Time, Road Go Time and Avenue Go Time), which sort of synchronize with the game signals.  These values are set to 1.5, 6, and 8 second by default, which isn't even a really accurate figure for a typical signal phase, either. 

An Avenue/Avenue +-intersection would have a total 24 second phase as per the 8 second Avenue Go Time figure.  Such an intersection in RL would likely have a phase lasting substantially longer.  The US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)'s Manual Of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) mandates a yellow time of 3-6 seconds.  The high end of that figure is the same as the entire phase length accounted for in the Road Go Time setting.

Yes, we could theoretically increase the appropriate properties in the Automata Tuning Exemplar.  But we're still stuck with two phases that are unreliable.  And further, stop points are completely useless on the One-Way Road and RHW networks.

At this point, given this information right now, I am in favor of forgetting the game's stop point synchronization system and animating signals according to RL phasing guidelines, going forward in the realm of signal development.  Yes, this means that there's a good possibility things won't sync with the automata.  But they don't really sync well with the automata as it is, so I don't think we're really losing anything.  And we're gaining animated left turn signal phases, and additional "realism points".

Just thought I'd add my $4.35 to the conversation here.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on August 29, 2009, 11:36:19 PM
Double posting ::)--though I have further development to share.  For my fellow North Americans, I've managed to fix the positioning of the signals with some creative positioning and using a multi-tile prop setup on single intersection tiles with the T21s. 


These are the "pseudosynch" lights I showed earlier, which don't have the strict positioning requirements of the game's "autosynch" signals.  The signals are modularized, so they're not built onto the mast arm.  This means that they can be easily placed in a variety of different mounting setups (different mast arms, post-mounted, wires, overpasses, etc.).

As evidenced by this image, Avenue/Avenue intersections will finally be able to have the proper North American positioning with the signals on the far side of the intersection.  Now to get arrow signals in place. ;)

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: jmvl on August 30, 2009, 10:05:17 AM
Alex, thank you so much for sharing this very useful information with us. I regret that we can't make traffic light controlled intersections with four phases, but there's no way around it because you can't change it in any file so it's a limitation of the EXE. I also regret the way Maxis had programmed the traffic lights and its phases. If Maxis is going to modify the EXE, which they probably aren't going to do, I think they should also add a possibility to define the phases at traffic light controlled intersections, e.g. by adding some rules in the SC4Path files which define the phases.

Yesterday I tried to change the property "Road Go Time". I totally agree with you, 6 seconds isn't enough and very unrealistic. So I changed it to 45 seconds, so every phase takes 45 seconds. While phase A was allowed to drive, phase B had to wait. Because phase B had to wait so long, cars just disappeared from the road after they waited around 5 seconds. We should increase the property "Road Go Time" to add more realism in the game, but we don't like to see how cars disappear from the road. Does anyone know if this "disappearance of cars" is controlled by a property in a file or that this is also a limitation of the EXE?

I don't like your idea to make traffic lights that doesn't sync with the automata at all. Ok, at the moment they don't sync very well with the automata, but they still sync a bit. So when the traffic light turns green, cars often drive. If you make traffic lights (with four phases) that doesn't sync with the automata at all, cars are just driving when you shouldn't expect that. To my opinion this will show very strange results in the game and furthermore it will cause confusion for the player when (s)he is playing in the UDI modus because (s)he don't know when (s)he may drive. Also, the UDI player will cause often an accident.

Thus to my opinion we still have to make traffic lights with two phases. Unfortunately this doesn't allow us to make realistic advanced traffic light controlled intersections (with 4 sessions), but if we can't do this I think we should do something else: we should start creating traffic light controlled roundabouts. Or we should make Puzzle Pieces that allows the user to create setups like a Michigan left ( or a Superstreet (

A schematic Michigan left setup. Please notice that the "straight on" arrows are just to show you how the vehicles will drive through the setup, these arrows can be omitted in real life.

One of the benefits of traffic light controlled roundabouts, Michigan lefts and Superstreets is that two traffic light phases are enough and it still looks realistic in the game.

P.S.: I like the traffic lights (including their right North American position) you've T21-ed today.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 30, 2009, 10:36:25 PM
Oh my God Alex, that looks so much better.  :thumbsup: As for arrow signals, while the arrows don't function, below is something I have ehbk2006 animated. I can't find the post where he put it that shows the animation, but I have this screen shot. The traffic light's red and green sequence occasionally imitated the Maxis ones, despite not being connected to anything. It would not turn red until after at least a full game's year would pass, but at least it could be placed after RHW and avenues, and still turn red.

At that time, it was the only turning arrow style traffic light with animations. While the turning arrow lights were just dummy models, it at least had some animation to it, if nothing else. I think it may be even closer scaled to the traffic lights you made Alex.

Now, I assume your turning arrow style light will replace the signal on the left of that pole with dummy models attached to the signal where your allowed left turn yield on green, or a third light, like you already have on the poles, except with a sign for left turn on green arrow only? Not that the sequence is there to allow it, but just the sign next to it?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on August 31, 2009, 01:04:02 AM
Quote from: jmvl on August 30, 2009, 10:05:17 AM
Because phase B had to wait so long, cars just disappeared from the road after they waited around 5 seconds. We should increase the property "Road Go Time" to add more realism in the game, but we don't like to see how cars disappear from the road. Does anyone know if this "disappearance of cars" is controlled by a property in a file or that this is also a limitation of the EXE?

That'd be controlled by the Automata Tuning Exemplar (modified in the NAM Automata Plugins).  That being said, the game's time-scale is kind of messed up as it is, so I'm not as sure on changing the Go Time properties.

