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Tientsin - Fort Bayard : a Chinese Special Administrative Region

Started by nova vesfalo, December 06, 2007, 06:25:13 AM

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Nice update. I like the mixture of the styles.
lol.. the 90s mistake.. :D


Wonderful update Nova!

The mosaics are very impressive and he 90's mistake is a nice depiction of state politics! :thumbsup:

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Excellent update here, you've managed to combine European and Asian elements really well. Just two things that irk me a little but don't really distract from the quality of the pictures. First the sidewalks I don't think fit very well. And perhaps one way streets instead of two two ways?

Anyway looking forward to more.


Great work there. I really love that night shot with the huge tower. I don't see the mistake though.. haha  :satisfied:


very nice...I've always wanted to do something with the Asian material myself, but I've never gotten around to it. I like what you've done so far, can't wait to see more of your creative genius.


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nova vesfalo

oldrogue thank you very much !
BoKriF Merci ! Though the 90s Mistake was a nice way to introduce Asian Urban Planning .... of the past( who's thinking of Shanghai or Beijin.... not me  :D)
StrechnitzThanks, if you don't mind I've made an ambassy for Strompon (quite a duplicata of the vesfalian one, will show it suite soon)
Yomanthanks ! Yeah you're right whit one way ! froget to do it, for the sidewalk I don't know if I can't change them, they should have been packed....
GiligoneThank you, It's not really  "mistake" , but it's not the prefeclty in adequation ^^
Yoder7652Thank you very much ! You make me turning shy &ops !)
warconstructMerci !!!

Well today it's a great day for Tientsin :



Wow...you combine Asian and European buildings really well here!  And I love those strip-plazas...they look awesome!  Heh heh...you took a bit more time with that cathedral in your town than I did in mine (I just plopped it in the first block I found that would fit it...%wrd).

One thing, though...some of your skyscrapers appear to come out of nowhere; nice mid-sized buildingsSKYSCRAPERnice mid-sized buildings, you know?   Just something I noticed...

I like what's going on in here, though :thumbsup:!  I'll try and come around more often... ;)
(Under Construction)


You're doing some splendid work here, my friend! While I was saddened by the closing of Nova Vesfalo, I must say that I'm definitely enjoying this! I also apologize for not commenting sooner, but I'm all caught up and ready to follow along!

Also, with this post, I'll be moving you in to the "Ones to Watch." Congratulations!


Congrats on the new section.
Also congrats for being the 8th member of the IPON.

Looking forward to more of Tientsin.


nova that was a great last update and I cant wait for more - pat

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Welcome back to Recently Published, nova vesfalo.  $%Grinno$%

Anyways, now to my comment.  I like your MD a lot. Each picture tells its own, unique story, something I love to see.  You ave a great combination of old world and modern architecture in your city, which does an excellent job replicating a city in real life. 

Looking forward to more,


Nice MD you have going here Nova,  I like the overviews and description of each area within Tientsin-Fort Bayart.

I'll look forward to watching this grow.



Wow, that's awesome, I love that Cathedral... and the old colonial area, very nice.  ;D

Emperor Stormont

Oh I just love the area around the cathedral, it is gorgeous Nova, wonderful work  &apls

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nova vesfalo

thanks !!! I don't know wy Maxis didn"t integrate less blueish night view ...
BoKriF thak you ,
Masochist well cathedral withou plazza , is it a cathedral ??? :D For Skycrapers coming out of nowhere, well some are like mushroom, ARHH DAMNED URBANISTS, and I havent get the time to download all m past BAT ^^
thundercrack83No problem, whenever you come !!! and this time Tientsin didn't bugged all the time !
batThanks ! Well Tientsin is quite well develope today :), but not really finished
PatThanks !!!
Haljackey Happy to know you enjoy them and the mix of lod/new, it's not always greatly made ! try to do my best
paroch THank you !
sauron620Merci !
panthersimcity4 :) thanks
Emperor Stormont thank you !!!

Today we didn't go far awat from "Promenade Saint George", just on the banks, a part of one of the longest boulevard of Tientsin: Boulevard Lafayette. There's it "Quai de Nemours" '(Nemours' Banks).

Nemours' Banks is an important point on Tientsin public transportation map, here , most of the subway, buses, tramway's lines stop and The Saint George Railway Station, the biggest one is just metter away . During Rush hours it's quite a dangerous place !

"Quai de Nemours" are directly connected to the "Promenade Saint George" (the prespective of the cathedral); The Gates are callled Napoleon Gates, it came from the wall of the old fort, which has been destroyed to create the "New Town"

The 90s Mistake mistaking  the District ?

Nemours's Bank is quite a busy place.

Nemours' Banks and a little overview of Bayart-South, an old "getho" area, complety destroyed by japanese during WWII. After the War, the area became one of the First Skycraper Nest in Tientsin.

and Tientsin's wiki is under construction ....

that's all for today !


That's a great update there! :thumbsup:
And wonderful pictures of that GLR-way and fantastic mosaic at night!! :thumbsup: