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Moved lots from the STEX

Started by sandrasim1, February 06, 2007, 08:44:29 AM

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Not exactly the answer i was looking for, but i will drop it. I am sure BSC will handle the modding of marrast's files with most care and attention, and its good that you are taking the effort to bringing these files into future.

In response to Doc's posts, although you made no mention of me or my post, it seems to me that parts werte directed at me.
I would also like to express my thanks for BSC,  You have brought new life to the game (along with, or course, the rest of those who create custom content for the game) and would like to express my thanks for this. I find it a shame that BSC has decided to leave it birthplace but i can understand why. I will, of course, continue to download your excellent custom content from the LEX

and finally:
Thank you  :thumbsup:


We do what we do .... only for the Game ...  ;)

PS ... sometimes it could be silly to assume things ... I dont think people will direct things at someone without saying it .... at least I hope so because if not, then  %BUd% could come over the grassland and ask about it. So maybe Doc really just said what he said because he meant it like that ... who knows.  #?¿?¿?$

In anycase we all love the Game and that is how it should be ... Play the Game with Custom lots.
Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


(really, why isn't the quote feature working?)

@Cammo, I tried downloading more BSC lots from the Plex and have not run into *any* borked lots (but someone had better explain borked to me in case I'm all wrong).  All of the BSC and other lots are fine including, as I mentioned before, Mattb's latest prop pack.  I dug a little bit further and couldn't find any recent posts from you about download problems, though I did notice in one post you use Firefox (although I think other people have downloaded using FF just fine).  Anyway, if you need more help and have specific issues to troubleshoot, let me know - maybe in a PM or at Peg's site, so we don't clutter this topic with unnecessary information.

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."     - Harry S. Truman


I don't want to bring up the discussion again, but I asked Marrast once for his permission to translate and upload his files to SimsZone.de, and he encouraged me to do so. Therefore, I'd assume he'd say the same in case of SC4Devotion if he was still around.


Andreas ... I had exactly that same experience with him. Once an object goes onto any exchange in this community it is in the wild and I am of the opinion that as long as we protect the integrity and identity of the creator we are doing ok.
Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


But is it ok if you stick the BSC logo? Like you did on the STEX.


Yes it is done so that everybody knows exactly who did that ;) ... plus it indicates that we have cleared the file for safe game play.
Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


I love the fact that soon all BSC content will be on their site.  It will definatley bring new life to their older lots and having all the dependencies updated will help alot also. 
I appreciate all the work going on here very much.
Thank you all!!
Call me Robin, please.


Hi, all authors ...
May be I can help somebody with some lots from STEX4 - I have tons objects from 2004 year ....


Only the original creators or persons who have been granted permission by those creators can upload files to LEX.  We cannot upload files to LEX that we do not have permission for unless the files have been modded and tested by a 3rd party (such as SFBT or BSC) which then becomes a new work, in which case the original creator still gets full credit but you get the benefit of an enhanced product.  However, I don't think there should be any discussion of files being moved from STEX...that is an issue that has been covered extensively at ST and that's where it should stay.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


I adressed ONLY the original creators - nobody more ....
May be some creators lost their own lots when STEX4 changed STEX5 ....


Thanks for you offer Silur. It is good to know you have a good SC4 2004 database....just in case....  ::) and thanks for making clear that your offer was directed to the original creators. I am sure that many creators may have lost some original creations, and it is good to know we have you to ask just in case the moment arrives.

Callagrafx made a very good point about the discussion in this thread. We should use this board when we can not find a lot that was formerly available at the STEX, and it is not in the LEX, but not to discuss why they have been moved.
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary


Hi, jeronij ...
Thanks for your understanding ....


Colyn, Jeronij and any BSC member
I have lots from CSX that are from 2003. Also BSC, BLS, BLS GA from the very start to now that includes every members that ever upload a lot. If you can't fine a lot leave me a private message and I'll find it. This is for CSX, BSC, BLS memebers only!


Slowly but surely lots are being "moved" to the LEX. It would be a lot quicker if the Readmes didn't need updating. However, just a note that the Readme that is loose in the zip for Colyn's files and mine will be up to date but the installed Readme probably will not to speed up the process. Once the files are installed please put the loose Readme in place of the installed one then you will be up to date with dependencies. ;D
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Quote from: dedgren on February 07, 2007, 09:33:26 AM
Yeah, really, Lee- I agree.

In any event, let's stick to facts about what's going on at ST (which appear, on their own, to be bad enough) and hold opinions off public threads.

Here are my gascooker

and cerulean files

DL'd off the STEX

(shades of last year's Marrast situation, eh, Barby?)

If any of them are needed, let me know.

Note that the cerulean files with the "X" in front, despite repeated DL's, always came in corrupted.  I don't know if there's any way to rescue them, but I kept them just in case.


Sandra and David ,
The last ones of ceruleans files with the "X" in front I have and their not corrupted sorry for taking so long to answer but RL had me extra busy. David I just send the four to you check your e-mail Wild


Thank you for the generosity here ... I and the whole SC4D Admin team appreciate this ... soon we will surface the first phase of our dependency management system and thn things would get more organised for players.

It is a huge task to get the old stuff back online and in place.
Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


I too like wild horse have basicly all of the BSC files and CSX files from the begining (or at least i think I have them all, or awfully darn close too)....and also offer any files that might have in my own collection here, that some how gone MIA and need replacing in some fashion, Barbyw can contact me anytime for the replcement of the files if nessasary...I'll send them right over in a jiffy :thumbsup:
Colossus X-rated


The thank's goes to you BSC, BLS and everyone here at SC4.From the first day I down loaded your lots and play with them in the game I saw the quality in them. Since that day I have always downloaded any lot brought out by you, BSC, and BLS. People don't realize what you given them or done for the game as a whole and its a shame. This is the least I can do after all you and everyone else has done for the game. Alright I just checked my e-mail and the zips to dedgren were not delivered so it takes two email because all five zips are ove 10 Megs so if someone could please send me there e-mail I'll sent these to them.


My thanks to you as well! Your time and efforts are very much appreciated! :thumbsup:
...Doc  aka Doxxp29