Quote from: jmvl on August 30, 2009, 10:05:17 AM
I don't like your idea to make traffic lights that doesn't sync with the automata at all. Ok, at the moment they don't sync very well with the automata, but they still sync a bit. So when the traffic light turns green, cars often drive. If you make traffic lights (with four phases) that doesn't sync with the automata at all, cars are just driving when you shouldn't expect that. To my opinion this will show very strange results in the game and furthermore it will cause confusion for the player when (s)he is playing in the UDI modus because (s)he don't know when (s)he may drive. Also, the UDI player will cause often an accident.

I hadn't thought about the UDI, but from the experiences I've had with it, even watching the signals, it can be hard to tell when cars are supposed to be going.

My "pseudo-synchronized" technique basically involves non-autosync signals that have been manually calibrated to fit within the Go Time figures in the Automata Tuning Exemplar.  My plan with the "additional phases" was to kind of "fudge it", leaving the main signals on red for a small fraction of their Go Time so as to sneak a left turn phase in.  I'm not completely 100% certain about implementing this, though.

Quote from: jmvl on August 30, 2009, 10:05:17 AM
Or we should make Puzzle Pieces that allows the user to create setups like a Michigan left ( or a Superstreet (

I've been thinking about the Michigan Left setup, as well as the Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI) as potential expansions of the TuLEPs project, actually, so things would tie in nicely.

Quote from: j-dub on August 30, 2009, 10:36:25 PM
Now, I assume your turning arrow style light will replace the signal on the left of that pole with dummy models attached to the signal where your allowed left turn yield on green, or a third light, like you already have on the poles, except with a sign for left turn on green arrow only? Not that the sequence is there to allow it, but just the sign next to it?

Well, I just built an animated "flashing yellow arrow" protected-permitted signal (which is becoming the norm here in Oregon--ODOT's declared "doghouse" setups "obsolete").  One of the main purposes here was to see if the arrow was actually even visible at that scale.  Here's a pic from in the Lot Editor.  (The reason everything is showing up backwards is because that's actually how you have to orient the signals for them to show up the correct direction.)


For my money, the arrow's not really all that visible and the result is not great.  So I'm leaning toward just doing a solid colored light and fudging it.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 31, 2009, 09:39:39 AM
Quote(The reason everything is showing up backwards is because that's actually how you have to orient the signals for them to show up the correct direction.)
Wow. All this time, I had no idea, but in this pic, it looks like you still have them set before the intersection.

QuoteFor my money, the arrow's not really all that visible and the result is not great.  So I'm leaning toward just doing a solid colored light and fudging it.
For a time, my state used to have the green and yellow arrows in the same light, but that no longer is the case anymore when they are replaced. In comparison to Oregon's lights, would this be possible instead? It sounds like you got the flashing arrow to come on when the light turns green?


My "pseudo-synchronized" technique basically involves non-autosync signals that have been manually calibrated to fit within the Go Time figures in the Automata Tuning Exemplar.  My plan with the "additional phases" was to kind of "fudge it", leaving the main signals on red for a small fraction of their Go Time so as to sneak a left turn phase in.  I'm not completely 100% certain about implementing this, though.
This sounds like an interesting experiment, can't wait to hear how it works.

QuoteI hadn't thought about the UDI, but from the experiences I've had with it, even watching the signals, it can be hard to tell when cars are supposed to be going.
I swear, I have seen the cars blow full reds in this game with the Maxis signals, looking straight down, not in UDI. But when I'm in UDI, this is why I use the horn.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: jjeffrey on September 01, 2009, 10:14:26 PM
Quote from: Tarkus on June 29, 2008, 12:11:55 PM
Stop Points do not work on the One-Way Road and RHW Networks.
-Alex (Tarkus)

I just noticed that traffic on a one-way road never stops at an intersection causing constant crashing.

Is this normal behavior?

It seems to make one-way roads unusable (except to watch the cars crash).

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on September 01, 2009, 11:59:14 PM
Quote from: jjeffrey on September 01, 2009, 10:14:26 PM
I just noticed that traffic on a one-way road never stops at an intersection causing constant crashing.

Is this normal behavior?

Yes, and it's because Maxis never made the stop points functional on the OWR network.  You'll see the same thing with the RHW, or Maxis Highways.  I think with the OWR, it's partly because of the "reversal" system that they put in place.  When reversing a One-Way Road, it does not change the rotation of the textures, so the game really has no way of telling which side to put the stop points on.

It seems to make one-way roads unusable (except to watch the cars crash).

Functionally, it still has quite a bit of use.  What you see can be a bit visually jarring, but it has no effect on the network's ability to function.  Your sims can still use it and it will get them to work.  And as you'll notice most of the time, the cars pass right through one another, and the only real "crashes" occur when the network/intersection is overcapacity.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: jjeffrey on September 02, 2009, 06:08:25 PM
Cool. I really didn't want to remove all of the OWR's I've got.

Thanks, Alex.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on September 08, 2009, 02:36:00 PM
Messing around with the pseudo-sync lights again . . .

I must also pass along my thanks to Ryan B. for the signal pole models--I rendered them in HD and am very pleased with the result.


Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on September 08, 2009, 02:43:46 PM
Oh yeah! &apls  &apls &apls &apls &apls Finally! This is what we have been waiting for for years! :thumbsup: and now its actually a reality!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: io_bg on September 08, 2009, 02:48:13 PM
Wow, looks great! &apls
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: citymax on September 13, 2009, 01:25:11 PM
Woow great !!! &apls &apls &apls &apls

@mrtnrln : your traffic lights are fantastic  :thumbsup: ,I've creat with gmax various Traffic light, but I don't know how to remplace Maxi's traffic light with these :

( (

( (

Could you make these traffic light, please, to give a French touch for SC4,if you want, I can give yourself, my files gmax! (contact me)

Thanks (sorry for my bad english :s )
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on September 14, 2009, 06:17:21 AM
Can you send me those lights by e-mail (see letter icon below my avatar for the link)?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on September 18, 2009, 08:18:54 AM
Finally, here it is:

ITC Euro Stoplight Mod v1 (

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: citymax on September 18, 2009, 08:38:14 AM
Thanks for your job !!

But there are a problem :

( (

Thanks again ;)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on September 18, 2009, 10:44:58 AM
Hmm... seems like I need to check the T21's of that intersection again.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on September 19, 2009, 10:38:29 AM
Alex, I'm glad that signal pole has worked well for you!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Nexis4Jersey on September 26, 2009, 04:09:02 AM
For some reason the TL only show up @ Avenue intersections., can somebody tell me how to fix that?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: GMT on November 04, 2009, 05:52:26 AM
tremendous work.
but I have a question: I see a conversion for euro-traffic lights released, any release for us traffic lights? (I'm especially looking forward to a fix for avenue so they're finally placed on the far side of the intersection)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Opkl on November 10, 2009, 03:29:29 PM
Quote from: Tarkus on September 08, 2009, 02:36:00 PM
Messing around with the pseudo-sync lights again . . .

I must also pass along my thanks to Ryan B. for the signal pole models--I rendered them in HD and am very pleased with the result.



That's beautiful Tarkus. :thumbsup: Are you going to put a street sign on the vertical pole? :satisfied:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: ophiuchus14 on January 12, 2010, 08:33:05 PM
This is my first post on here and it is actually concerning traffic lights.

Is there anyone who knows how to create left hand versions for the traffic lights (for people driving on the left hand side of the road). Also is anyone able to create a set of traffic lights that you find in Australia and New Zealand.

Here examples of images: ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 13, 2010, 07:17:15 PM
Hello ophiuchus14, and welcome to SC4D.
Citymax's lights looks similar to those, as you see the last picture the lights are on the left, but I don't know where he went, however since those are not exactly your colors, mrtnrln is still active though and maybe he can help you, he is good at batting lights, and a T21 expert.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: ophiuchus14 on January 13, 2010, 09:19:44 PM
I noticed that, It would be desired if every signalised intersection was like that.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on January 16, 2010, 05:51:20 PM
A new school zone speed limit flasher assembly:

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: shanghai kid on January 17, 2010, 04:24:20 AM
That "school zone speed limit flasher assembly" looks great  &apls
Do they exist in the real world? Just wondering as i'm from Norway and we don't have that here  ;)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 17, 2010, 09:14:40 AM
Shanghai, Norway? Well, this type of signal does exist, however this style is lacking in my state.

School 35 mph? In Wisconsin its only 15 mph! Besides, what state uses this setup? Every where else in the U.S. its 20 mph. There is a place in my community that could of used this type of signalized warning, but this trucker was not obeying the law and the light anyway as he took the life of a little boy crossing the avenue. This same setup though, I have seen some fire stations and pedestrian crossings on avenue use this. However I don't see why they use a flashing yellow light to stop traffic instead of using a red one, because flashing yellow lights overhanging intersections allow you to go through non stop, but for the pedestrian styled lights using this setup, they have a button with a sign saying push button to cross. Sometimes these flashing yellow signals are no where near the crossing though, and the push button to cross will be at the crosswalk, but at the same time where that crosswalk is, the cars have no signal. It looks very weird having the signal device for the crosswalk there, but not for the road. However, you are suppose to stop when someone steps foot in the crosswalk, but all my time on these miles and miles of paths across my state, 99% of the time, they never do. With my point of the yellow lights do not indicate stop at pedestrian crossings, they finally put a full traffic signal up, rather then the flashing yellow lights, but eventually instead of being just a pedestrian crossing signal, they made it a full street intersection signal setup.

Ryan, I do want to say though, you should consider using a different shade of yellow or something to make the light in the visor stand out more.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on January 17, 2010, 12:34:19 PM
Quote from: j-dub on January 17, 2010, 09:14:40 AM
Shanghai, Norway? Well, this type of signal does exist, however this style is lacking in my state.

School 35 mph? In Wisconsin its only 15 mph! Besides, what state uses this setup? Every where else in the U.S. its 20 mph. There is a place in my community that could of used this type of signalized warning, but this trucker was not obeying the law and the light anyway as he took the life of a little boy crossing the avenue. This same setup though, I have seen some fire stations and pedestrian crossings on avenue use this. However I don't see why they use a flashing yellow light to stop traffic instead of using a red one, because flashing yellow lights overhanging intersections allow you to go through non stop, but for the pedestrian styled lights using this setup, they have a button with a sign saying push button to cross. Sometimes these flashing yellow signals are no where near the crossing though, and the push button to cross will be at the crosswalk, but at the same time where that crosswalk is, the cars have no signal. It looks very weird having the signal device for the crosswalk there, but not for the road. However, you are suppose to stop when someone steps foot in the crosswalk, but all my time on these miles and miles of paths across my state, 99% of the time, they never do. With my point of the yellow lights do not indicate stop at pedestrian crossings, they finally put a full traffic signal up, rather then the flashing yellow lights, but eventually instead of being just a pedestrian crossing signal, they made it a full street intersection signal setup.

Ryan, I do want to say though, you should consider using a different shade of yellow or something to make the light in the visor stand out more.

Answers to your questions:

1)  This was built for a higher-speed / higher density.  Here in WNY, school zone speed limits vary from 20 to 45.  I'm also planning on doing other speeds & assemblies.

2)  Suggestion noted.  :)  I'll also maybe do a pedestrian signal.  :)

EDIT:  Here's a pedestrian signal assembly called a "HAWK", which stands for 'High Awareness Crosswalk":

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: deathtopumpkins on January 17, 2010, 07:53:40 PM
Here we almost never use overhead assemblies, just a sign along the side of the road that says "School Zone Speed Limit 25 When Flashing" with a light above and below. And the speeds vary from 15 (on a city street that otherwise is 25 downtown) to 45 on rural highways where the speed limit is otherwise 55.

Though that HAWK I have seen plenty of similar things to. And I like it.  &apls
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 18, 2010, 11:35:08 AM
Thats stupid though, I mean the 45 school zones, especially in my city. 45 does not save a life, but the best they could do on that rural highway was make it 45 through that school zone but at least three lives have been taken there. There are other schools off four lane avenues in my city, but that one has the worst traffic safety issues. I guess they did not keep the speed limit 55, but then again laws are broken. Pedestrian and motorist both don't always obey the traffic signal. Momentarily the area aforementioned has a 35 mph speed limit as I type this post, but is only temporary, by the summer it will be back to 45.

Who am I kidding though, you can get flattened by 5 mph. Whats real stupid is when I saw on FOX this body sculpted guy get run over by multiple semi trucks and all it did was break open his skin from the truck axels, but the same can kill other people. Which is why I don't get why my state has no legal consistency for schools, because there is this other school on a rural highway where they bothered to set a 35 mph speed limit and strictly enforced school zone with the 20 mph on that rural highway 2. However the high schools in my district, despite the four lane highways, did not have extended school zone warnings. The very least my high school had multiple traffic lights to really slow things down. By the time I was out, their finally was a overpass for pedestrians, but that does not stop kids from jaywalking against traffic, but it also does not stop those in cars who do not care about getting their car damaged and blood on their hood. Other places bother putting speed detector signals up on some of these avenues/highways, but not every school. This should of been considered.

Considering these simple overhead signal solutions, I don't get why America does not use these more often. There are so many places where these are lacking, whether they are pedestrian crossings, and school zones. As for these school zones though, the publicly visible speed detector on the side of the road alone does the trick because drivers know they are being watched, they also actually resolve issues when used in subdivisions, rather then speed bumps.

As for the HAWK, I did not know thats what they were called. That setup is used in my city. It does not look exactly like that though, again in my state this type of signal is allowed to be designed in no particular fashion, but so far, I never have been stopped by the last one installed in my city.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Ryan B. on January 18, 2010, 11:58:02 AM
Quote from: j-dub on January 18, 2010, 11:35:08 AM
Thats stupid though, I mean the 45 school zones, especially in my city. 45 does not save a life, but the best they could do on that rural highway was make it 45 through that school zone but at least three lives have been taken there. There are other schools off four lane avenues in my city, but that one has the worst traffic safety issues. I guess they did not keep the speed limit 55, but then again laws are broken. Pedestrian and motorist both don't always obey the traffic signal. Momentarily the area aforementioned has a 35 mph speed limit as I type this post, but is only temporary, by the summer it will be back to 45.

Who am I kidding though, you can get flattened by 5 mph. Whats real stupid is when I saw on FOX this body sculpted guy get run over by multiple semi trucks and all it did was break open his skin from the truck axels, but the same can kill other people. Which is why I don't get why my state has no legal consistency for schools, because there is this other school on a rural highway where they bothered to set a 35 mph speed limit and strictly enforced school zone with the 20 mph on that rural highway 2. However the high schools in my district, despite the four lane highways, did not have extended school zone warnings. The very least my high school had multiple traffic lights to really slow things down. By the time I was out, their finally was a overpass for pedestrians, but that does not stop kids from jaywalking against traffic, but it also does not stop those in cars who do not care about getting their car damaged and blood on their hood. Other places bother putting speed detector signals up on some of these avenues/highways, but not every school. This should of been considered.

Considering these simple overhead signal solutions, I don't get why America does not use these more often. There are so many places where these are lacking, whether they are pedestrian crossings, and school zones. As for these school zones though, the publicly visible speed detector on the side of the road alone does the trick because drivers know they are being watched, they also actually resolve issues when used in subdivisions, rather then speed bumps.

As for the HAWK, I did not know thats what they were called. That setup is used in my city. It does not look exactly like that though, again in my state this type of signal is allowed to be designed in no particular fashion, but so far, I never have been stopped by the last one installed in my city.

Here's a little more on school zone speed limits here in WNY:

Regular Speed Limit  /  School Zone Speed Limit

55 MPH  /  45, 40, 35 MPH
45 MPH  /  35, 30, 25 MPH
40 MPH  /  30, 25, 20 MPH
35 MPH  /  25, 20 MPH
30 MPH  /  20 MPH

Also, I did take your advice and changed the color of the signal housing to a darker yellow.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Monorail Master on January 18, 2010, 06:50:43 PM
I made a 2 models using MS paint to help you all. (american version. IDK what the euro or asian ones look like.)



This one is commonly found in the U.S.  And has 2 versions. Mounted on a concrete pole that's used for traffic lights. And suspended from 2 wires that are held by wooden or concrete poles.



This one is commonly found on OWR or Roads (not avenues nost of the time) and is mounted on a Traffic Light pole, light pole (concrete or wooden), or mounted on a 8ft high concrete pole.

Well, I hope that this helps you all.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 18, 2010, 08:11:21 PM
To show an example of what Monorail Master said, one of these others may go along with the sign.

I also fixed this up in MS paint. This is more of the font I see on these signs in RL.
Personally though, using lower case is actually easier to see then full caps, but they don't do it that way, they do it like this.

If such development on school zones is going to be a thing, I'm sure other regions of this planet do not want to be left out?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow Assassin on January 19, 2010, 01:14:03 AM
School zones in Australia tend to look like this:


The exact design varies, some have flashing lights on top of the actual sign, some are in orange, some are just plain white, like below:

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: grey_wolf07 on August 08, 2010, 10:48:42 AM
Some good idea's here. When they're not so busy, I wonder if Ryan or j-dub could Mod a few Canadian Traffic Signals. I'll post up pictures when I get a chance. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 08, 2010, 11:44:01 AM
You mean like this?

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: grey_wolf07 on August 08, 2010, 02:41:15 PM
Quote from: j-dub on August 08, 2010, 11:44:01 AM
You mean like this?


That's pretty bang on to what I was thinking.  :thumbsup: Except, I was thinking more... western Canadian Style. But Eastern Canada is nice too.

Note: None of these Pictures are mine, I'm just using them as examples of what i'm thinking of.  &idea ( (Regular) ( (Large) ( (Medium) ( (Don't ask, I just like the fog)

EDIT: Pictures were changed to links.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Haljackey on August 08, 2010, 05:47:10 PM
grey_wolf07, you should resize your images as they are way too large, even for me with a big monitor. :P

This site recommends 1024x768 max, so try to keep it no more than that. Just a friendly reminder.  ;)

Nice shots by the way! I like the last one the best.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: grey_wolf07 on August 08, 2010, 05:57:12 PM
LOL None of those were taken by me. But just goes to show what happened during the Olympics... and the weather.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 08, 2010, 10:13:32 PM
Since I saw so many slight variations of that type of light set, here is my interpretation of Canadian lights in game. This took forever to make.


With that, I thought to post it, before attempting the rendering process.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: grey_wolf07 on August 08, 2010, 10:49:38 PM
Quote from: j-dub on August 08, 2010, 10:13:32 PM
Since I saw so many slight variations of that type of light set, here is my interpretation of Canadian lights in game. This took forever to make.


With that, I thought to post it, before attempting the rendering process.
That's awesome!  I would ask for an extra light pole, and the signs to be named but that would be too much work for you. Will the lights replace the default Maxis ones, and will the animations work?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Blue Lightning on August 09, 2010, 04:26:51 AM
I could animate them for you, but I'm unsure about how much modding time I have these days since RL is encroaching rapidly.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 09, 2010, 02:00:13 PM
QuoteThat's awesome!  I would ask for an extra light pole, and the signs to be named but that would be too much work for you
You mentioned an extra pole, where would that go exactly? As for the street name signs underneath, its not impossible, its just the only issue about throwing words on there is that it would appear the same at every intersection, there would be no control to prevent it, but then again, at a standard render they should not be too obvious to see on the average computer screen. I suppose I could upload a BAT version of this so the signs could be modified. Otherwise, I did not know how to finish that off.

Blue: Animation would be great, its one of the things I always had difficulty with. I probably would toy with this game more if RL did not bother me this whole summer either.

EDIT: in any event, attached is the BAT version of the signals, but included textures will need remapping.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: grey_wolf07 on August 09, 2010, 10:24:20 PM
Quote from: j-dub on August 09, 2010, 02:00:13 PM
You mentioned an extra pole, where would that go exactly? As for the street name signs underneath, its not impossible, its just the only issue about throwing words on there is that it would appear the same at every intersection, there would be no control to prevent it, but then again, at a standard render they should not be too obvious to see on the average computer screen. I suppose I could upload a BAT version of this so the signs could be modified. Otherwise, I did not know how to finish that off.

Blue: Animation would be great, its one of the things I always had difficulty with. I probably would toy with this game more if RL did not bother me this whole summer either.

EDIT: in any event, attached is the BAT version of the signals, but included textures will need remapping.

I was talking about, basically a standard light pole above the traffic signal. But that would be asking too much. I'm unzipping it as we speak, I'll have a look.

EDIT: Just realized they're GMAX files... there's no BAT files inside the zip file.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on August 10, 2010, 02:27:07 PM
Woops, my bad. Attached to this post is a SC4Model and descriptor file type for the lights, so they can be viewed in game/lot editor. I have managed to get a street name onto the sign underneath, and I put tiny silver poles behind the back of the lights so they now mount onto the overhanging pole properly. See for yourself.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: grey_wolf07 on August 10, 2010, 08:57:50 PM
Looks good, I'm just going to try it out now.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: TJ1 on August 11, 2010, 06:09:25 AM
Im glad this thread is active again. &apls
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: grey_wolf07 on August 11, 2010, 11:05:55 AM
It looks nice in game, other then the fact its a separate lot. But still it looks great to replace the standard maxis signals. Now all it needs is the animation, and some HD work and you're golden.  :thumbsup: &apls. Can't wait to see what else this forum turns up.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: drjumbajookiba on February 01, 2011, 07:39:42 PM
When will you release the traffic singnals

anyway i like those signals
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on February 02, 2011, 04:46:29 PM
Well a release of Canadian inspired yellow signals can be accessed from the above post, but are only downloadable from here, those files go into the documents/simcity 4/plugins folder and can be accessed from the misc transit menu in-game. However, they are stuck and not animated. I don't have the means to do so right now, I only remember three people really being able to, and Blue Lightning was the last person still around here that is an experienced moder.

Also, when you don't think about the poles, the only difference between the yellow signals requested above and Blue Lightning's public animated replacement from the STEX is really just the color of the signal. If Blue redid that black 3D signal replacement to yellow, then that style would be finished, but I can't speak of someone else's action on their behalf, and more over with various reality checking issues going on the world, a portion of moder are all busy at the moment and can not name a deadline, because not receiving something on a deadline feels more aggravating.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: jondor on April 26, 2011, 06:59:01 PM
I realize the topic of traffic lights is a bit old and that animated lights synced to the stop points are problematic at best, but I would like to point out that I've discovered the reason the traffic lights face 90deg off from where one would expect.

In fact all ATC style animated props do.

Copied from my post here (
Quote from: jondor on February 13, 2011, 11:11:11 PM
Rotations are in order W, S, E, N.  This differs from the normal prop order of S, E, N, W.  Comparing the default Maxis static RR crossing vs animated RR crossing:
I believe this is why animated stop lights appear to face the wrong direction in the lot editor.

For most props, this isn't an issue.  But for traffic lights, rr crossings and such that have to interact with static props or stop points, it is necessary to follow the pattern correctly.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on April 26, 2011, 07:30:52 PM
Actually, its appreciated you share what you know with others, if they want to make a pass at recreating the signals from their area of expertise. Animating for SC4 is a more advanced process, let alone the instances why stuff has to face to the left.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: fgossage on November 07, 2011, 03:57:52 PM
I apologize if this has been addressed elsewhere, but if it was, I overlooked it...

I notice in a lot of situations, such as...

...that either the intersection doesn't get signalized by the program, or only one or two directions of traffic get signalized, when in the real world, there would be more. Am I correct in assuming that this is a non-negotiable part of the program itself, that can't be fixed with "making" signals, based on the road network type, like jonsor's crossing signals.... and that the only way to "fix" this is to create cosmetically functioning "ploppable" signals, and not worry about whether they sync with the traffic flow? I am more than happy with going that route, but I just wanted to confirm before any planning or anything else is done.

Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: MandelSoft on November 08, 2011, 02:31:11 AM
Well, there a few problems involving those situations:
- The OWR (One Way Road) is a very tricky network to work with. The textures don't have a certain driving direction which makes it almost impossible to correctly signalize OWR intersection. The only solution to that problem is using the yet-experimental SIPs (Signalized Intersection Pieces).
- Most MHW (Maxis HighWay) intersections are not signalized, simply because it isn't done yet. At it's quite unlikely to happen in the future, since quite a lot of users and modders tend to use the RHW (Real HighWay) mod. The RHW however is in continuing development and yes, this may lead to some unfinished features...
- You don't want signals everywhere with the RHW. For instance, would you like to have stoplights at a grade-seperated crossing in a rural setting? No! But in an urban envoirment, you actually want to. It's these weigh-offs that might be challenging for us developers of the RHW mod. One option is that you convert the RHW locally to another network, like the Avenue or OWR.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: fgossage on November 08, 2011, 08:42:15 AM
Thank you for your reply back and the information!

I was almost certain that these were limitations within the game and/or modifications currently out there, but I was trying to seek a definite confirmation of that from someone who would definitely know. Thanks!  :)

I'm quite content with just constructing completely cosmetic-alone, animated models of traffic signal layouts and just putting them on the layout, not tied to the stopping points of the game or actually "controlling" the traffic. Let's face it.... most of the time, the Sims don't exactly obey the signals anyway.  ;D

Thanks for your help with this matter!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on November 10, 2011, 01:06:15 PM
QuoteLet's face it.... most of the time, the Sims don't exactly obey the signals anyway
And what makes that so different compared to real life?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: fgossage on November 10, 2011, 01:23:54 PM
Quote from: j-dub on November 10, 2011, 01:06:15 PM
QuoteLet's face it.... most of the time, the Sims don't exactly obey the signals anyway
And what makes that so different compared to real life?

LOL nothing! But realizing this is the first step to not caring whether the signals are actually synchronized with the stop-points in the pavement, which may then interest people in having animated S3D signals that aren't tied to as few numbers of frames as the synchronized signals... so we can create other signal cycles, such as turn arrow animations and other more intricate signal layouts. They won't jive with the traffic flow, but the in-box signals already don't all that well, especially in You-Drive-It mode.

One of my largest objectives here, and the reason why I'm doing VERY expansive research before even touching anything, is making a "sister project" to the NWM/RHW/TuLEP intersection pieces... that would remove ALL in-house signals from the puzzle pieces, but keep the stop points in them.... that way, the users are able to add stop-signs to larger intersections if they wish... or they are able to add the type of S3D based signal layouts they want. This also means that at least part of the time, we'd see the vehicles stop at stop signs. :) I'm still pretty early on in the learning process, but things are already mentally clicking together pretty quickly. This would be a very tedious project to take on... but when it's finished, I plan to share it with everyone who may want to use it for more custom layouts.  ;D
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on November 15, 2011, 09:46:27 AM
That concept you mentioned, I only remember seeing signals ported to SC4 that way just once. They were going to have arrows (at the time no HD, and too small to see) but in the end, just red and green lights worked. This concept allowed an alternating signal for RHW and OWR, but it was only because it was on a timed animation, and had no regard for stop points. However, due to how the multiple model animation props worked, it was not something that could of been T21ed. The last thing was, the signals would not operate until after the next year when you installed them. I guess that's realistic in the US, I have seen lights proposed, and not actually installed til much later, and then not turned on until years past.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on January 14, 2012, 05:47:54 PM
How about something like this:

or an intersection that features this:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 15, 2012, 08:54:22 AM
Wired Durasig traffic lights? Well its not too impossible to model something very close to those, it's just someone would need the time to do so, but someone would also to animate or the signals are just decorations.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on January 15, 2012, 06:01:52 PM
Quoteit's just someone would need the time to do so

If only I could. If Lot Editor would cooperate with me and not crash every time, I would be able to. I am also not to good of a modeler too.

Yeah, Durasig lights. Do you think you or someone attempt to make one? They don't have to be animated though.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 15, 2012, 08:42:09 PM
I could of swarn I used to have a Durasig texture or two. I know that design uses the texture for those circles. This was after the first Saint's Row videogame, which did use those brand traffic signal models. I will have to search my old drive. I also swore Burnout Paradise used Durasig.


So here is what I am gonna do. I know it's kind of cheap, but I am gonna attach my own Black and Yellow Durasig textures. You can still get the same result in SC4, provided the texture is facing the right direction. I should be able to actually make the background of those any color.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on January 15, 2012, 10:40:31 PM
Quote from: j-dub on January 15, 2012, 08:42:09 PM


Is this sort of a prototype? If possible, could you somehow do a model like this:
- Signal head doesn't have backplate
- signals hung onto a wire - 2 signals facing 4 sides.
- Reverse the back to the black durasig texture and have the signals doors yellow, while keeping the visors black?
- possibly include 8" eagles too?

Sort of like this:,-84.487465&spn=0.009604,0.021136&hq=traffic+lights&hnear=Cincinnati,+Hamilton,+Ohio&t=m&vpsrc=6&fll=39.131425,-84.486322&fspn=0.009604,0.021136&z=16&layer=c&cbll=39.133886,-84.487465&panoid=6x7RGD-lNRaOj5Yg8_bwGQ&cbp=12,329.17,,0,-0.09

I hope this is too much to ask for.

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 16, 2012, 02:06:23 PM
Ewww, a challenge! hahaha But if I am going to do this, I would like to do it right.

In comparisson, SC4 is gonna be scaled differently then that though. Do I have an idea what type and size of intersection in SC4 I am going over?

The other issue,
In the New York SimCity video, there is a shot of similar yellow traffic signals, and as you know, Sc4 really has to shrink details like that. It will be a miracle if I can get the render just right.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on January 16, 2012, 05:27:37 PM
QuoteDo I have an idea what type and size of intersection in SC4 I am going over?

Possibly 1 tile or more in size so that I could use it with the Network widening Mod or with included streets/road in SC4. Can you make it in 4-ways, 3-ways, and variant types of intersections?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 16, 2012, 06:59:25 PM
Pre Render time. So far I came up with a 2x1. See attached pictures.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: AcoG000 on January 16, 2012, 09:19:07 PM
Been lurking for a while, so I think I've better put some words behind the name.
Those traffic lights are very nice  &apls. Can't wait to see more!

-Aco  :D
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: mike3775 on January 17, 2012, 05:00:28 AM
Quote from: j-dub on January 16, 2012, 06:59:25 PM
Pre Render time. So far I came up with a 2x1. See attached pictures.

Those look good. 
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on January 17, 2012, 12:36:16 PM
Quote from: j-dub on January 16, 2012, 06:59:25 PM
Pre Render time. So far I came up with a 2x1. See attached pictures.

Wow! Those are awesome!
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 17, 2012, 01:58:41 PM
Alright then, look's like those are acceptable then. Work will resume before there is anything else to show for it.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: dunzer on January 17, 2012, 07:08:30 PM
So I was playing around with OWR and AVE intersections and noticed that the elevated intersection has four lights and the on ground only has two lights.  A couple questions:

1)  Do all four lights on the elevated intersection actual work?
2)  Does a four light setup already exist for the on ground setup?

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Tarkus on January 17, 2012, 07:25:38 PM
The reason that looks like that on the elevated is because the Elevated Avenue uses the same puzzle piece for both the Road and One-Way Road intersections.  Maxis didn't signalize the default One-Way Road intersections because there's no way to tell the directionality as that aspect of the network is based on a special .exe-controlled directional overlay rather than a RUL flag, and because OWRs don't natively support stop points.  (There are ways to trick it, using either a "Signalized Intersection Piece"--basically, a puzzle piece version of the intersection with a dual CheckType, or by doing wacky things with RUL1 and +-over-blank stub intersections, and those aren't particularly reliable.)

Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on January 24, 2012, 06:03:36 PM
Got my first pair of static wired Durasignals rendered in game. See attached.


EDIT: Found some place to park the signals. They are povided as is, decorations for a 2x1 intersection.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on February 03, 2012, 03:55:31 PM
I hope this I'm not asking for a lot, but here are some more:
8" Eagles :
Decorative Street lighting w/12" Econolites:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on February 03, 2012, 08:08:55 PM
Oh good your back. Eagle light's, huh? Have not seen those in a while. Also may take a while to render them. However, an OWR-3 by RHW-2 Eagle intersection can be replicated.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Fresh Prince of SC4D on February 03, 2012, 08:59:47 PM
Looks similar to the ones around my old home in Maryland
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on February 09, 2012, 02:06:14 PM
Quote from: j-dub on February 03, 2012, 08:08:55 PM
Oh good your back. Eagle light's, huh? Have not seen those in a while. Also may take a while to render them. However, an OWR-3 by RHW-2 Eagle intersection can be replicated.

Cool, can't wait to see the rendering.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on February 18, 2012, 11:28:42 AM
Dad gum it, well glad we are back up at least. I can upload what I have. Due to the measurements and limitations though, I was only able to solve for a 2x1 OWR x RHW intersection. See attached.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on February 26, 2012, 11:41:15 AM
How about some more like these pictured below:

Right now I am making a fictional state that uses the blackish-dark, dark green signal scheme. Within the state, In a city I'm building, they use a 12-8-8" combo style
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on February 26, 2012, 07:39:22 PM
From the link, it says:

QuoteError 403 - Forbidden

You tried to access a document for which you don't have privileges.

Okay, so diagonal wired, 4 side center signal console, with corner signal set, on both sides, got it. It will just be a while to process.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on March 10, 2012, 06:08:16 PM
So how's the progress going?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on March 11, 2012, 10:13:21 PM
It would be faster if I did not have some serious reality troubles right now. Attached below are unfinished lights, just so you know they were rendered at least once, but I have not had an in-game chance to look yet.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: simcitystex1 on March 15, 2012, 03:57:18 PM
Those unfinished lights do not appear in game. How 'bout I wait 'til you come up with a finished version?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on March 16, 2012, 09:24:19 PM
EDIT: Try this again, and that's it.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Lewis2567 on June 15, 2012, 12:03:29 PM
J-Dub can you make those Traffic Lights ( They have left trun signals. It in Kansas City MO.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Opkl on June 15, 2012, 09:04:48 PM
I'm not sure if this is more of a TULeps thing or should it be posted here, but I was wondering if we could have different styles of lightpoles on different intersection pieces to appear at random like in real life. For example, my home state of Illinois has a few different style of lights to choose from.
Older 1970's style:,-87.694244&spn=0.000257,0.109692&t=m&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.571762,-87.694294&panoid=AXyDAJYlKy8AnWxMhWYGGw&cbp=12,260.85,,0,-0.28 (,-87.694244&spn=0.000257,0.109692&t=m&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.571762,-87.694294&panoid=AXyDAJYlKy8AnWxMhWYGGw&cbp=12,260.85,,0,-0.28),-87.559096&spn=0.000128,0.054846&t=m&z=14&layer=c&cbll=41.600932,-87.559096&panoid=pNMLEUOb8mYGM18km2D84Q&cbp=12,2.88,,0,-0.28 (,-87.559096&spn=0.000128,0.054846&t=m&z=14&layer=c&cbll=41.600932,-87.559096&panoid=pNMLEUOb8mYGM18km2D84Q&cbp=12,2.88,,0,-0.28)
*note that this style of poles were discontinued and when one is broke, its replaced with a modern verison.

More modern style most likely from the 80's or 90's,-87.716801&spn=0.000257,0.109692&t=m&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.603533,-87.716801&panoid=8PZhZOJhM0NahLdSTmAO5Q&cbp=12,351.69,,0,-0.28 (,-87.716801&spn=0.000257,0.109692&t=m&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.603533,-87.716801&panoid=8PZhZOJhM0NahLdSTmAO5Q&cbp=12,351.69,,0,-0.28),-87.736441&spn=0.000257,0.109692&t=m&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.603203,-87.736441&panoid=MmAH88xBEcLPy8AfiXxyaQ&cbp=12,343.83,,0,1.55 (,-87.736441&spn=0.000257,0.109692&t=m&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.603203,-87.736441&panoid=MmAH88xBEcLPy8AfiXxyaQ&cbp=12,343.83,,0,1.55)

Brand new light from the mid-late 2000's (Color has changed to black),-87.694517&spn=0.000128,0.054846&t=m&z=14&layer=c&cbll=41.60083,-87.694517&panoid=ooMPKk39NmReQk-EkHETTQ&cbp=12,231.99,,0,-6.62 (,-87.694517&spn=0.000128,0.054846&t=m&z=14&layer=c&cbll=41.60083,-87.694517&panoid=ooMPKk39NmReQk-EkHETTQ&cbp=12,231.99,,0,-6.62)

So in further detail, one TULep intersection when plopped will have the 70's style, then if I bulldoze it and plop again, the 90's style or the modern style will come up. Like a randomized prop or something.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on June 15, 2012, 10:35:32 PM

@Lewis2567 Okay, I gotcha now.

@Opkl as you can see even in cyberspace, that sort of mishap with the poles, is not always overlooked, like in the above situation, obviously a recreated Illinois, its just that new free roam game, that's like GTA, "WatchDogs" will NOT be as accurate with the traffic signals.


The above image, I couldn't help myself. However, the reality is, that all these signals models, came stationary and still are just decorative, but in my memory banks none the less.


The only catch is no promised dates, as always.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Lewis2567 on June 16, 2012, 02:13:59 PM
Those lights in the Porgarm your using in the Picture looks cool. What Porgarm are you using in the Picture? And how long will it take to make the Traffic Lights.
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Opkl on June 16, 2012, 11:20:37 PM
Those are wonderful.  &apls Maybe these could be used for the double left turn TULeps intersection or TLA-7 pieces:,+Orland+Park,+Cook,+Illinois+60462,+United+States&hl=en&ll=41.602213,-87.794344&spn=0.000032,0.013711&sll=32.16629,-116.195716&sspn=70.638139,112.324219&geocode=FXPJegIdNnjD-g&hnear=U.S.+45+%26+159th+St,+Orland+Park,+Cook,+Illinois,+United+States&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=41.602213,-87.794344&panoid=iRNvw_9u4CwRixCADMu78Q&cbp=12,45.76,,0,8.17 (,+Orland+Park,+Cook,+Illinois+60462,+United+States&hl=en&ll=41.602213,-87.794344&spn=0.000032,0.013711&sll=32.16629,-116.195716&sspn=70.638139,112.324219&geocode=FXPJegIdNnjD-g&hnear=U.S.+45+%26+159th+St,+Orland+Park,+Cook,+Illinois,+United+States&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=41.602213,-87.794344&panoid=iRNvw_9u4CwRixCADMu78Q&cbp=12,45.76,,0,8.17)
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on June 20, 2012, 09:34:50 PM
QuoteThose lights in the Porgarm your using in the Picture looks cool. What Porgarm are you using in the Picture? And how long will it take to make the Traffic Lights.

The lights themselves I don't feel take very long to assemble, however it's the rendering process, and I have some math issues.


:angrymore: As you can see, the signal ended up in the slip lane.

The Program I use can be found here:
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Lewis2567 on June 24, 2012, 09:23:57 PM
Cool :D
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: Lewis2567 on June 25, 2012, 11:36:31 AM
What street light replacement is that?
Title: Re: Traffic Signals in SC4--A Discussion Thread
Post by: j-dub on June 27, 2012, 08:44:50 AM
The American street lights you see there, are from the LRP, (light replacement mod) available on the STEX.